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    The Cosmere
  • Interests
    Cosmere (of course), nail art, calligraphy, Star Wars, LotR, Zelda, Avatar TLA

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  1. I finished painting Adolin and Venli. I will seal them tomorrow. Only one more miniature to paint! Adolin Venli
  2. I have Navani, RoW Adolin, and Venli. My husband is going to do Jasnah, OB Szeth, and RoW Kaladin. That's all we have left!
  3. Painted my two least favorite minis from the RoW set - Maya and Vyre. I think Maya may be my least favorite one I've painted. At least Vyre's base looks cool! Maya Vyre
  4. My phone doesn't take great pictures, so I am sorry about the quality. I still need to seal Teft. I also included my Renarin and Lift miniatures. I enjoyed doing the stained glass! By far my favorite base.
  5. I love the purple armor you chose for Eshonai! It coordinates well with her carapace. And the lute on your DnD character is so detailed I'm working on Teft now, the first one I've done in my final box. I finished Renarin and Lift last week - I'll post an update sometime. Thanks for inspiring me! It's encouraging to know someone else is working on them.
  6. Working through the Oathbringer box (so much blue!). Here is Rlain and Dalinar. I was happy with how the Blackthorn turned out.
  7. If I had started with Leshwi, I might not have painted another miniature. Painting the inside of her skirt tassels was difficult! I still need to repaint her head carapace and do some highlighting. Update: finished her today. She isn't perfect, but I'm ready to move on.
  8. The Stormlight miniatutes are the first. I was very intimidated when I started painting in January, but now I think I may branch out after I finish the Stormlight ones - maybe see what Warhammer is all about.
  9. I hadn't thought about it before. Maybe Valor, although we don't know anything about them.
  10. Not many places on Roshar seem inviting. I'd probably visit the Reshi Isles.
  11. So @Aredor, what magic does the cookie give me? Can I fly? If I eat the cookie, can I burn it for a powerful wave of energy? Any drawbacks - i.e., sugar crashes, loss of identity, self-combustion? The best Brando magic system is Feruchemey, but cookies sound more like Allomancy.
  12. I like bagels, but my favorite breakfast food is pancakes. However, I actually eat oatmeal everyday except on holidays. I just change up the toppings. And yes, I am a Skybreaker, yes, I like order and yes, I realize my Radiant order (like my breakfast) is not everyone's cup of tea. Or cup of coffee (black, no sugar).
  13. I am rather fond of cookies...
  14. Hi, I'm clga222. I've been a fan of Sanderson books since he finished Wheel of Time. I've visited these forums looking for Words of Brandon and fan theories over the years, but finally decided to join so that I could see how people are painting their Stormlight Miniatures! So if you are painting them....how's that going? I am new to the miniature painting hobby, but I've had a blast!
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