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Everything posted by Vyzkel

  1. We have traumatized @Through The Living Glass
  2. Indeed, and since we should never be the enemies of ourselves, we should have never argued, therefore we are even.
  3. Back in my day you weren’t even born yet
  4. Back in my day Adonalsium was still whole.
  5. Ackb ni ym ayd pellings asn’tw a hingt
  6. Back in my day knowing wasn’t a thing
  7. Nope, my mind would explode. TPBM enjoys Ramen more than Udon
  8. Back in my day, history documentaries were futuristic sci-fi films
  9. Back in my day inventions hadn’t been invented yet.
  10. What’s your go-to way to defend against robbers? The invincibility of potatoes.
  11. Back in my day time was only an idea, and days weren’t even a thing.
  12. Back in my day we had plenty of common cents.
  13. Back in my day we didn’t have backs.
  14. 352. Get tested positive(no I am not specifying what you’re testing for)
  15. Back in my day people didn’t use two a’s
  16. Indeed, strange semi-cannibalistic chickens live inside chasmfiends’ gemhearts together burning turkey because, yesserie, geese honk loudly.
  17. *mutters grumpily* only by three months…
  18. So we are basically the same age so ha
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