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  1. O ye! 2000 is just a number! But honestly, Sanderson has been hinting at it for a while, and it’s not really a matter of “what does it bring to the story” but more “does this break any promises (foreshadowing but a better word) that he has already made”
  2. Tien’s rock! Wit’s flute! Kal not dying! The odd amounts of tens in kals history! (It’s kinda ridiculous…) The first two are confirmed to be fortune. The next two seem like they shud be. (I know fortune compounding won’t make anyone into Mat, but cmon, why are there no fortune compounders…)
  3. Shadesmar is a roshar originating term, but other systems adopted it.
  4. Me too. Bc if Mistborn gets a movie, then the logical next step is stormlight. And then I can see Wit completely destroy Amaram with his quips.
  5. (Nabbed the wrong quote. Shud be the paragraph b4 this one) Also, a tangential point, is Sanderson’s Wit rant to Shallan about pain. All pain and feelings, everything about humans is relative. Wit asked Shallan of a situation when someone is in perpetual pain and asked if they can still know art. Shallan answered by saying the times when the pain is lessened would be art. Even though the change would likely be minuscule, this hypothetical person would appreciate the change much more than other times. It goes in the other direction too. When people know no pain, even the smallest slight can offend them or hurt them much more than it would a non hypothetical person. And by this time you’ve already severely limited their free will to get them to this point. Cut them some slack. They can’t make everything perfect without making nothing special.
  6. I had a funny magic system where all the people with powers only had the ability to pinpoint who had powers. Then I expanded it, saying, well, their blood is pretty freaking useful. So groups of people, (I believe I called them the Hamikyn or something. It means something like killer of family in various languages) they would go around hunting and killing the Illuminated (name of the enhanced individuals) and selling the magical material to various governments. (This is a Cold War scenario, so some governments actually asked them for it, but from the developing countries) The twist was that they were also illuminated, bc otherwise they would be unable to hunt them. (… and then I added dragons [I had good reason, don’t worry {I didn’t want nukes to be available just yet, so I made the sky incredibly dangerous}])
  7. It doesn’t matter how powerful the magic is, as long as it is cool (pretty freaking awesome man), and there is something else to counter it.
  8. One series I know of that makes similar religious points is the licanious series. Spoiler:
  9. Sanderson supports the laws of conservation. So even though stormlight is readily available, the energy required is so incredibly high that perhaps even a Shard wouldn’t be able to power it. But the reason amethyst wouldn’t work is bc of imbalanced forces. Even if they are bound to each other, the parent object can and will rotate when touched. Even if this is minuscule rotation, it’s enough to set off the “ow that gemstone just exploded” rotation. So I doesn’t necessarily cancel out, like you say, but instead gets rid of the source of both forces. (Another note. The forces aren’t divided between the two. Otherwise a spanreed would feel only half as much gravity.) One interesting thing you bring up, though, is rubies. The forces don’t logically cancel out, but is it much of a stretch to say that at some point in time they have had the same force apply to them? No, absolutely not. But something that is mentioned over and over with spanreed me is frame of reference. Since the entire system is affected by gravity, then the frame of reference adopts gravity, and the spren no longer thinks it’s other half should be affected by the gravity it is feeling. (If any of this makes sense. I get the feeling I’m rambling. Also, soorry if I’m being a joy killer. I do think these ideas are cool.)
  10. Nonono put the infinite energy up to smt like a chainsaw. Disposable shard blade! One note, though. This may “generate” energy, but not really. Remember, gemstones understress crack. Sad. Also, investiture is used up.
  11. Aren’t the death rattles just a side effect of the Unmade’s influence? I could swear I saw that somewhere, but I can’t find it (I think it might have had something to do with Deathspren) I think I found it. One theory was that the death rattles were unintentional. They were Moelach feeding on investiture via Deathspren to see into the future.
  12. I posted something similar on another topic, but to shorthand it, the nine Unmade may be originally old magic spren. Them plus the Wind gives ten, a significant number in roshar. I give more on the topic. I believe it was the nature of the wind. I’ll edit this when I find it. The topic (thread?) was “Wind is Chemoarish”
  13. What if the Wind is the one Old Magic spren that wasn’t unmade? That would put us at a whopping ten total, a number we know roshar holds dear. It would also explain why there are nine surges not ten. Odium bound nine Old Magic spren to him, creating the surges (or at least he only recognizes the surges of the nine he corrupted). Out of respect (something quite honorable), Honor created a tenth surge for the Wind. Oh ye I only read the first few replies. Soorry (I can say that cuz I’m Canadian!) @CognitiveShadow @duladen
  14. I think the action packed too much in a scene is purposeful. Remember, they are rushed bc they have naught but ten days. And I don’t mind it. That said, I do think this “perfect” situation he is throwing at us is about to fall apart, which is seen by the Felt fiasco.
  15. Do we have any confirmation that this is even obsidian? It cud just be something abstract.
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