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Everything posted by Shardlet

  1. A full lashing though does not apply to the entire wall or a floor or object. Just the portion to which the lashing is applied. So you should not be able to slide it beyond where the lashing is applied regardless of the relative friction.
  2. Double gold is pretty slick. I could definitely go for quick and easy healing.
  3. That's cool. Dalinar and Adolin fighting the Parshendi. Also an inset of the Heralds with a representation of the double eye. Nice!.
  4. A Rosharan day is 20 hours if I recall and each hour is slightly off from an earth hour.
  5. Nalan's name is also used in expletives. That leaves Vedeledev, Palah, and Battar as candidates for those we have actually seen since they are not mentioned directly. I think WEZ313's post is in reference to the WoB which says that he have either seen or heard mentioned every Herald in WoK. Given Brandon's words, I doubt that all 10 have appeared on screen. WEZ313's breakdown serves as a good guide for who to look for.
  6. She did indeed snap at childbirth. Brandon said it was a difficult delivery.
  7. Alright, here is the final list (until Chaos shakes up the system, that is ): -100 and beyond = Zucchini -25 to -99 = Lamespren -20 to -24 = Rotting Chull Carcass -15 to -19 = Beheaded Inquisitor -10 to -14 = Hoed -5 to -9 = Lifeless -2 to -4 = Negaspren -1 to 4 = 17th Shard Trainee 5 to 9 = Awakener 10 to 15 = Misting 16 to 23 = Mistborn 24 to 31 = Elantrian 32 to 39 = Shardbearer 40 to 49 = Full Shardbearer 50 to 63 = Knight Radiant 64 to 74 = Worldhopper 75 to 99 = Sliver 100 to 127 = Splinter 128 to 255 = Shard 256 to 511 = Hero of Ages 512 to 1023 = The Broken One 1024 to 1336 = Adonalsium 1337 = w00t! Y0u'r3 1337!!! 1338 and beyond = Adonalsium I have to say that I would have thought 1337 would be something a bit...more profound.
  8. That begs the question though, how did everyone make the technological advancement of powering by gems at or after the day of recreance? It is spoken of that their tech level was pretty low. Their fabrials may have been more advanced. But, I think that much of that knowledge was held by the KR rather than the general population. Seems that they would have been essentially unable to use the plate at all. Most sets would have been abandoned as useless. I would think that this would result in large clumpings of plate ownership rather than dispersed ownership. (granted, a couple of thousand years could disperse things out). Also, there doesn't seem to be a major imbalance between the number of sets of plate and the number of blades. The plate would be hard to lose track of though since they can't be concealed like a blade can. That quote seems to more fully address targeting plate with surges rather than simply using plate in conjunction with surgebinding as Szeth was talking about.
  9. Not too proud to admit I was wrong. Strange, I could have sworn there was a passage actually indicating that it meant without nahn. Checked in my kindle though. It isn't there.
  10. Sas nahn means "without nahn". In other words the bottom of the heap. No ranking. You don't even get to play.
  11. Glad to have you with us, GeneSedai. An auspicious time to join. The WoR and Cosmere boards are going to explode next week with new posts. Welcome.
  12. I'm not sure that the map of Elendel was noted for Hoid. That is the easy assumption. But, as I recall, Brandon previously indicated that Hoid was only present in AoL as a cameo whereas in other books he was there to be involved with important people or events. That would suggest to me that Nazh made the notations for someone else.
  13. I'd expect that it would stop the first round at least (unless you had stormlight infused bullets? ). As to the ballistics with the reduced gravity, you will have an increased accurate range due to the reduced bullet drop over a given distance. This will affect how you need sight in and also how you would adjust your sights/scope.
  14. Nazh did make all the notations on the Elendel map.
  15. Since he has growth, he would be either an Edgedancer or Palah's order..
  16. That is an interesting quote, Jeh. Thanks for bringing it to our attention.
  17. Welcome, PunSpren. Glad to be able to meet you. I'm pretty sure I've seen you on the fringes of our discussions, concealed in the shadows . Welcome to the light.
  18. So so so fortunate. Envyspren, if you will.
  19. Hi Kelly. Welcome to 17S. Are you and your husband hiring a sitter and making a date of going to the release party? For this purpose, I wish I lived in the Salt Lake Valley. In any case. Glad to have you with us.
  20. I have met him at three events. Not bad for someone who went down the rabbit hole that is the 17S only about 10 months ago.
  21. It has popped up a couple of times before. One I found was in this post in the Shattered Plains = Urithiru thread.
  22. Well, to start with it has been 1 year as a slave for Kaladin. 8 Months with various masters and about 2 months with Sadeas. Also, even though Amaram took the plate and blade, I don't think he was happy with the way he got them. He had to be convinced by Restares and others that he should take that path. I believe that Amaram truly betrayed his own honor in that action and I would be rather surprised if he was not in some way haunted by that choice. That being the case, I would expect that Kaladin would always be somewhere in the back of his mind (particular the stinging rebuke Kaladin threw at him). He may not immediately recognize him, but Kaladin occupies a very conspicuous position in Dalinar's camp, as pointed out by vikorr, and I think that as soon as Kaladin is pointed out to Amaram, Amaram will recognize him.
  23. Welcome to the light, Leiyan. Lurk no more. Glad to have you with us.
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