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Everything posted by Vyzkel

  1. Sell it faster than you can say “Rainbow Charizard” WWYDIYF the portal gun from Portal 2 in your pocket?
  2. “Okay then…”, Kyz shrugs off the weird happenstance.
  3. “HEY! What are you doing!!” Kyz runs over and shapeshifts into a falcon and flies overhead, he then becomes a blue whale in order to crush the creature below him. Kyz wonders how much leverage Ono has in his suspended state.
  4. “I’m just saying, she said she would t be much of a help but she’s the one that has done the most damage so far, except for Arranis and his vacuum of doom.”
  5. Are you the one wanted for multiple felonies? Well… just because I was there didn’t mean I did it.
  6. Kyz leans over to Rachel,”I thought she said that she was useless, I think otherwise.” @Part Of The Narrative
  7. I say “sure” and hand Ten Fools a very delicious looking sandwich(not the Sandwich) in exchange for their services.
  8. don’t we all just love the internet.
  9. I first question how they got cabins on gas giants, I then take out my Death Star: Pocket SizedTM and blow up Saturn, then I revive the Earth and all its inhabitants and take the sandwich to my normal cabin on Earth.
  10. Quickly check to see if I’m not in Australia, then see if it’s bulletproof. WWYDIYF an entire circus in your pocket
  11. I would correct the grammar on the label and give it to my friend. WWYDIYF a pristine human skull IYP.
  12. I eat so many sandwiches that I become very happy. I then wake up and realize that I have no idea where the sandwich is, but then I summon My Little Pony and with the power of friendship, I get the sandwich and take it to Afghanistan.
  13. A dude in a leopard suit grabbed the pineapple and shoved it on a pen, this became viral.
  14. 321. Tell the girl you like that she is your “density”.
  15. Kyz gaps at this sudden event, he also shapeshifts into a gorilla and beats up two more minions.
  16. Kyz raised his hand for attention,”can I just say that I’m kinda scared, this is nothing I’ve ever seen before so…” He punches one of the minions with his other hand, sending it flying.
  17. “Well that is not ideal…” Kyz changes into a giant octopus and goes to grab and throw all of the minions.
  18. “Hey! That’s kinda rude you know!”
  19. Kyz turns into a falcon a flies away successfully, he shapeshifts back into his human form, clasping his throat.
  20. Kyz changes into a flea and tries to fly away, slipping out of of the monster’s hands.
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