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Everything posted by Shardlet

  1. Isaac already has an in-world analog in SA, Isasik Shulin, the Royal Cartographer.
  2. It also should be noted that the Rithmatist, Steelheart, and Alcatraz are novels not novellas.
  3. I think that the 9 Heralds were broken in spirit at the end of the last desolation, not in mind. I think they became broken in mind resulting from their abandonment of the Oathpact and living with that for 4500 years.
  4. Yeah, I agree with Sats. It is pretty spot on with the sketches from the books. So I would say it looks more like an axehound than a cockroach or a crustacean. From the above comments, it appears that the original artist would agree.
  5. Besides, if such an one was busted down to the bridge crews, a more poignant punishment would be to be placed in one of the crews he oversaw so that his punishment becomes the gift that keeps on giving with no direct culpability to the person who busted him down for anything that happens to Gaz.
  6. I suspect that there are various features of Elendel named for each of the members of Kelsier's crew and other notables (e.g., Demoux Prominade).
  7. Maybe, but I don't see the Alethi getting a hold of half-shards in the next book. If Kaladin went at it with Amaram, though, (and there will be a serious confrontation if not an actual fight) it would be about Amaram's betrayal (murdering the remainder of Kaladin's squad and enslaving Kaladin) rather than about the plate and blade.
  8. I thought he only indicated that there would be POVs from the second Herald, not that the second Herald would also get a book.
  9. Another unknown is how skilled Amaram is at fighting, particularly with plate and blade.
  10. Although, it appears that the water is pretty deep for corals as we know them.
  11. As it is currently planned, I believe the rest of the first five is Szeth, Eshonai, and Dalinar. The second five is more in flux still from what I gather.
  12. Except the difference is that Amaram knows Kaladin has defeated a shardbearer and is a skilled very warrior and thus Amaram is likely to be more wary of Kaladin in a fight and not underestimate him. This would give Amaram a better chance than the other shardbearer had.
  13. IDK, that seems a bit like saying a reservoir becomes corrupted or poisoned because of a poison addition downstream of the reservoir.
  14. upvote for the very pertinent quotiness. The first generation does not apparently have spikes. If they do, then he created the spikes while using the power of Preservation. As to the Koloss and the Inquisitors, if he directly created them while using the power of Preservation, then he would have to likewise directly create the spikes. I suppose it could be he learned how when using the power and then actually created them afterwards using spikes made from people.
  15. Agreed. Kwaan's emphatic tone likely stemmed from knowing that the info in metalminds once said one thing and now says something different and that means that something powerful is trying to manipulate them.
  16. Upvote for that great connection, Daishi5.
  17. It is hard to say how strongly ties the Honorblades and the Oathpact are at this point. They could be closely tied. But, it may also be an honor/symbolic kind of thing. 'Because you have agreed to this pact at great personal sacrifice, I give to you this fancy-pants blade which is really powerful and will aid you in your task.' That being the case, Jezrien, or a group of the Heralds together, decides that if they are going to abandon the Oathpact, it wouldn't be right to retain the blade they received because of the Oathpact. So, we have no info to base our speculations on except that Jez said 'Leave the blade if your gonna bail too' and Brandon said that someone other than Taln kept or reclaimed their blade. Note: it should be noted that the other part of keeping the Oathpact was voluntarily returning to damnation if you survive the desolation.
  18. Though I agree with you, others have theorized that Honorblades may behave somewhat differently in the hands of someone not bound by the Oathpact.
  19. It is important to note that absence of description does not equal non-presence. Though, I also feel that not every blade has a gemstone.
  20. I am cautious about that since it is shown to be something that happened in that instance rather than something that is distinct from other instances. I think a good question and follow-up question to ask Brandon would be: Do all shardblades have a gemstone mounted on them?; and, if so, Does the gemstone flash each time a new person takes possession of the shardblade? I suspect though, that these questions will be moot in a couple of months. 2 MONTHS, 4 DAYS! (And one of those months is short)
  21. Unfortunately, that doesn't account for Brandon writing "Great magic unleashed here" on someone's Roshar map with an arrow pointing at the Shattered Plains.
  22. That would suggest, in view of the quote from Brandon at Seattle this year, that spren are not splinters until they bond with someone. This seems unlikely to me.
  23. I think Taravangian's change of plans is due to his efforts to unite the highprinces in more than just name. Taravangian gives Szeth the Dalinar-instructions in the intervening scene between Dalinar giving up his blade and Dalinar speaking to Kaladin, which both happen in the same day that Dalinar slaps some sense into Elhokar. Since the chapters are chronological, it should be recognized that the Taravangian and Szeth scene is at least concurrent, if not intervening, with one or more of these scenes. That being the case, I doubt that Taravangian would have received any info on Dalinar becoming Highprince of War in that time. (Though, it seems that such an event would not change Taravangian's mind). It seems to me that Taravangian's mind won't change about Dalinar until he finds out that Dalinar is getting some info that is important to Taravangian's plans.
  24. Here is the quote of interest cited in the OP: So we have seen three different kinds of blades in WoK. The blades we saw were the Honorblades, Szeth's blade, Elhokar's blade, Eshonai's blade, Dalinar's blade, Adolin's blade, Gavilar's blade, the blade now in Amaram's possession, the three blades in Jah Keved during the assassination, and the blade used by Adolin's dueling opponent (if that is not Elhokar's blade). We have seen that Honorblades behave differently (disappear when Herald dies) than typical shardblades (commonly classified here as radiantblades which appear when holder dies). Szeth's blade turns his eyes light only when summoned. In addition to this, Szeth describes his blade as being smaller than most shardblades. Brandon affirms this in the following quote (#156): Dalinar's, Adolin's, Elhokar's, Eshonai's, and I believe Gavilar's are the only other blades that are described in any meaningful way. It is my contention that Szeth's blade is the most likely to be the third kind of blade since it is noted to be distinct from most other blades (namely, its smaller size). I speak about this in more depth in the shardblade theory in my signature. Note: As a clarification of Aether's fine post, the quote says that we have "seen three different kinds", but does not say that there are only three kinds (which I suspect there are only three main kinds). Also, the descriptions of Szeth's blade indicate that the blade is smaller, but is not specific as to the blade being shorter (though, I believe this to be the case).
  25. I think Kaladin coooould continue his studies. But, I think he is going to be more needed elsewhere. I think it is more likely that Lirin will eventually acknowledge that you can kill to protect thus validating Kaladin's new path in life.
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