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Everything posted by Shardlet

  1. Welcome, Tyson. Glad to have you with us. Incidentally, since you are from England, I have a question. Although this may sound like a strange question, I am in earnest. In the States, we have cookies. In England, you call our cookies, biscuits. However, in the States, we also have things we call biscuits. These are like dinner rolls but are much more crumbly (very similar to scones). For us, scones are a subset of biscuits. Do you have a name for these bread-like things other than 'scones'?
  2. It is largely believed that she had a fabrial which stored and enabled the use of regrowth.
  3. I don't think that Vorinism is particularly cognizant of Honor, Cultivation, and Odium. I think (so far) that they only think in terms of 'the Almighty' to whom various aspects of Cultivation and Honor (and Odium?) are attributed to.
  4. I think it is called the 'old magic' because it has been around consistently from beyond reckoning. But, it has always been there and is actual magic that living people have experienced from generation to generation. In contrast, surgebinding is largely unknown and the abilities of the KR have become discounted legends and are therefore no longer 'real' in the people's minds. It is not 'magic' to them because it was not 'real'.
  5. It took me a bit before I realized that those were spikes (several months ago). It was a big 'Ahh!' moment for me. I had initially thought it was some kind of frog-type alien guy. Mine is taken from Stormlight. I thought that the community might get a kick out of it. It is my eye (though I have a single pupil in each eye). A little photoshop magic and BAM! I had a picture that creeped out Kurkistan. I later made everything except for the iris B&W and gave it a bit of a vignette. Kurkistan said it was much less creepy after the change.
  6. I think his cosmere awareness is steadily increasing (probably at a relatively fast rate). I think he did not have any immediate knowledge just after he took up Ruin and Preservation.
  7. Welcome to 17S, FidesFortuna. It is indeed totally possible to participate in the Steelhunt. In fact, by following this link, you can get your very own Steelhunt code by completing the Shardhunt (basically a scavenger hunt that plays out something like a tour of the site). The Steelhunt itself is a community effort in which the cumulative entry of codes results in successive release of new Steelhunt content. Each person who enters a code has full access to the complete Steelhunt content. So, hop to on the Shardhunt and get the juicy bits.
  8. There are clearly temperature differences apparently affected by lattitude. You have the Reshi sea in the north being described as warm and you have the Frostlands in the south. The notability of the warmth of the Reshi sea suggests that it is notably warmer than much of the other seas on Roshar. And the Frostlands are fairly self explanatory.
  9. Pechvarry had a pretty good idea for a bloodmaker hazekiller round. Granted, you need to know about hemalurgy to make it work. But, check it out here. Basically, you use pewter bullets and shoot the bloodmaker through the heart with the intent of creating bullet spikes to rob him of his bloodmaking ability. In Seattle, I asked Brandon about the feasibility of it and he said essentially that it would be tricky but possible (as shown below).
  10. I can't do that, I'm sorry. Such an action could very likely cause a catastrophic paradox which would result in the destruction of Brandon in every moment of time and all his works would cease to exist. That is a risk I am unwilling to take.
  11. Same thing goes for lighteyes v. darkeyes feeling the Thrill. I have stated this in my Thrill thread, but if two people taste salt and one knows the word "salt" and the second does not, you could hardly expect the second to say, "Hey, that's salt." He would not know the word 'salt'and would therefore not use the word 'salt' to describe the salt that he is tasting even though it is exactly the same as the salt that first person tastes and recognizes a being salt.
  12. You are correct. I should have been more clear. The Dalinar doesn't experience rage with the Thrill nor has he apparently ever experienced rage with it.
  13. I would note that there is no mention of the Thrill 'enraging'. Check out the debunked theory in my signature for a breakdown of the descriptions of the Thrill found in WoK.
