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Everything posted by Shardlet

  1. Very few things for me: 1) More info on spren. 2) More info on the Thrill. 3) Shallan's history. 4) More on Jasnah's research. 5) More info on Shadesmar. 6) More info on Jasnah. 7) Dalinar-Kaladin-Amaram. 8) Dalinar-Kaladin-Szeth. 9) Taln! 10) More info on Heralds. 11) More info on Taravangin's plans. 12) More info on Nohadon. 13) More Storm-Visions. 14) More info on Renarin. 15) More info on Elhokar. 16) More info on the Envisagers. 17) More info on the Ghostbloods. 18) More info on stormwardens. 19) More info on the Parshendi. 20) Not having to wait for WoR.
  2. There is one niggling detail about hemalurgy that Brandon has not given us the answer to: Can you only make viable hemalurgic spikes from Scadrian metals? He's RAFO'd it twice. So, it is possible that even if Taravangian new about hemalurgy, it would be very difficult for him to get the necessary metals. This is not quite accurate. TLR truly wasn't able to discover any other hemalurgic creations (e.g, Kandra or Koloss). However, he probably gained a fairly complete understanding of viable bindpoints for allomantic and feruchemical abilities as well as perhaps some more mundane abilities as well. As to Taravangian, there would be much that Taravangian would theoretically be able to discover if he had access to the needed resources (i.e., shardblade, surgebinders, people who had viited the old magic, etc.).
  3. It is an interesting idea Rew. But, although his backstory is not totally set in stone yet, as we have it so far, Hoid orginated on the planet Yolen.
  4. You make some good points, vikorr. But I would counter all that with just one thing. The KR in the Starfalls chapter calls what she provides to Taffa and Dalinar "regrowth". That is a pretty heavy hurdle to overcome in order to validate your thoughts. On top of that, Dalinar's and Taffa's healing was near instantaneous, while Kaladin's charged stormlight healing was rapid, but not nearly instantaneous. It also seems unlikely that the fabrial could transfer stormlight into someone who can't otherwise infuse. There may be such a fabrial, but it seems that if Dalinar and Taffa were power infused with enough stormlight to heal them instantaneously, then there would be some outward manifestation of that infusion such as glowiness of breathing out stormlight.
  5. I don't agree vikorr. If she was from one of the orders that had the growth surge, then she would not have needed a fabrial. It seems much more likely that it would be a fabrial sent out with KR who do not have access to regrowth otherwise. I think that that is a great grab, 11th. Though I wonder how it would work. Is it something akin to allomantic tin where senses are heightened? Seems unlikely, but not implausible. But then, how would the communication travel to her without some direct action on her part? Did she form some sort of a communication pathway beyond Dalinar's ability to observe? It does seem like it may be a very good clue to the last surge.
  6. Welcome, Ephemera. Wow, there are four of us now in this thread who were at Seattle. You, me, hoser, and Arook. I was the nutter hovering next to Brandon with the recorder. So far for west of Alethela, we have just the one quote which was described to potentially have a mistranslation. In contrast, Jasnah very strongly insists that Urithiru is not at the Shattered Plains. I look forward to finding out what information that she has which leads her to such certainty.
  7. That is a dangerous blade to walk upon.
  8. For greatest precision, shall we say interaction between Roshar and the power of creation? I think that it is fairly safe to assume that any shard that releases significant power into/onto Roshar the same way that Adonalsium, Honor, and Cultivation did would likely unltimately result in spren. Be careful with this conclusion. There is no gender neutral pronoun in English and 'he' is not uncommonly used to describe something of indeterminate gender.
  9. While the cognitive realm is a fundamental part of the entire cosmere, spren are a feature of Roshar due to the interaction of Honor's and Cultivation's (and Odium's?) power and the planet Roshar.
