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Everything posted by Vyzkel

  1. I jump for joy at the fact that I can eat, since I technically haven’t eaten in days.
  2. Gets Breeze’s Cup Inserts an entire Mistborn
  3. I ask for some pizza, I also thank BlueWildRye for the arm.
  4. I hear the explosion and book it so fast that I accidentally trip on a rock(thankfully it wasn’t an F-22). I get there nonetheless and start firing fire in order to burn Ten Fools.
  5. I go to school. But it was just a bad dream, so I go over a eat a sandwich at a random sandwich shop, now trying not to acknowledge my missing arm.
  6. I take another one of the F-22s lying around and fly after Unintelligenius, launching a plethora of rockets at them and firing my machine gun.
  7. Kyz grew angry at this creature’s poor treatment of 25. He changes into his giant snake form once again and spits acid at Ono.
  8. I am extremely confused what a Carolla is, so I take my Corolla and chase after The Assasin while taking out my AK-47(I’m also confused about how the sandwich flew out of my hands)
  9. No one has posted in this in a while so. 312. Ask someone if you look crazy, and if the person says no, then laugh maniacally and run away. Do this about three times everyday, make sure they’re different people every time.
  10. There’s about 25 posts per page, and I’m the 20th. So five more
  11. I hop in my really over powered Toyota Corolla and catch up to the other cars with ease, yoinking the sandwich from BlueWildRye’s rich and spoiled hands. I then drive away.
  12. “That’s all the help we need, but I wouldn’t really know the limits of your body since I can just change into a better specimen for endurance.”
  14. “You seem helpful enough”
  15. “Yeah! If there really is no free will, wouldn’t that mean that you could predict every single one of our attacks?”
  16. Kyz is incredulous about how he spaced out and missed all this. “What the heck is that?!”
  17. *the voices in his head*: DO IT, DO IT, DO IT, DO IT, DO IT…!
  18. Boxes make me go crazy. Haha relatable.
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