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Everything posted by Vyzkel

  1. 449. Take a page from a Mistborn book and start hitting people with decks.
  2. How do I escape the police? I just looked it up.
  3. This feels like something that should be on the “Having a Bad Day? Get yer hugs here!” thread. But congrats anyway
  4. How do you explain the two hundred THOUSAND people killed today, is this war really worth it? Trucks are always the solution.
  5. 446. Not being able to feel pain(it’s an actual condition)
  6. Back in my day emotions didn’t exist
  7. You think they re gonna catch us? with the power of ‘merica
  8. So… why are we catching these turtles again? It’s only illegal if they catch you!
  9. Are they supposed to scream? it’s the perfect armor.
  10. Are you sure you’ll be able to hold your breath for that long to get more turtles? I have a fear of the sea.
  11. *|[<{All of these different bracket thing-a-ma-bobs make an alliance to make sure parentheses never rise to power again}>]|*
  12. You pushed Scars off the cliff, not me I tell you to just say open sesame.
  13. How much are these baby turtles worth in the cooking industry? A sautéed pickle
  14. You can’t go through because you shall not pass.
  15. Kronk is the friggin best character ever
  16. Where are we gonna put all these baby turtles? I usually just solve that with violence.
  17. He doesn’t wake up, but the breathing does help his unconscious body relax.
  18. Kyz goes limp, seemingly unconscious.
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