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Everything posted by Shardlet

  1. Even then, over how great of a distance would such an ability carry? Kholinar is not exactly nextdoor to the Shattered Plains area.
  2. I agree that speaking to her spren is the most likely explanation for "talking to...nobody". The more compelling quote for a communication-enabling surge is from Starfalls where the KR tells Dalinar that she's gotta go help in the town, but if more baddies turn up, just call to her and she will hear him. @edit- It was my understanding that it was unclear whether Bondsmiths were 8 or 10. Did I miss something?
  3. I don't think the others were precisely in the physical realm. Jasnah's comments about their physical manifestation v. their cognitive manifestation suggest otherwise. That being the case, it seems like only the spren which bonded with Shallan would manifest in the physical.
  4. If there was proof, then it would not be couched as a theory. Likewise, though, there is no proof that Skaa is wrong. Even if he was only seeing a destroyed Kholinar in potentia, there is no reason why this could not be being shown to him in Shadesmar. I would suggest that his visions are a mix of cognitive and spiritual. That being the case, Shadesmar could be the theater.
  5. Seems unlikely given the other surges regard physical effects.
  6. I think the first five books will deal principally with the re-establishment of the KR and some of the precursors to the Everstorm and the second five will deal with the events and struggles of the Everstorm.
  7. That is quite possible, but whose spren-bond would have developed to such an extent? Jasnah's is the oldest spren-bond we have seen so far.
  8. The only growth in aging (besides noses ears and their associated hairs) is maturation which also corresponds reasonably to healing growth. Spiritual growth doesn't really pertain to a physical process.
  9. It would have had to have been a pretty tricky spren. Syl was a little ways along in her strengthening when she brought Kaladin the leaf and she really struggled with it. It seems like it would be even more challenging for a spren to move a rock and especially to the extent of being able to write with it.
  10. While I am not wedded to the idea that Szeth wrote the message, I would note that I would find it to be extraordinarily unlikely that Szeth would ever slaughter a sleeping target unless specifically ordered to do so. His sense of honor would absolutely forbid it.
  11. Yeah, this one is almost, if not totally, universally accepted by the community to be the case.
  12. It has been a couple of weeks since the end of WoK when the writing turns up. Given the short window of time for the events of all of WoK (not including the prelude and prologue, of course), and the amount of damage that Szeth did all across Roshar (starting at about halfway through WoK), I don't think it is out of the question that Szeth could have arrived at the Shattered plains in time for the writing. He clearly has means (whether mundane or supernatural) to travel substantial distances over a fairly small amount of time. Edit: @hoser- If Odium could put Dalinar to sleep, would he not have been able to put key players in the opposition (albeit perhaps not Heralds) to sleep at key times as well?
  13. In WoK, Ch. 5 ended on page 92. Also, they released over a tenth of WoK before the book was available. Don't read the next comment the wrong way, I loved each of the chapters so far. But for me personally, I wish they would have limited the early released chapters to the prologue and ch. 1-3. That would have been a good tease and a hook. I would have preferred to have more of the book unread by the time I get it in my hands. But, my anticipation level has been so high that I just can't resist reading. Edit: As for Shallan locking down her spren by recording it, it is possible that it would not work that way with Nahel spren. Also, the Geranid interlude only established that relationship for a quantitative measurement. Would the same necessarily apply for a qualitative measurement?
  14. Let's see how you react to some dude turning up out of a shadow in your bathroom waving a shardblade while you're sitting there doing your business. Then you can call me a wus!
  15. Are they not man-made deities? While the Shards are truly powerful, they are not gods (except arguably in the case of Ruin and Preservation). I still say she's talking to her spren. I think 62 days is how long until the Everstorm (or a more tangible harbinger of it) begins. I doubt it will be a single day event. Although, it may be Szeth giving Dalinar warning and also taking time to ascertain the situation.
  16. I think it is safe to say that she was not in the room (unless she was invisible). But, since the decision was made that night and she was one of the people who made the decision, then she was most certainly in the Parshendi delegation (unless the Parshendi have something on the order of spanreeds).
  17. Some nasty dude dressed in black with a birthmark or something on his face convinced me that it wasn't worth my life to try it.
  18. They get stored in my attic. They make lots of noise too, popping in and out of the stack, always shifting.
  19. That is possible. But, I would rather not count on that being the case. Edit: Did you like the pun?
  20. I mixed up the note from the westward quote with another quote. For the westward of Alethela quote she does not question the translation. You are right.
  21. I still tentatively hold onto the woman Radiant in Starfalls recalling what was said by Harkaylain rather than relaying what was just said by Harkaylain. However, in light of point 3) in the OP, I am beginning to consider a surge which enables communication as an actual possibility. However, I don't like 'frequency' for this. It is too general (i.e., vibrational frequency, EM wave frequency?).
  22. There were many Parshendi there that night in the delegation. She was one of five who made the decision. Three died in battle and one accidentally. That means the three ambassadors Jasnah encountered in the prologue accepted the plan, but were not part of making the decision to kill Gavilar. Unless we want to assume that giving themselves up to cover the flight of the other Parsendi constitutes battle in Eshonai's eyes.
  23. I suppose it partially depends on what action is required to summon ones blade. It seems that no physical action would be necessary, just an intent to summon it. For Adolin, his hand movement may be how he personally, and perhaps others, frame their intent to summon. Others with better training and understanding may not require or desire such an outward signal. Perhaps a more comprehensive review of when Dalinar, Darkness, Darkness's lackies, Adolin, KR, Szeth, etc. summon may be beneficial.
  24. Did someone say cake?...oh. Welcome, ChocolateRob. Glad to have you with us.
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