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Everything posted by Vyzkel

  1. I use my thirty-eight blood hounds to track down the scent of the sandwich, I then make a very graceful dive into the sewers and swim after the sandwich.
  2. Kyz gets slightly weirded out. He turns to the fedora Elan,”sorry about the snake thing, me and my friends back home have a weird sense of humor.”
  3. “I should’ve expected that,” says Kyz. He takes his hand away and takes an amused glance at the cup of syrup.
  4. The shapeshifter frowns. Since he’s not getting any attention, he changes back into his humanoid form. He reaches out his hand to 13 and introduces himself,”I’m Kyzekel, you can call me Kyz.
  5. I walk away whistling with the real sandwich, laughing at how badly they fell for it.
  6. The shapeshifter smirks, turning into a snake as big as the variant. He opens his mouth, showing the green liquid dripping from his giant fangs(the liquid being his spit, but they don’t know that)
  7. He changes into each thing described,”I guess you’re right, but you forgot the part snake because of the venom.” He is unphased at the plethora of variants that are filling up the diner.
  8. “ I see, I guess that makes sense.” The shapeshifter considers the strange animal, having absolutely no idea what it is. He changes into the so called platypus and considers the insanity of this creature.”I like it,” he says content
  9. “That would make two of us,” the strange shapeshifter said, now in the form of a hummingbird.
  10. I behead the four horsemen, making them all headless horsemen, then put all their heads in a sack and give it to Lunamor. The horsemen, who know where their heads are, blindly attack Lunamor not knowing who they are attacking. I steal the sandwich in the commotion and give it to a guy going on his morning stroll with his dog.
  11. The chameleon jumps off the table, and I turn shapeshifts back into his humanoid form, still retaining the weird gradient. He pumps his fists in the air and runs away, yelling at the top of his lungs “I did it!!!!” Some unknown motive has now been fulfilled. But he has yet to find a place to relieve himself.
  12. In the words of Admiral Ackbar: “It’s a trap!”
  13. Thor smites down Through the Living Glass for stealing his hammer and gives me the sandwich because I said Oden commanded it. (how are you able to lift the hammer?)
  14. I’d go to Pure Lake, because it’s basically the Rosharan version of the Bahamas Preservation probably, he held out til the very end.
  15. I absolutely loved Wayne, best back story and character I’ve read
  16. Hi I just made an account. I enjoy reading cosmere books and my friend told about this site, glad to be here! Favorite series has to be Mistborn
  17. I was just reminded of the duck song I ask Thaidakar if he has any grapes, which distracts him enough for Vin Diesel to take the sandwich without him noticing.
  18. I ride in with Vin Diesel in his car and with the power of family, manage to get it on top of the car
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