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Everything posted by Cataclysm

  1. I feel you I am unable to at the moment, but I will when I can. Thanks
  2. Okay, I want to make clear first and foremost that my intention is not to argue or debate, but to learn how to navigate the world and the internet in a positive way. I thank everyone involved for their input and advice. I also have my beliefs, some of which differ from yours, and in some ways my vocabulary can be affected by that. I don’t think an argument about intersex and its definition can benefit my intentions here. I have learned what a better way to express what I mean on that is, and I thank you for that. Now, I’m quite naturally a human. I have flaws like all people. One of those is that I’m extra confrontational. Perhaps I will in the future be able to state my thoughts on topics such as this in a more good mannered way. I have received the answers and thoughts to my original question, as well as any other information I was seeking. Once again, I thank you all for your patience with such an internet novice, as I am only 14 years old (hence the awful grammar). Til next time,
  3. So would I be correct in saying that AMAB/AFAB is, for lack of a better term, just a PC way to describe biological sex? I don’t think that when we talk about sex as a whole we should be relying to greatly on intersex cases. It’s really quite rare, and I don’t know a perfectly non-offensive way to put this without simply saying I mean no harm, but it’s kind of a physical (ugh I can’t think of a better word, I would love to use one that better describes what I mean) “defect” or “disability”. Intersex people are still beautiful children of God, but were born with a condition. Exceptions often can prove rules, and I think that can go for this case. As for hormones and surgery, there’s no telling what these can do to a body. People have become animal looking from surgery. So yes, you can change your body, but in all honesty I don’t know if that would change a spirit. And the brains of trans people that will look like their preferred gender, I think could appear that way due to hormone therapy and treatments. I agree that the deeper you look into it, the more confusing it gets. I only mean to learn more, and if any of my statements or questions are overstepping, or offensive, or simply just going to piss someone off, please let me know. I don’t want to offend, I just want to further my understanding. I thought this might be a good place to do that, as there is quite a bit of experience with these topics in this thread. I also apologize for how long it took to write this, most of the time was spent trying to come up with some other word than “defect”, which does not describe my intended thought.
  4. Thank you for your perspective. I personally think that some speculation can be healthy in this ever-changing world, as we try to understand those around us, but I respect your position that we should listen to credible and involved sources for deeper understanding when possible.
  5. I actually am somewhat curious about that. Do you consider cis and trans women to be the same gender but not sex, or something like that?
  6. I’m about to summon an admin to carry you away for supporting slavery
  7. IIWARM I would buy my way in the US Presidential Office so I could fix a bunch of stuff then once I’m out of office I would go live a happy life on a beautiful estate, surrounded by my adoring children and my beautiful wife, finally able to enjoy the fruits of the pressure of the world
  8. Proof please. yuh-huh nuh-uh nuh-uh EDIT: and once you win the cooties battle, I win the war
  9. My mom and grandma are not girls. They are women. Distinguished ladies, if you will.
  10. Ummm I weigh 190 pounds, and… this is controversial, but… I’m a guy and you’re a girl… You are a nerd you are most definitely a nerd all girls have cooties you wanna go halfway and we fight in Kansas or sum???
  11. Eddie gives short vibes which would put me at a reach advantage I also have weight advantage but not tactical advantage, because Eddie is a nerd i also would say i probably have a strength advantage, because Eddie’s a nerd and also I would lose because girls are scary and have cooties and im a lil illness goblin rn
  12. Clean the house What’s the coolest thing you’ve ever bought off Amazon?
  13. Hurt Yalb, heal no one. Becca Nightshade - 10 Chiri-Chiri - 10 Ellista - 6 Gaotona - 10 Hesina - 10 Kimmalyn - 10 Lem - 10 Lukel - 10 Mem - 6 Morriumur - 6 Ranette - 9 Human - 6 Yalb - 4
  14. I’m sick

    prolly gonna die soon

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Through The Living Glass

      Through The Living Glass

      Awww man.

      That's no fun.

      *anti-sick vibes*

    3. Cataclysm


      I’ve been slinking around my house like a lil illness goblin

    4. Through The Living Glass
  15. Yo

    where my fellow homeschoolers at

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Through The Living Glass

      Through The Living Glass

      I homeschooled for one year in elementary school. 

      Never again.


      And yes, before y'all get all mad at me and stuff, I know that being homeschooled doesn't mean being isolated...

      ...unless you're in my family.

      My mom is super introverted and doesn't believe in human contact, apparently. 😵‍💫

    3. Just-A-Stick


      @Cataclysm- Do you wanna be my shardbuddie??

      (basically, a more official friend that you tag somewhere in your sig or on your profile)

      I collect them!!!! :P 

    4. Cataclysm


      Of course!

  16. I hate finding old pics of my self


    1. Just-A-Stick


      That's so relatable!


    2. TwinSouls



      …I understand


    3. Through The Living Glass

      Through The Living Glass

      ugh I hate that...


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