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Everything posted by Vyzkel

  1. Granted, you become an assassin. I wish to be a skilled mercenary.
  2. Fiction isn’t even on the list in the spoiler box.
  3. I manage to croak out,”why are you smiling?”
  4. You all hear a quiet “help me” from the broken and bloodied body on the ground.
  5. Is it just a running gag to just beat me up now? I keep over in pain, happy that I didn’t get kicked in the groin.
  6. I think SPECTRE has THE Sandwich, so… I flip SPECTRE upside down and spin him like a top, while he’s spinning I take the Sandwich and run away.
  7. Granted, the standard for well rested has been lowered. I wish to not have insomnia.
  9. If this is SA I’m never gonna get it(gotta reread those). I’m gonna go out on a whim and say food or Lifelight.
  10. I also don’t think I’ll have time, but I’m willing to try. How about a dystopian theme. Depending on numbers, I’d say about 2-4.
  11. You aren’t making the Sandwich right? Since this is the future, nothing happens to the present. As Pineap-Spider is collecting my blood, I go into an uncontrollable rage. I grab Pineap’s throat and look him straight in the eyes saying,” WHERE IS IT.” I see the Sandwich for a moment in Doomslug’s hand, I charge while yelling crazily.
  12. Granted, every millionaire who died in the state of Ohio will give you a million dollars. I wish to be a billionaire.
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