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About Sophiee

  • Birthday December 10

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  1. heyyy cousin! welcome to 17th shard

  2. that’s so interesting! I think i might tend to ignore some character descriptions on accident since i’ve always imagined Jasnah being both straighter hair, maybe a bit wavy. I had no idea this topic would actually have substance behind it (i though it was just different interpretations of what a “natural curl” was) You all have so much insight
  3. Oh god, that’s a hard question. Do you mean in SA? or in all of Cosmere? or Mistborn? I don’t really have a favorite and least favorite, it changes. In WoK, it was Shallan, just because I found her journey rather boring, but i never disliked her character In WoR it was Dalniar, not really for any reason but he was the least interesting if i remember correctly. In Oathbringer it was Kaladin, i didn’t like his stubbornness (that is the one he gets thrown in jail, right?) in RoW i don’t think i have a favorite or least favorite, hard to choose
  4. The first time i read the books i read the UK ones, (they cut each book into two parts) and that’s the version i quoted from, i did go back now since i own the three first books in my books app and found the same quote as alder in that, so i have truly no clue. I always read in english so i dont believe its a translation problem (why would you even randomly add that as a translation, seems strange) I checked a couple of fandom pages and under description quite a lot had my original quote as her description, so i’m not sure where it comes from. (maybe just a newer version? as alder guessed) That could be the case, though it’s the same for me with wavy dark red hair (it’s uncannily close to how Shallans is depicted, just a bit shorter and darker) I tend to imagine characters as people i’ve seen or know personally, and maybe because i’m from sweden, where really curly hair in Meridas way is extremely common i imagined it that way (might explain why all my friends also had the same image of her, since they’re also swedish) It probably added to my headcanon that if you have hair like shallan, calling it even wavy will get you ridiculed here, calling you attention seeking since it’s obviously straight. it’s quite interesting how different people perceive characters different! That’s so cool (maybe obvious) but i’m not really active in the fandom or looking at what Sanderson has said, I only read the books. So i would have never had any idea! That is really fascinating, thank you for sharing. I would have never imagined her as having as many freckles as that girl, but maybe since it’s a representation of a dark-eyed woman she has more?
  5. Ah, yeah that is strange, wouldn’t expect there to be dish a stark difference. I guess that explains it. I wonder what Sanderson has in his own mind, would be interesting to know
  6. Hi i’m Sophie, very new to the shard Im a 16 year old girl, (turning 17 in december) from sweden who loves Brandon’s writing I started reading SA in i believe late 2019, (could have been early 2020, I do not really remember) when a friend insisted the books couldn’t be explained on a short walk and that I had to read them myself. I’ve read all of SA, only the first mistborn book and a couple of stand alone books from Brandon. Im not very well versed in the cosmere and only look up things to figure out if my predictions are true. I guess that’s me, glad to join the Shard!
  7. Thank you for welcoming me! I found the description i based my headcanon on, it’s in WoK (i assume that means Way of Kings) I believe this is the first description of her I took the natural curl to mean curly, since if it was a wave it would have been described as so, maybe this all stems from different understandings of what that is though. Maybe your idea of it being straight comes from the “straight down her back” part?
  8. A have a genuine question for anyone in the fandom who might care. It is not something of importance and really quite trivial but i feel i need to ask it. I’ve read all the stormlight books multiple times, (though its been a hot minute) and all throughout i’ve imagined Shallan to be a realistic version of Merida from brave. Save the freckles and different eyes, but you probably get the idea. Now, for the first time, i’ve been looking at fanart to see how different everyone perceives the characters (which i find very fun) and i can’t help but notice how Shallans hair is often barely wavy. My question is if anyone knows why, as i’m convinced she was described as having large curly hair. Sorry for the silly post and if it is the wrong place to ask, i’m not used to this. hopefully i did not misremember, that would be embarrassing
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