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Everything posted by Shardlet

  1. Hello...The Count. Glad to know about the name change.
  2. Come back tomorrow to downvote the posts you weren't able to today. I wonder if this is creating a bit of a headache for the admins who watch for malicious downvoting. Edit: Oh my, theFallGuy has just passed my positive rep level with his negative rep level. 420 v. -421.
  3. I agree that Brandon's use of the term "most mistborn" indicates that there is an upper level. I also agree that Elend was at 100% because he burned the lerasium. However, Vin repeatedly indicated that Elend had stronger raw allomantic power than she did. This indicates to me that, while Vin was allomantically stronger than your typical mistborn, she was not at 100% power. The only times she reached (and imo exceeded) this perceived threshold was when she was mistburning.
  4. I know I am late to the party, but I just wanted to provide some general information about metal purity. It doesn't take much of another element before a metal is impure or may be termed an alloy (note: impure does not necessarily equal alloy). It is somewhat situationally dependent. For example steel is an alloy of iron with carbon. The closest anyone here has likely come to interacting with pure iron is wrought iron which is about 0.1-0.25 wt% carbon. Wrought iron would not be generally considered to be pure iron. However, it would likely be allomantically useful as impure iron. However, just a tich more carbon and you have steel. To my knowledge, we don't know the composition of allomantic steel, but is could be anywhere from ~0.25-2 wt% carbon (I would say likely <1 wt% carbon). The point is that 99% pure iron may not be allomantically viable as iron. I would expect that you probably have generally about a plus or minus 1 wt% range of purity for allomantically viable alloys and about a minus 1 wt% purity for allomantically viable elements.
  5. I am glad he went for Gilbert Gottfried. I thought at first he might go for Lee Majors, but that is a little too on the nose (besides, Lee Majors is a nice guy). Then I thought the easy target would be political figures, but that might upset too many apple carts (although, Kucinich would have been fun). Naturally, pop culture was the next place to go. I think his choice of Gottfried is well-reasoned and will likely be near-universally approved of.
  6. Yes, you are correct. 512 would make a better minimum threshold.
  7. Rubix has claimed that there are more levels. We have little choice but to proceed to at least -500. I figure that if we haven't reached another level by then, then there likely is not another level. Although it would be fun to create an anti-Brandon. No problem. It confused me at first, though.
  8. Yes, Bonzo was the part I really didn't like. I hated that they made Bonzo so much smaller than Ender. It really changed the dynamic of that scene. Nothing has happened with the movie that I know of. (Am I a bad person for being a little bit content with that?)
  9. It's not me, honest , theFallGuy even insults me. (Feel free to distribute any upvotes you might have liked to have given theFallGuy to any of my posts in this thread).
  10. Go here for the most complete list.
  11. It is always hard seeing a story you love adapted for a film. It rarely comes off in a satisfying manner. Which is why I am at least somewhat terrified of the pending Mistborn movie.
  12. It would steal the power the spiker intended to steal. Intent is critical in hemalurgy. Source
  13. I watched Ender's game a couple of weeks back. And I admit that I had a difficult time divorcing myself from the book as I watched (although I tried very hard). My overall impression of the movie was that it seemed rushed and and a bit shallow. What are are/were your reactions to the movie? I would especially love to hear from anyone who watched the movie, but has not yet read the book (or at least watched the movie first).
  14. You do, but when you think about it, balderdash would be pronounced at least nearly identically to baldrdash. Think about it, make an 'r' sound. Sounds an awful lot like 'er'.
  15. The rub with such a tactic is that you are limiting your results to alphabetic anagrams and omitting phonetic anagrams.
  16. Welcome to the forums, spp935. Glad to have you with us. I suppose it could, but it seems improbable to me since it appeared that she had little effect on the deathspren.
  17. Is that tongue-in-cheek or are you actually suggesting that an Aimian's reverse shadow (which obviously defies the laws of physics) is a quirk of their meta-biology?
  18. Feather, sometimes you worry me with how invested you are in a character in a book. It seems like it is to the point where if anything seriously bad happened to him, I would begin to be concerned for Brandon's safety.
  19. LOL . Pretty sure that shardblade is a single word. That doesn't mean they couldn't be separated. And while at first glance, splitting it up would seem unlikely since balderdash is an anagram of shardblade in itself, it could have been intended that way as a clue for Dalinar. Though Dalinar would not stand a chance of picking up on it unless he mentioned the conversation to Navani or Renarin who would then have made te connection. Dalinar (and Adolin) is just to straightforward in his thinking.
  20. The WoB suggests, however, that they would not have genetic feruchemy as we know it.
  21. Well, the F sound, Y sound, L sound, and one of the G sounds could be glyph (glyf). That would leave a K sound, G sound, A sound, I sound, and a D sound. If it was Figglmygrak then it could me Magic Glyph or Glyph Magic, but it is a D sound not an M sound, so no. So, K...G...A...I...D.
  22. As was pointed out in the book, the story could well be allegorical.
  23. I don't know that I am picking and choosing which evidence I accept and which I ignore or write off. I am just stating my overall impression and the rationale behind that impression. I recall Axies saying that even Siah Aimians were rare, thus suggesting that Dysian Aimians are more rare and all Aimians, by extension, are rare. Without more info on the scouring and its participants, it is hard to say. We also have little info on current attitudes towards the scouring. It is clear that Aimians are distrusted and that they are afforded few rights wherever they go. But those things are not mutually exclusive with a distaste for xenocide.
  24. I just read it again as well. The curse of Kind could well refer to the whole package. But, the impression that I got was that the shadow was the most unsettling feature to people. The other outwardly apparent traits could be chalked up to racial characteristics. But, a shaodw that extends towards the light rather than away from it is physically impossible. Such a feature could well lead to such distrust and enmity among the other peoples that Aimians could well be desirably 'scoured' from existence.
  25. If I recall, he used the term in in conjunction with thinking about his reverse shadow.
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