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Everything posted by Vyzkel

  1. Eat it whole and break a world record WWYDIYF a magic stick and a letter to a strange school named Hogwarts.
  2. Dr Doofenshmirtz has betrayed me I steal a certain Platypus with a fedora from someone cool, and I somehow get to the same dimension using a kid who always knows what he’s gonna do today, and I steal the sandwich.
  3. Wait… where’s the body again? no, just no. Unless…
  4. His cloning facilities immediately blow up due to breaking the rules of the game. The sandwich is now teleported across the entire multiverse in order to save it from evil doers
  5. I eat the money, realizing that it’s not nearly as tasty as the Sandwich, so I run even faster, but I trip on an F-22.
  6. You know what they say: “sharing is caring”, but I don’t care so I’m not sharing.
  7. *realizes this bit is happening again* I guess so, but I win now
  8. 328.Knowing everything about a person’s personal life, and only meeting them once.
  9. *notices that I might not actually be able to find you* Rookie spots…
  10. *climbs tree to show dominance* I bet I could find you
  11. 326. Somehow knowing exactly what everyone is talking about and jumping in at random moments when you weren’t even involved.
  12. For second I thought you meant a car, and then I realized that I’m stupid. Ghost in the Graveyard would be a piece of cake with you.
  13. Touché… I run after you, feeling sad that I didn’t really get anything.
  14. Gets a pastry that says “eat me” inserts a a very good-looking sandwich
  15. I wouldn’t want it any other way
  16. “Don’t worry, I have plenty!” He proves this by pulling out a wad of cash similar to the size he was using to distribute across the dead bodies, and handed it to Rachel.
  17. So what’s your cult worshipping again? Obviously that was not on purpose.
  18. “They’re not poor if you give them money!” Kyz pulls out the money he got from the Elans’ bets, he carefully starts placing some in each of the minions’ hands.
  19. Set out on a journey to a certain volcano, or have a short guy with thick feet do it for me. WWYDIYF a dude in a white lab coat that makes a bunch of machines he calls his -inators IYP.
  20. 324. Talk about everything except Brandon Sanderson books on the 17th Shard.
  21. The now ultimate penpineappleapplepen was so powerful that all people there were wiped out, creating a giant crater. There stood a single person in the middle of the crater… his name was JEFF.
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