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Everything posted by Vyzkel

  1. Wait… I just realized I’ve been talking on this thread for so long and still haven’t lost the game until now, thats crazy. I lost the game.
  2. I throw Emmet at you and tell him to rebuild the double decker couch on top of your head.
  3. There’s just a lot of people on the list of tags that I don’t know and I don’t wanna make anyone angry.
  4. I attach my deck to your deck in order to become a double-decker decker, I then deck you so hard with my double deck that you get sent to Mars. Afterwards, I take the Sandwich and sit on my deck.
  5. Who should I tag that has a name that starts with L?
  6. I clicked through that whole thing and found nothing, I have been left unsatisfied.
  7. I trip Red and take the sandwich as he falls.
  8. Congratulations!! You have now advanced to the class of: Normal Person.
  9. You are able to find the sandwich, you also found out a lot of… other things.
  10. Have you ever considered committing mass genocide? Only on Tuesdays
  11. “Well what can we do then?”
  12. “Well what about when they figure out how to use it, then what,” Kyz stood very confused about how unconcerned Arranis is.
  13. “Wait… it can help them do WHAT?!?”
  14. *Bri’ish accent* oh no my dear man you must be mistaken, for victory has already been acquired my dear friend, and it is I that is claiming it.
  15. I stand there confused and still hungry, I look at the Sandwich, then I attempt to take a bite, but…
  16. *activates deep godly voice* Winning is for the mortal flesh that yearns for validation, I am above these ideal.
  17. Kyz facepalms,”Why do I even ask, what do you know Arranis?” @Scars of Hathsin
  19. Kyz looked confused,”I thought we didn’t want them to get it.”
  20. Why is the GOD OF THUNDER in my bedroom?!? My love for anime
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