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Everything posted by Shardlet

  1. He does make at least a brief appearance in WoR.
  2. Mailliw is correct. You really ought to. It is not long, but it is quite good.
  3. Although it is unclear what the current condition of the nine is. As to delivery, how does one deliver a message to a Shard? As to the means of delivery, my making a great bid text message and using "the Phone Company". Seriously though, Hoid could use a currier. He must have some allies in what he is doing.
  4. Ham did wax philosophical, but I think that he usually hedged on the side of 'Is this actually the right thing to do?'. Like with his concern about whether overthrowing TLR was actually right.
  5. Great big text message via "the Phone Company".
  6. Didn't Wyndle say that regrowth was a specialized form of growth? Edit: not quite. He is not clear on it:
  7. I recall it being named in Steelheart. It is spoken of in Mitosis though.
  8. Grew up in California (19 years), 10 years in Idaho, 2 in Iowa, 4 in Virginia, and 1 (so far) in Washington State.
  9. It may be that Rysn associates the broad appearance of plant-life (such as right after a highstorm) with the presence of lots of spren (lifespren in particular). Thus, in Shinovar, she sees verdant grasses everywhere, but does not see spren that she expects to see with the appearance of that life. This does not necessarily mean that spren aren't there (which I suspect they are at least rare, by the way). It may be that they are only readily apparent after a rain similar to how they appear outside of Shinovar.
  10. No, I wasn't speaking to Feruchemical aluminum. I was speaking more to one's identity as frequently spoken of (particularly by Kurkistan) in Feruchemical gold threads. As to Feruchemical aluminum, spiking should not affect any stored identity since it is not directly a part of the spikee, it's in the metalmind. Now, if there Feruchemical aluminum is spiked from them, they would not be able to access that stored identity, I would think.
  11. Here Here! Hear, hear! I agree both with your interpretation of the terms and the sentiment you put forth. Edit: I stand corrected (Hear, hear!). Although, I had intended to put in the comma. Thank you, hoser. Making errors such as this are a pet peeve of mine.
  12. I think it could heal the spiritweb (i.e., leave you happy and healthy), but I'm not sure about restoring your stolen ability. Though, it could be a significant enough part of your identity that the Feruchemical gold could restore it. But, on the other hand, hemalurgy may rip it from your identity. Idk.
  13. Whether the Ruin corrupted much of the information available or not, I'm not sure. I did not see any indication that Ruin did a whole lot of corrupting of information except to directly forward his plans. Even the stuff he did change was rather subtle. I don't see any indication of him just corrupting info will-he-nil-he. That being the case, I think the vast majority of the info in Sazed's metalminds was intact. Since Ati was a pretty good guy before he picked up Ruin, I wonder if his would is better now that he no longer holds Ruin. I think of him as being more like Anakin at the end of Jedi, hanging out with Yoda and Obi-Wan.
  14. I'm not the only one producing unusual concepts as possible mechanisms. I don't see my rationale as being any more reaching than what you tossed out there. My whole point is that Wyndle is our best source on what is going on with lift. You have chosen to discredit his information and supply an alternate means instead. You call my idea fanciful. I was not looking to prove it, but only to give additional plausibility to Wyndle's account. I provided evidence of unique shard capabilities in defense of that support and extrapolated further to answer other queries. If the mechanism doesn't matter to you, then why did you discount Wyndle's information and supply your own mechanism? I agree that it will be a while before we hear more about Lift. We may have to get WoB on it after WoR comes out. If it is not a plot point, I would be somewhat surprised if Brandon was not accommodating I suspect that, at least eventually, we'll find out how it works. In the mean time, I don't see any reason to not trust Wyndle on the issue.
  15. Whatever. I don't get it marianmi. You jump all over me for arguing when all I have done so far is answer points of criticism that you have raised to my idea. How can you criticize someone's idea and then criticize them for answering your criticism? It sounds like you are the one having a problem. So here is my first and last addressing of your theory. If you want to know, here is why I think your idea doesn't work. Brandon has said that allomancy works the way it does is because the molecular structure of each individual metal acts as a filter for the power of Preservation. You have offered that Lift's fat acts in a similar manner. Well, what kind of fat? There are a variety of fats within a person's body. Each one has a different molecular structure. Then you get to her eating food and then gaining stormlight moments after consumption. Well, what fats in that roll corresponded to fats within her body? It doesn't appear to matter what she eats, the effect is the same. There is no way her body can process those foods into any kind of fat in a matter of seconds. On top of that, Lift gets a general form of investiture that she can use for any of her surgebinding abilities. I am sorry for the tone of this post, but I am very frustrated by your comments and your criticism of me for answering your criticism of my idea. Edit: Not actually my first addressing of your theory. I did touch on it in post #61 to say your theory was fine and I pointed out an aspect which I thought should be addressed for completeness.
  16. Hah! False! Fruit is nothing more than a subset of vegetable. Therefore, all fruits (including tomatoes) are vegetables.
  17. I'm neither arguing a point or even saying that you are wrong in any way. I was merely addressing concerns that you put forth with the idea that I put forth. Edit: If you would be interested in hearing them, I can offer reasons why I hold your theory in doubt. But, all I did was answer criticisms you offered of my theory.
  18. Well <shuffles feet and coughs awkwardly> yeah, we kinda knew already.
  19. Glad to have you with us Draconic. Hope to hear from you more than you expect to post.
  20. Ah nice! Turns out that once again I was wrong. Glad you found it. Not the quote I was thinking of, but very effective I'm sure.
  21. Unless you think that Vasher and Kaladin are the same person, it is a coincidence. Word on the street is that Brandon changed Kaladin's name late in writing WoK because he liked Kaladin better because it sounds similar to Paladin. See these threads for further discussion: 1, 2, and 3.
  22. Welcome Atilium. Glad to have you with us here at 17S.
  23. 2) Since Jasnah's response was so firm, I suspect that she had more evidence and information than we are in possession of. 3) I'm not sure whether or not the lake is canon.
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