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Everything posted by Shardlet

  1. Unless it is something unique to Cultivation's skillset. It may also require something that Shards themselves do not have (i.e., a digestive system or some other apparatus). In other words, I can make or tweak an apparatus to perform a function which I myself cannot do.
  2. You won't find a direct quote in the book. It'll be in the annotations or on Theoryland (it may also be in the events, signings, and stalkings forum. I'm pretty sure I saw it there when I was compiling quotes).
  3. I agree to a limited extent. Syl's pleading is compelling. But so are the other cases that I have cited. I hold a final determination in abeyance until the next book when I am sure will will get much more evidence. For now, I stand by my previous statements.
  4. Glad to have you with us, Ausar. Welcome. If you love to theorize, just wait until you sink your teeth into the Cosmere . The cosmere is where all of Brandon's non-Earth (or Earth-universe) books are set. I also recomend the Rithmatist and Steelheart as well.
  5. Do not despair, Feesh, you are correct. It is just a matter of finding the right quote. It is there, though.
  6. Welcome longmatthewjohnson, glad to have you with us. As a clue to #8 on the Shardhunt, I recommend the wiki tab and going to the Mistborn pages. Edit: That was weird, I only got the notification about cem's post right before I posted, but cem posted way before me.
  7. Actually, I was keeping the context in mind. But, the statement references the previous context, but does not rely on it. "Were most mistborn to just burn it, it would rewrite their genetic code to increase their power as an allomancer." The quote only refers to the case of "just" burning it. He is speaking of the default effect of lerasium. Burning without intent for it to do anything (like Elend's lerasium burn). For "most mistborn" (and anyone else for that matter) , but not all mistborn, an unguided burn results in greater allomantic power. As to the more/less argument. Consider, in my view the power of lerasium is the sDNA rewrite. Consider the analogy of rewriting two 100GB hard drives. Hard Drive A (HDA) has 100 GB of data on the drive. Hard Drive B (HDB) has only 50 GB of data on the drive. Which drive takes more energy to rewrite with 75GB of new data, HDA or HDB? Answer is, they both take the same amount of energy regardless of the amount of data currently on each drive. Now, consider if you want to rewrite HAD (or HDB) with 75 GB of new data, but you only have power to accomplish 50% of the rewrite. What happens then? Well, you don’t get the full rewrite because you lack sufficient power to complete the rewrite.
  8. Personally I think the bad thing that would have happened can be likened to Nightblood from Warbreaker. Consider that a shard is coupled with a governing intent. If left without a conciousness to direct, shape, and interpret that intent, I think the shard would act in a similar manner as Nightblood and act with impunity. Imagine unadulterated Preservation->Stasis. This would be nearly as bad as unadulterated Ruin.
  9. I think this is a bit too fine a point to put on crem. Truth is we don't know what it is. There are several theories (like the one shardbearer provided). Some people (apparently Aether among them) posit that crem is sediment picked up and carried by the highstorms. I personally think that it is somewhere in between. It is too prevalently and frequently spoken of, to my way of thinking, to simply be sediment carried by the storms. Because of it's properties (nutriment for plants, shelled beasties, etc.), I think it is of Cultivation. I am presently not inclined to think it s the body of Cultivation though.
  10. Welcome, Youbba. Glad to have you with us. I look forward to hearing your ideas.
  11. In conjunction with that Meg, I'd point out that the final Dalinar/Kaladan scene occurs in the book after thet Szeth/Taravangian scene. And that the final Kaladin/Dalinar scene is the same day that Dalinar gave up his shardblade. The time frame for communication becomes more crunched. Does anyone else here think that is was a very good thing for Taravangian that Szeth showed up on one of Taravangian's good days?
  12. I agree that it may have roots in Adonalsium mythology. As to specifics, who knows. But, I also agree that as you combine shards (in the way that Ruin and Preservation were combined) the individual intent of each constituent shard becomes less dominant and demanding.
  13. One of the key factors I think is what were they like before Ruin got them and how did Ruin exercise his manipulation of them. Ruin clearly had a critical purpose for Vin. He needed to be more subtle with his manipulation of her. Especially since she went through long periods of times where he was not able to exercise much influence at all (she spent a long time with the earring out before joining Kelsier's crew). If he came on too strong, he would have tipped his hand. Spook and Penrod were both good people (they had flaws of course, but good overall). I wonder why Ruin wanted to spike Spook. Ruin already knew from Vin that the atium wasn't in Urtreau and he already had aspike in the leader of the town. Urtreau was on a downhill path regardless of Spook's efforts. With Penrod, he just needed to have Luthadel lose its stability. Zane is a whole different ball of wax. An insane mistborn. Sounds like a playground for Ruin. Once he got Zane to spike himself, Ruin could constantly feed Zane whatever he wanted to deepen the cracks in his mind. Even in Zane's death Ruin taunts him by lying and saying Zane was not insane (when he most certainly was). I don't think Ruin could outright control Zane (like he did with the inquisitors), I just think Ruin enjoyed having essentially a bottle rocket with a short stick.
  14. He'd be great as TLR. I'd just prefer him as Marsh. But, remember, I think my casting that I presented is near perfect . Seriously though, reflecting back on my casting choices, I think Anthony Head as Sazed is weaker and maybe Clive Owen as Ham could be swapped out. Ewan McGregor has the chops for Kelsier, he just seems a little short. I prefer Tennant. I am less certain about Rupert Everett as Breeze. He would bring the right casual indifference to the role, but he is a strong flavor. Hugo Weaving could do Kar well, but Kar is a bit too much Agent Smith. Also, I think Kar ought to be bigger than Weaving.
  15. But, the fact is that Ruin can reach the crazy folks and influence them. He can't do that to the sane. Even with Vin, who is clearly broken, Ruin can't speak to her unless her earring is in. That suggests that being insane gives Ruin some power over them (not necessarily control).
  16. Ah, didn't see the disclaimer. Being fit in the skaa underground when you have no allomancy would be a very useful asset.
  17. Imo, Pattinson is too young for Kelsier, Rickman is too old for TLR, and Gleeson is not fit enough for Dockson. I agree that Cumberbatch would be a good Marsh.
  18. He did spike himself. Granted, Ruin convinced him to do it. However, there doesn't seem to be any indication that Ruin ever took control of Zane. Whether he could or not, I don't know.
  19. Stormlight 3 in fall 2015, neh?
  20. Allomantic bronze is shown on the chart to be in the upper arm and on the earlobe. If Allomantic bronze can have more than one bindpoint locale, why can't Allomantic pewter? Edit: Fear not Aether. Next year we should have Firefight and Shadows, if I am not mistaken.
  21. Well, that makes a lot of assumptions. That assumes that the chart is comprehensive and complete (which it is clearly not), that each bindpoint is limited to only once hemalurgic configuration (which I doubt), and that either both earlobes are hemalurgically identical (could be but not necessarily) or that Vin and Wax had the same ear pierced (which I do not know).
  22. This bit of the review is quite funny if you have ever met Wetlander. She is in her 60's. It makes for an amusing visual.
  23. I agree that the quote only directly affirms honorspren. But, the fact that Wyndle and Syl are both surgebinding-granting bonding spren is pretty conclusive in establishing Wyndle as a splinter as well, to my way of thinking.
  24. Maybe, but I would only be inclined initially to pin these features on the spren. Though there does seem to be some kind of a block that is in place for Seons who's bondee was taken by the Shaod. There seems to be a necessary connection there as well. And I don't know why Wyndle wouldn't qualify as a splinter when Syl does.
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