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Everything posted by Vyzkel

  1. Did you know that Tuna is actually about as big as a human and is a top predator in its habitat, so I would consider that a compliment.
  2. I steal the Sandwich as you’re carving the faces, I then make George attack you.
  3. Put in one battery so it keeps beeping to change the batteries and then hide it somewhere in my friends house. WWYDIYF a full-fledged broadsword IYP.
  4. I watch Indiana Jones with my brand new Laser Dog, his name is George.
  5. I actually know French je peux un peu parler français.
  6. Absolutely I will!! Unnecessary bloodshed is my favorite!
  8. This is why Nin gave every one of his apprentices a personal therapist.
  9. I will chant a spell, as easy as pie, I NOW SUMMON @BlueWildRye!!
  10. That’s the place 564. Make up rules in a game so you can win.
  11. 562. Ping the entire Shard and make them all lose the game.
  12. What does NHD stand for? (I lost the game)
  13. Gets déjà vu(it seems like this has happened before) Inserts a beaker full of a mysterious liquid.
  14. I stand there watching this all as The Sandwich is still in my vault guarded by laser sharks.
  15. I hope this isn’t a crossover… This apprentice was also the son of the old man who named the Rainbow Rocks, this gave him two reasons to fight the Riddlemakers.
  16. *hands over a tissue* it’s like Christmas.
  17. Beautiful, the chaos we cause will be immeasurable.
  18. I made a do nothing machine one time, does that count?(still in my room) TPBM Has stayed up way later than they should’ve been and didn’t even realize it.
  19. Ta mère (it’s French if you wanna translate it)
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