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Everything posted by Shardlet

  1. I'm watching the first one. Ed just got fitted with new automail after the Ishbalan scar-dude destroyed Ed's arm and took out Al's side.
  2. Yeah, I am beginning to think that Szeth came into the service of of the Parshendi the day of the treaty.
  3. Well, the chapter says each stance was named for an essence and each essence is associated with a number (named for a Herald) and a gemstone which are both associated with individual KR orders. This does not necessarily align the individual stances with individual orders.
  4. I don't doubt that they new he had a shardblade. I am less sure that they new he could surgebind. Their feelings about surgebinding seem to suggest that this would not have set well with them. If they new he had an Honorblade, it seems likely that that would have been mentioned in the conversation between Eshonai and her sister. It seems entirely too convenient that they happened to have in their service an assassin who had these capabilities in their retinue at the time they decided that Gavilar needed to die. There is a lot more to this aspect of the story that we don't have yet (and likely won't until book 3).
  5. Not quite confirmation, but definitely strong support. Eshonai expresses doubts about the accuracy of at least some of their songs. Recall, this is an oral tradition and we are looking at a 4500 year-old game of telephone.
  6. Sounds like Sigzil has spent some time on our site here. Finally! The Parshendi name themselves. The listeners. Eshonai holds the only Parshendi...err, listener shardblade and plate. Red lightening spren are angerspren? Or at least attracted to Parsh anger. The warcamps are in collapsed domes. Amazing that such a large dome could be constructed! Surgebinding risks the return of the listener gods, but Honorblades DO provide surgebinding capabilities. Good support for Szeth carrying an Honorblade. (Assuming that particular listener song is true. Eshonai recognizes that some are not.) I now envision Adolin and Renarin as the Elric brothers. (I recently started watching Fullmetal Alchemist).
  7. I wouldn't rely on that too much. In my experience, when he uses the troll-face, his answer (the phrasing and delivery) is very clearly an evasion.
  8. It is not uncommon for him to answer the asked question without answering the question that was intended.
  9. Go to this thread to read a mini review from Wetlandernw who was a beta reader for WoR.
  10. Glad to have you with us Mad Reader. Welcome! I look forward to hearing more from you.
  11. Ha! I just started watching Full-Metal Alchemist last week and now I recognize your avatar. Cool!
  12. Very delayed...but, Welcome, Alfalfa!. (I haven't been spending as much time here since the holidays). Great to have you with us.
  13. Welcome, Joe. Hoid has drawn many of us into the fold. We're glad to have you with us.
  14. Glad to have you with us Chessboxin'. Welcome to the 17th Shard.
  15. I think it would be best served as a mini-series in 3 or four parts. The story doesn't seem to lend itself to an episodic format like a regular series.
  16. Welcome, V'rish. We all totally agree with your sentiments. Glad to have you with us.
  17. That is true, but Rosharan bread is not made from wheat which is grown in vast fields, planted and harvested using time and man-power saving machinery, is benefited by advanced fertilizers and has been hybridized to produce high yields, low disease and blighting, pest resistant, and drought resistant. Further, Rosharan grains are grown within gourd-like plants which protect the grain from storm and harm, and are benefited by crem which may have supernatural growth properties. It is also noted that the gourds must be cared for manually to prevent infestation by worms. So, even something as seemingly simple as bread does not yield itself to ready comparison.
  18. The relative values of various commodities is likely to be so different from modern times to pre-modern times that it will be very challenging to ascribe any kind of meaningful value comparison. And that is without taking into account the relative differences in scarcity and demand of these commodities between Earth and Roshar.
  19. I am unsure of this. The only word we have on this (that I know of offhand) is Rsyn's comment on her first trip to Shinovar. She comments also on the verdantness of the land. However, in much of what we've seen of the rest of Roshar, such verdancy only is readily apparent after a storm when there is water and crem to be had. In these times, there are many spren easily visible. But, these times are also a time of particular activity and change. That life is always there, it is just not particularly active. So, Rysn seeing all the verdant greens would naturally expect there to be an abundance of spren since she associates the display of life with the appearance of spren. But, it is a normal day and there are no apparent spren like she would expect. She therefore, understandably, concludes that Shinovar doesn't appear to have spren.
  20. I have only read it once and it was about three years ago. So I am foggy on Warbreaker in general. Others have suggested that the ability to awaken is separate from having sufficient breath and apparently that some additional investiture is required. But, I haven't come across either idea for many months. I seem to recall it being in conjunction with whether or not Hoid (or any non-Nalthian) could awaken. My assumption was that if they had the requisite amount of breath. they could.
  21. Sort of a scholarrior, if you will. Either that or a warlar.
  22. Well, I wouldn't be surprised to see it summoned in her next chapter. She has almost summoned it in a few situations less dire than what is potentially occurring on the boat. If it is simply a fire, then no. If it is an attack, then it will quite possibly pop up. As to confiscation, I suspect that Jasnah would be shocked but would err on discretion and keep it between herself and Shallan.
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