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About MarcieIsForager

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  1. Wait that recent i thought the Silver Kingdoms and being pre-Recreance point to pre Tanavasts death?
  2. Two days ago i started a reread in anticipation of Stormlight 5 on the one hand for hype reasons and on the other to see if theres some foreshadowing i might have missed. There were a few tiny things that stuck out, wind warping around Kaladin already in the first flashback etc. But like the thing i kinda took a mental note of most was in Dalinars first vision. The wife of the character he plays in the vision uses the swear: Three gods. There are like a few options here: Odium, Honor & Cultivation (Unlikely cause why Odium) Stormfather, Sibling, Nightwatcher (If Honor & Cultivation were around why call the Stormfather & Nightwatcher gods) Stone, Spren & Winds (Seems limited to Dawnish related people Unkalaki, Singers & Shin and the vision was in Alethela) Does anyone else have a different idea?
  3. Tbh aso cuts into a theory ive had that Bondsmith powersets dont overlap. Kinda with the nature of how spren work and etc. i thought the surges the bondsmith spren embody might be different. Especially with Adhesion being tied to honor in a way no other surge seemingly is. I had the idea that cultivations bondsmith might have access to the same surges as truthwatchers while Navani might have both adhesion and progression. I cant find the WOB but Brandon has said truthwatchers can also do spiritual shenanigans and are related to bondsmiths in a way. Edit: Found the WOB Tho the Surgebinding chart kinda disproves that ive been looking at radiant orders way too long ever since these chapters dropped.
  4. Random thought i was kinda thinking and noticed that some radiant orders seem to have some corresponding greatspren Windrunners: The Wind Stonewards: Stone Dust: Dustmother Truth: I assume theres Truth somewhere Bond: Ba Ado Mishram Will: Sja Anat Im probably off for some of them but it kinda stuck out in the moment
  5. That actually reminds me of an old theory i had i dont think Odium was the one who splintered Honor, i think it was Cultivation. Basically every splintering we know to attribute to Odium was super messy and left their respective planets some type of untraversable either the subastral or the actual planet. Plus Honors shattering left more than enough around for someone to reassemble the shard, Devotion, Dominion and Ambition arent remotely this easy to reassemble My theory was that while Tanavast had some lucid moment he went to Cultivation and asked to be splintered in a very specific way maybe with some of cultivations foresight.
  6. So thats kinda the thing that confuses me. So by my understanding of Surgebinding, your onded Spren grant you access to surges. Bondsmiths can do more with given surges because their supercharged. Depending on the makeup of spren they can give you access to different surges. Thats baseline. Here comes my assumption. The makeup of the bondsmith Spren: Stormfather: 100% Honor Sibling: 50/50 Honor/Cultivation Nightwatcher 100% Cultivation Second assumption: Honor and Cultivations Intents aren't compatible enough to share surges unless mixed So ig the question more becomes how would the nightwatcher have access to Honors Surge if not at all invested by Honor
  7. Do we know if all bondsmiths share the same powerset. Like the surges presented for Bondsmiths like kinda make sense with the Stormfather and the Sibling. But it seems kinda weird that the Nightwatcher/ Cultivations Bondsmith would be able to access Adhesion the same way We know Fused cant, it wouldn't be weird if the Nightwatcher also couldn't. Plus and this is honestly mostly me crackpottng i wouldn't at all be suprised if Navani turned out to be able to Adhesion and Progression as the Siblings Bondsmith and Cultivations Bondsmith Progression and another Surge.
  8. One thing that kinda stuck out to me is that seemingly radiants would be able to travel FTL. From dialouge it kinda looks like the radiant unaware of the prependicularity. Which means they got there via different means, and the two contenders are Shadesmar + Elsecalling or genuine physical travel And Shadesmar seems unrealistic cause then theyd probably be aware of the perpendicularity already So that weirdly leaves us with probably genuine FTL which shouldn't be possible.
  9. Minor spoilers for Isles of Emberdark preview So ig your theory is super plausible given what we know now and tbh in general i just love the theory
  10. I really dont wanna sound overdefensive of my theory, what kinda is curious to me specifically about the magic system that have keyed effects Allomancy Feruchemy Hemalurgy Soulstamps Aondor by keyed effects i mean like magic effects keyed to a specific something symbol, object etc. They seem so influencable Like kelsier kinda hinted at there being allomacers alloy vs standard alloys and it sounds kinda arbitrary So to me it kind of sound like there has to be a cognitive component to this. Its that or its universally perfectly constant which metals do what Tldr to me its either: Cross cosmere cognitive perception of metals imparts effect and intent on them or Their axial structure or something different fully inherent to the metal creates the effect
  11. Do you think the components of an alloy influence the effect the alloy has on investiture. I was just looking at the Allomantic table and found two examples Copper + Zinc = Bronze With that example the idea that the component effect influence the alloy effect seem plausible enough: Rioting + Hiding investiture becoming Soothing concept wise isn't too far off and could cognitively work silver + Gold = Electrum Silver (destroys investiture) + gold (shows your own past) conceptually becoming seeing your future doesnt work though so the question is if its just a polarity reversal or if the cognitive aspect that seems at least plausible for some combos somehow applies
  12. In chapter thirteen the line shallan dropped about reality bending around kaladin kinda stuck with me. And i kinda thought about what could cause that. and like a few ideas kinda came to mind: - His connection to Tanavast - Him being the winds champion And then like a new idea came to me kinda inspired by matt mercer of fatetouched people, and i think of it as an entity an ancient spren from Adonalsiums age similar to the wind, that manipulates fortune and enacts some contingency adonalsium probably had in case of their death. I know its crackpot and probably isn't the case but i really wouldn't be suprised if some entity like that exists.
  13. Dyson sphere tbh was just the first word that cam to mind to describe what i thought of it, closer would be Dyson-Swarm object, a harvester essentially but tbh every pointing out canticles size had me thinking that it would be super innefficient as an energy gathering soluting. Battery also doesn't have me full convinced which is tbh why i think it may be a valve/ flow limiter for the investiture of canticles sun to some other location.
  14. Tbh now that you mention it yeah canticle is super inefficient for what i think it is, i thought it was a powering mechanism for something, but yeah it wastes a ton of energy just by being so small. But i really dont see any other use, its probably not a sensor, but it might be a clock or flow restrictor
  15. I was actually looking for a thread where to post, id have honestly put it in general cosmere thread, but i thought the confirmation of Adonalsium Era "Superspren that came in WaT Previews would add something more so i kinda decided to put it here because it includes WaT spoilers.
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