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About Cerulean

  • Birthday October 10

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  • Member Title
    Creator of a Broken Society
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  • Location
    Boston M.A
  • Interests
    Reading,(mostly Brandon), RPGS, Writing, Composing.

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  1. Sorry, I wasn’t aware that reviving old posts are against the rules, tbh, I’m just looking for interesting topics to share my ideas on. Sorry about the confusion with gold healing, for some reason I thought that having a spike in you would tear of a piece of you spiritweb, but I guess it’s just pinning another soul onto yours. I’m really sorry I’m just new and still learning the rules of the forums so please forgive me.
  2. I think that depending on where the spike is placed, you would stay human. If not, because of the massive influx of abilities, you might be overwhelmed and become a hemalurgic construct. About burning a hemalurgically charged Peice of lerasium, it’s possible you might gain all abilities, albeit of a lower level, than become a lerasium mist born.
  3. I’m pretty sure that while regrowth and stormlight healing are physical as well as spiritual healing, F gold is purely physical, seeing as someone who is hemalurgically spiked can use gold. This introduces an interesting paradox seeing as someone hemalurgically spiked could use stormlight, therefore pushing out the spike and killing themselves. With regrowth and stormlight healing it’s about how you see your self. For example, Rysn legs didn’t heal because she saw herself as disabled, but Lopen still saw himself with a right arm. hope this answers your question. For how gold would stall or limit regrowth, I’m not sure
  4. Cerulean


    Another question about this topic, could storing too much investiture potentially make you lose some innate investiture, and become a drab? Or… well something like that
  5. Yeah like Treamayne said I think it might have to do with adding context to why you would have changed, and maybe the different choices you made to further become the split person you see as your gold shadow. Ofc you might fry your brain too, but I think that the incredible rush of knowledge or whatever might not affect you, seeing as things like storing feruchemical heat, or storing weight doesn’t put pressure on your organs, I think that invested arts hurt/apply to you less or not at all compared to actual scientific processes.
  6. Oh sorry I didn’t see the previous comment
  7. Thanks! Ill remember that in the future!
  8. how long have you been on the forums and how long does it take to build high reputation? is it purely just if people like your stuff alot, or does it truly depend on how long you've been on the site just wondering!
  9. Weird idea, could luhel bonds have some connection to how powerful allomancers take control of hemalurgic constructs due to the holes in their spirit web? .
  10. yeah great ideas here, i think that Harmony is two shards held by one vessel working together, but not merged, and this also may have to do with everyone still thinking of harmony as two shards, but i also think that maybe the intent of the shards are not merging because of the differently aligned intents.
  11. I am pretty confident that by removing the chimera spikes, you would kill them, because of how twisted their soul/mind has become. Koloss would probably have a few moments of sentience then die, due to their stretched skin, enlarged muscles, loss of iq, stuff like that. then obviously kandra would lose sentience. I think that not only does it matter the number of spikes, but also their placement, as we can see, chimera have three spikes, the same as any human with three spikes, with a lot less sanity. This is a theory, but if a koloss had access to spiritual healing via stormlight or regrowth, their spirit web overtime could slowly heal, and revert back to a human.(assuming thats how they see themselves) not sure about inquistors, because they have spikes in the same places as koloss and chimeras but possibly due to having even more spikes, they gain even more sanity? albeit deranged sanity. Not sure about this but chimeras also have trellium spikes i think? or maybe not. not sure if autonomy would give up more of her body
  12. Im not sure actually if a gold healing savant would survive a beheading. I think that perhaps the sword/axe/etc would start cutting through, but the head would attach back to the neck before fully being separated from the body.
  13. i think, basing off of what we've seen, Duralumin would burn before the aluminum, increasing the strength of the aluminum, and would heal you from withering from shades as Alabastor said. We dont really have enough info because aluminum and duralumin were not widely accessible, and then era 2 without hemalurgy, there are practically no mistborn, so no experimenting with 2 metals. hope that answers your question!
  14. thanks i understand, but technically with purified dor (unkeyed investiture) you could temporarily become mistborn, take the dor as investiture because the investiture for allomancy comes directly from preservation, and for a short time use the investiture from the dor to use allomancy.
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