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The Assassin In Red

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About The Assassin In Red

  • Birthday September 21

Profile Information

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  • Location
    Inside The Sandwich
  • Interests
    Animation, Reading, Writing, D&D, Food, and acting.

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  1. Granted, she doesn't feel the same I wish to go to the worldhopper's ball.
  2. Granted, but the same injury is sustained on every other finger and toe. I wish I was 16.5 years old so I could get a job and get a driver's license.
  3. Granted but your mind takes in every piece of information and your brain explodes... I wish for @strmblsd to not worry and be happy.
  4. Hello! Welcome to the wonderful Sanderfan oasis that is the 17th Shard! What kind of misting would you want to be and why???
  5. Here's a quick little pattern render! (Not the final version)
  6. *Majestic music begins playing* Welcome to the Shard!!!
  7. Mistborn logic is to eat any metal given to me sooo, *somehow eats the sphere*
  8. I have been working with a 3d software known as Blender for a while now. I've been hoping to get good enough to eventually start working on a SA or Mistborn fan short. Not quite there yet, but I keep making a ton of projects on other things that interest me, like FNAF, horror creatures, Spider-man, and of course Cosmere. Would anyone be interested if I started posting some renders and stuff on here? Here's an Oathbringer-inspired Shardblade!
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