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About iLewoArtist29

  • Birthday September 28

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    Writing, reading, drawing, biking, running, basketball, photography...

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  1. That's genuinely kinda hilarious, 'cause I have a friend who's ginger. Still can't believe there's 40 pages, though. Oh, sorry guys. I'm not allowed to have the account. @Hyper129 can explain further later.
  2. Hi, I'm new here. I have sepia hair. What's the deal with these 40 pages of talking?
  3. Found these on YouTube by accident. You've probably seen them. For Mistborn: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P_4ahRwX0Cc Personally, I think Elend and Vin were screwed up pretty badly, and Spook looks a little off as well. For Stormlight Archive (I only know the first few characters, nothing before Lift): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BOtj8M_p-ZA I think Kaladin was bad, and Adolin's hair was completely wrong. Thoughts?
  4. Oh, hey. Yeah, I'm definitely not blond. My hair is sepia. Anyway, what kinda running do you guys do? Long, short? My school XC races are 2 miles; we usually run between 3-5 per practice depending on how fast we are. There's this one kid who's ridiculously fast and manages to do 6 minute miles. Also, he's shorter than me (I'm 5'3"). I'm not a super great runner, so my mile times tend to be between 7-8 minutes most of the time. I've run a 5K before. I also run track. What are your favorite distances? Mine are the 800 and the 200, though I've never tried 100s (my coach won't let me). I HATE the mile; I have to do it a lot anyway. School records: long jump: 14. something. 400: 61 seconds. 100: 12. something.
  5. It's not your fault. I was being dramatic.
  6. No, sorry, you're good. Just referencing other stuff I don't know in general. Sorry.
  7. Me not knowing who that is because I still haven't gotten the next book *cries*.
  8. I love that you've been able to reconcile to Shallan. Originally, I thought she was kinda stuck up as well, but her depth was revealed more later.
  9. Ohhhh that makes more sense. I did read Secret History; I just was in a rush or something and didn't catch that. Thanks so much!
  10. Okay. So Sliverism is based off of Ironeyes, right? How did that come to be? This is one of my questions that keeps bothering me. Also... why is Lestibournes called the Lord Mistborn? I thought that was Kell. Technically. Unless he had lerasium somehow?
  11. Intense flute. Lol, this meme has become something insanely hilarious in our group chats. Whenever something gets tense or no one is talking, Hyper or I will just spam this for no reason, then curse in Stormlight/Mistborn language.
  12. Thanks, I'll be sure to do that soon!
  13. I read Tress of the Emerald Sea, and also Mistborn Era Two. What other Cosmere books are thre? I don't really have a plan other than reading every Sanderson book I possibly can I also read Elantris, though that was a long time ago.
  14. Oh, then why did you have to tempt me?!
  15. Wit? I know who he is. Vaguely.
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