  14. If you are interested, I have a pretty exhaustive discussion of the Thrill from WoK here where I point out all the attributes associated with it. However, I would point out that scene that you point out, Dalinar is probably experiencing som out on hiolleething different for the first time. WoB is that that something special is happening with the Thrill Dalinar feels at the Battle of the Tower at the end of the book. This change is apparently why Dalinar's Thrill previously has him. If you want to hear more WoB on the Thrill, simply ask. I asked all the questions I am aware that we have on the subject. So I know where they all are. I still need to add them to my debunked Thrill theory thread.
  15. I had a similar thought until I realized that, 1) the storms cover essentially the entire southern Hemisphere of the planet (including the extreme south); and, 2) the water only helps generate big storms if the water is warm. For example, if the water off the coast of Washington state was warm water (like ~65-75 deg. F rather than 30-35 deg. F), then we'd get nailed by massive storm after massive storm every winter. But, it isn't and we don't.
  16. I quite enjoy Discworld. And like you, I don't particularly enjoy the Rincewind books. My favorites are the Sam Vimes and Moist Von Lipwig storylines. And, Kurk. I disagree with you. I thought Snuff was great.
  17. I absolutely agree. I doubt that Kelsier knew anything about hemalurgy except that Inquisitors had spikes in place of eyes. Even then, he knew only that inquisitors were impossibly powerful. I did not see any indication that he connected the power with the spikes. If he did, I would expect that he would have shared that knowledge/suspicion with Vin and Dockson at least. The only stuff he really kept secret was some personal stuff and things regarding his plan to establish himself as a religious figure to draw the Skaa together.
  18. Actually, not all of the Heralds are mentioned. Off, the top of my head, the ones we KNOW we've seen are Jezrien and Kalak. We pretty much Universally agree that we've seen Shallash. And, obviously, it is commonly believed that we have seen Nalan. We have heard mention of Jezrien, Ishar, and Shallash. We have mention of Nalan if you count the imprint of the relief of Nalan with the sword of Justice. I don't recall off-hand any other specifically mentioned Heralds. That leaves a lot of Heralds. Note: The Ars Arcanum, does not count as the text of the book. It is even reasonable that the Prelude doesn't count as well since it is a 'Prelude to the Stormlight Archive" and not a 'Prelude to the Way of Kings'. Something that might well be asked of Brandon. Note 2: It has been 4500 years not 1000 years since the nine abandoned the Oathpact.
  19. Here is the happy quote of interest: I agree that it is anything but certain that Ishar is the drunk. The drunk has a beard and Ishar has a beard. That is about the only evidence. Of course, I would expect that any of the male Heralds could grow a beard if they so chose. It is important to note that the lack of an alternative explanation is not proper evidence of an explanation. Szeth's abilities coming from an Honorblade is a reasonably plausible explanation. However, there is not much actual evidence to support it. It is conjecture (although nice conjecture).
  20. 생일축하합니다 (Saengil Chukha Hamnida)- Or Happy Birthday, if you will.
  21. I like your WIFI hypothesis. Basically, the power of creation is a vast pool of power which is mutually accessible to all the Shards. The power of each Shard can be likened to bandwidth and the voluntary creation of splinters in effect portions off some of that bandwidth thus leaving the Shard itself with a smaller personal bandwidth. Ergo, a weaker Shard. I think this is an excellent model.
  22. Ahh, but are gemhearts a result of the bond or do they facilitate the bond?
  23. Welcome to the light, Kier. Glad to count you among us.
  24. I don't doubt whether sediment is picked up by the storms and dropped in the rain. But I think that that is different from crem. Sediment dropped in such a way will readily erode during subsequent storms whereas crem essentially forms a shell over everything.
  25. The first two points are reasonable evidence. The third point is kinda weak to my view and a bit circular. If you want to be sneaky at night, shadows and dark clothes are usefeul. The name 'Darkness' was given to him by lift because of his dark clothes shadowyness. I've read the threads on it and I've seen the evidence presented. I'm just not personally convinced. I don't have any problem with people being convinced that he is Nalan (although, I admit that I would prefer that it wasn't stated as if it were established fact in people's posts). I would note though, that he doesn't have to be a Herald. Edit: Oh see! Now you've edited your post on me and made my numbering incorrect.
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