  10. She is sister to the King of Alethkar. How she looks and behaves reflects on her brother and Alethkar at large. While her beliefs are true to who she is and therefore perfectly satisfactory to embrace, unless she feels strongly about her appearance, it is likely that she maintains her appearance in order to support her brother. Not to mention she seems to be somewhat fastidious and her personality seems that she is not keen on sloppiness. Edit: As to Jasnah's feelings about the limiting nature of marriage, it seems likely that she would feel that way. She is independent and strong. She is a scholar and her particular studies necessitate no small amount of travel. Unmarried, she may spend her hours as she will. If she were married, she would be at least somewhat beholden to her husband. She would have additional demands on her time. The wife seems to be the primary scribe for her husband in Alethi lighteyed culture. Even in our modern society IRL, marriage involves trade-offs. You offer up no small degree of your personal freedom to make a successful marriage. As for her expectations of Shallan's reaction, it does not seem surprising to me. Jasnah has noticed that Shallan has blossomed in her newfound freedom. Shallan also has been kept in for most her life. Through Jasnah's lens, she would not likely expect Shallan to be in any hurry to yoked or reigned-in by marriage.
  11. I'm closer than you are to Qdoba, but I'm still 45 min. away. It is a rare treat for me. I'm surprised that Tri-cities doesn't have one. Try Ellensburg if you want to meet halfway, Moses Lake at least.
  12. While I doubt it has much if anything to do with AonDor (Really, Sazed was only getting an inkling during his ascension that there was more to the universe than dreamed of in his philosphy), I think there is some additional significance to its design. I don't know what that may be yet, but I have noticed (as I'm sure others have before me) that is closely resembles the allomantic chart.
  13. I doubt he is doing much writing of SA3 yet. He said he needs to turn in Firefight at the end of the month.
  14. Doesn't seem like it would be 'easy'. You basically would have to discover how it can work wherever you go. The only thing to go off of would be the base Aon. It is conceivable that once you had it figured out for a few different regions you could maybe establish a pattern that would help intuit the symbols for a new region. But, you are basically learning a new language from scratch each time. Sounds like a hefty limitation to me. Also, Raoden may not be the best to describe a typical case. If I recall he was far more innately skilled at accurately producing Aons in general. Nobody else could hold a candle to him.
  15. Well Tim, slake your thirst for all things cosmere here. Welcome to a whole new world. Glad to have you with us.
  16. I agree with Moogle. I recall the WoB saying that it would be very challenging to use AonDor outside of Arelon. This implied to me that it was possible. The AonDor that Raoden used in Teod was based on Arelon's geography. Thus using those symbols, it would function only in proximity to Arelon. The idea presented by Alaxel is more that a new base for the Aons (other than Aon Aon) could be used in other regions and even worlds. So, in the case of Elendel, this would be something on the order of concentric circles and four lines which intersect each other at the center of the circles. This is similar to how several of us have theorized that forgery could be adapted by altering the last seal marking (which Shai describes as resembling MaiPon).
  17. For 2., my guess would be that Jasnah needs to breath in Shadesmar because she thinks that she needs to breath. She perceives that she is breathing air because she expects that there is air there to breath. Think Neo and Morpheus in the Matrix when Morpheus says something to the effect of, 'Do you think that that is air that you are breathing?'. Since Shadesmar is the cognitive realm what you think should be the conditions likely affects the conditions. Consider how Jasnah begins to use the beads when she does little more than intend to use them. They form according to her will rather than her actions.
  18. I am less convinced. It seems like most of us are extracting and twisting something from Scadrial to make it fit densities rather than starting at something from Scadrial and following a logical road which may be tied to density. In other words it seems like we are shoehorning stuff to make it fit rather than finding something that more naturally does fit.
  19. All I can think of is, "My density has popped me to you."
  20. He might get his own book, Brandon has waffled on that. Even so, Brandon has expressly said that even though a character has a forthcoming book which has flashback sequences for that character, they may not survive. He has no problem doing the flashbacks posthumously.
  21. Welcome, Limelleth. Glad to see you step out of the shadows. That is a great point and a very accurate reading of that quote. That is why it is great having new people coming along and posting. Fresh eyes and fresh perspectives.
  22. The ways of Peter are so mysterious that he cannot be defined by what he is so he must be described by what he is not.
  23. My knee-jerk guess is light. These are just the expanses (Worlds) which are adjacent to Roshar's corresponding location in Shadesmar. To get to other worlds (other than the adjacent 4) from Roshar, you would have to travel through the Shadesmar correlary for one of the adjacent worlds. Here are some related quotes: Source Quote Source Source
  24. She is referring to the four corners of the Shadesmar map in the endpapers of WoK. (I.e., expanse of densities, broken sky, and vapors).
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