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Everything posted by Shardlet

  1. I know that there is at least one POV from him in WoR and that he will have a focus book. His character and his arrival are so compelling (urgent even?) though, that I hope for more sooner. Especially since the earliest his book would come would be book 4 since it seems almost a forgone conclusion that Szeth will be book three. It would be like Alendi turning up near the end of TFE and then only hearing from him for a chapter in either of TFE or WoA.
  2. Well then, here's to hoping that Taln will be a main POV character like Dalinar, Shallan , and Kaladin were in WoK.
  3. I think I get what you are saying, but the harmonics would have to be present in order for such a thing to occur naturally. In cymatics, the pattern is a function of vibrational frequency, material of the plate, and geometry of the plate. It also should be noted that the pattern occupies the entire plate. Since Roshar is not tectonically active, there is essentially only one plate. Any vibrations resulting in shaping of vulcanism, erosion, seismic activity, or whatever, would have to be localized and consistent in frequency for the duration of the transformation. There is clearly (in my mind at least) something fancy-pants going on with the dawncities.
  4. Well, to address point #3, I would note that Jasnah, in her quip to Kabsal, associates Urithuru with the four discussed cymatic cities Dawncities (that is, cities believed to be created using the dawnshards). I also note that Kholinar has three great big windblades bordering it. Such features are not likely to be the result of natural geologic and weathering forces. It is also likely that they did not build a city by removing a mountain except for those three monoliths. This suggests some credibility to the Dawnshard belief that these land formations are made by something (In my mind, the Dawnshards). That being the case, if Urithuru was created using the Dawnshards (or at least by a similar mechanism to the four cymatic cities), then it very well could have been created in the mostly inaccessible peaks of some mountains by means of directly reshaping the area where the city was to be created. As a side note, such a means of creation could reasonably account for the use of the term 'placed' rather than 'built'. Edit: For your edification Rade, to make spoiler tags to hide spoiler info, simply use the following code leaving out the *: [spoiler*]Spoilery text you want to hide It will look like this: Edit 2: Looked and saw that there was no mention of the Dawnshards in conjunction with the four cymatic cities. Neither were they referred to as the dawncities.
  5. My money is on the recurring Interlude POV is Taln. Requisition also implied to me that the Azish had access to a number of blades such that they could be spoken of semi-casually as possibly be requisitioned. It also indicates a substantial cultural difference in how blades are kept and viewed. For the Alethi (and presumably Vedens), the blade belongs to the holder except in specific circumstances. In Azir, it is assumed that the blade belongs to or is administrated by the/a governing body.
  6. They remind me of Ra's eyes in Stargate (the movie, that is).
  7. Or it may by like trying to add more data to a disk that is full. The disk doesn't break, the computer doesn't break, it just doesn't work. As to the compounding, you are using that investiture. Not trying to hold it in, as it were. So, I think 'overpressured' is not the most apt description of compounding.
  8. She looks a bit older than 13. The illustration looks like she is about 17 to me.
  9. I would liken it more to a liquid than a gas. With a gas, say filling a cylinder with a check valve to prevent escape of the filled gas: If a person tries to fill the cylinder by blowing into it, then they would only be able to force X amount at Y pressure into the cylinder. But that would be tied to the person but not the cylinder. The cylinder could hold much more of the gas if the gas was introduced into the cylinder at a higher pressure. In contrast, with a liquid, the vessel has a fixed volume and liquids cannot be effectively compressed (yes, with most liquids exceedingly high pressures can result in a liquid to solid phase change which is accompanied by a reduction in volume, but that is besides the point for the analogy). Thus, regardless of the pressure applied only an amount of liquid equal to the volume of the vessel can occupy the space of the vessel. In this system the vessel volume is the limiting factor. If I recall, the info we have on it says that a metalmind can only hold so much charge not a feruchemist can only put so much charge into a metalmind. I.e., the metalmind volume is the limiting factor not the feruchemist. This is why I favor the liquid model.
  10. Not only that, Cett's disability was a functional disability while Demoux's scar is a cosmetic injury. I wouldn't be surprised if Sazed fixed disabilities in order to give the survivors the best chance at continued survival. With that in mind, fixing cosmetic things like scars would not likely be on the agenda.
  11. At present, the only direct info we have on Hoid's origins comes from non-published works. So, while those establish that he is from Yolen, that is subject to change. Though, unless Brandon changes the setting for some of the major events or substantially changes the background for his most important character, I expect that he will ultimately canonically be from Yolen.
  12. I think the plan was originally for pacing of code distribution. But they simply haven't adjusted the plan to compensate for the stalling out of code entry.
  13. Another good location is the Events, Signings and Stalkings forum. The signing reports frequently have many Q&As.
  14. Brandon only brings X number of unique codes with him for each event. Once he gives all those out, he sometimes gives out cards with non-unique codes on them.
  15. Dalinar comments that it looks like there should be a pattern to the plains but nobody can identify it. He then thinks that this may be because they only have mapped a modest portion of the plains. Kaladin in his storm ride dream indicates that there is a pattern.
  16. The proverbial ball is in your proverbial court, Mailliw.
  17. I wouldn't be surprised if there were a few sub-POVs for Jasnah. Like there were for Teft, Adolin, and Gaz. But, I suspect that we won't get a whole lot of back story on Jasnah until we get to her book.
  18. Wyndle better watch out.
  19. Nope. Lots of gamblers I guess. This gambler's gambling problem is causing problems to those around him.
  20. Also, it should be noted that Brandon wrote "Great magic unleashed here" on someone's map of Roshar with an arrow pointing to the Shattered Plains. Also, others have posited that Urithuru was in the Purelake.
  21. unh unh. Nope, Makkek had a gambling solution. Right world, though.
  22. Umm...hmm...no. WoT the heck are you talking about? Edit: that is not a clue.
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