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  • Member Title
    Warlock of the Archfey
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  • Interests
    D&D, Zelda, Kirby, mythology, SWORDS AND OTHER WEAPONS, Hazbin Hotel (curse you Druid for getting me addicted...), reading, and basically just random nerdy *clown horn sound*

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  1. Niiiiiiiiiiiiice! Like those a lot. Also, HI SEL!!
  2. Well, that's good. Maybe I'm just exaggerating because I don't like school, maybe not. That's cool. And nice drawing!
  3. I know you haven't said anything, but I feel your pain. School is torture.
  4. Cool. So now I have a pseudodragon named Rome. Wonder if I should homebrew a statblock for them...
  5. *le gasp* I love it! And that background is just plain amazing! I also see that you named them 'Rome'. What book are they reading?
  6. I've always wondered, what was the third rune you drew above my head? I know the first two are ehwaz and laguz respectively, but I've never been able to figure out the third one. Follow up question: why DID you draw runes above me and Druid's heads?
  7. Alrighty! I love reviewing homebrew. Sweet! Thanks so much, Sel. Also, didn't you say something about posting the drawing you did of me on here?
  8. *crashes through the wall* Did somebody say homebrew?
  9. Yay! (And I believe Flower's talkin' about the Inquisitor from Star Wars. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, Flower.)
  10. Yeah, I'm really not sure why he calls me that. And yes, I'd like to request something! Could you draw a small pseudodragon wearing a pair of glasses and reading a book? The cuter the dragon the better. Flower, you're here!
  11. Eh, farts. I thought 'Dr. Deer' would be a little on the nose. Well, it was a nice try.
  12. Hello, Sel! I love those art pieces! Especially the enby person and the drawing of your friend.
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