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Everything posted by Vyzkel

  1. I’m confused why strmblsd tried to bite off the fingers of my robotic arm, so a transform back into a human and slap him really hard, knocking him unconscious. Here’s a picture of what it’ll look like:
  2. Kyz laughs so hard that he turns back into his chameleon form, he almost can’t breathe because of this laughter.
  3. Take poor CGI I have an empty box of pizza
  4. Imagine being old, I’m in my prime
  5. Vyzkel

    Ask Vyzkel ANYTHING

    That was fast… Definitely the Lost Metal ACTUAL SPOILERS:
  6. I am just doing this for fun, also I have joined recently and I want people to know I exist so… ye Knock yourselves out edit: I just realized that this is my 100th post !!
  7. 349. Make a thread to make people avoid you like the plague.
  8. I am curious about how this wormhole works, so I rip apart the fabric of space in order to figure it out, I then find out that if I snap my fingers correctly that I can make wormholes at will, I use this to take the sandwich CURIOUS GEORGE IS TOO POWERFUL
  9. JEFF considers this while sipping his juice. He then wonders why he suddenly has juice, so he chucks his juice. He sips his juice in thought as he considers the continuity issues of this universe.
  10. I was gonna say some advice, and then I realized that sometimes people just need consolation so… you can know that you are loved and appreciated here.
  11. JEFF really enjoyed asking why, so he asked the universe why. The universe suddenly had an existential crisis and suddenly (pineapples)everything was back to normal like nothing happened(except JEFF is still here).
  12. I was -6, what a great time to be non-existant
  13. I wonder they didn’t just bribe the mole men with pizza. Then I run over to the beaten Ten Fools, who is still on the ground from the backflip, I take the sandwich from him and turn into a monkey named George and escape through a tunnel of curiosity.
  14. How am I supposed to sew my arm back on now? You see, the laws of physics entail that every action has an equal and opposite reaction.
  15. I just looked it up, it seems that there are certain laws in place that don’t allow people to sue for things that were years ago(examples: you can’t sue someone for personal injury after two years and you can’t sue someone for breach of contract after four years)
  16. Has it, as in a real Judicial court? Or in the Shard?
  17. They probably won’t, it’ll be like suing someone for doing something wrong three years ago, and that’s just stupid.(also I lost the game again)
  18. I’m actually going a few weeks from now(haven’t been there yet, because my birthday and FSY didn’t align AT ALL)
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