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Everything posted by Vyzkel

  1. I use my superior Spider-Man webs to catch up to you in no time and grab the sandwich as I swing away
  2. I use the powers of RAINBOW MAGIC to take the Sandwich and I start sprinting away(it took me three tries though).
  3. I guess you’re right, but I know so many people who have never even heard of that movie.
  4. “Hey! Who turned out the lights?” Kyz tries to change into an animal with night vision, but that doesn’t work either.
  5. Kyz walks around collecting all the money from the Elans that lost, and also paying the 15 Elans that betted correctly. “This money could probably buy three houses!” He says with delight(though he doesn’t really know).
  6. Kyz is so excited that he doesn’t even notice that he’s standing up, his muscles are so tense that hood jabs are shaking.
  7. Don’t worry guys, it’s the power of IMAGINATION I quickly run over, wanting some pizza. I then realize that I have found the Sandwich, so I yoink the pizza box as fast I can and drill into the ground to chill with my mole men friends.
  8. I wonder how so many F-22’s just appear everywhere, then I use my ICBM to take out Through The Living Glass’ F-22, also flattening the surrounding area. I take the now perfectly cooked Sandwich and start running away as fast as I can.
  9. I launch straight at Nerdy, breaking their entire body and flinging the sandwich right in top of @Anguished_One house.
  10. *ponders the meaning of the universe as I’m falling*
  11. It was all just a dream(since it wasn’t bolded). I quickly jump out of my plane and use my telekinetic powers to launch myself across the entire world in a matter of seconds.
  12. I first welcome Scars to the thread. Then, I use my fist bending to do the most majestic punch right in Scars face, rendering him unconscious. I take the sandwich that was flung into the air and take one of the leftover F-22’s and fly away extremely quickly.
  13. Kyz looks down at his list of bets,”that’s about twenty losses, nice.”
  14. I wonder if they got the wrong thread…
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