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Everything posted by Shardlet

  1. Not that I think Gaz is a Herald, but 4500 years is a long time. It is easy to pick up the lingo in a far shorter time than that.
  2. Try doing it by sounds rather than by letters. Wit uses the term 'sounds' (i.e., 'sh' is not 's' and 'h', but rather the sound it makes). Edit: Next signing is in about a week and a half.
  3. You may be on to something there, Natans.
  4. It seemed to me that the "curse of kind" was the reverse shadow.
  5. Whoa, that Quota thing is weird. I downvoted every one of this schlepp's posts yesterday with no problem. I can't even do one today. Maybe I need to wait until 24 hours after the first downvote to hit him again.
  6. I think Zucchini is the lowest. At least it is the lowest on the post rep filter function at the top of the page (i.e., "Showing All Posts"). I do not expect theFallGuy to make any more posts. To go any lower, it will be up to new arrivals to the thread. It was fun, though.
  7. And you had a big jump in just the last few days, while I have been relatively stagnant.
  8. Nah, in the last month or so you have outpaced me. (I happened upon a post of yours and a post of mine from about the same time in Oct. where we both identified where we were at. I'm not a crazy stalker, honest). Maybe a trip to the wayback machine is in order. Edit: Alas, the wayback does not have an archive of that thread from before Oct. of this year. @Aether - No other negative achievements unless they are simply unlisted in the post rep filter at the top of the page.
  9. So now he/she is forever memorialized in obscurity. Serves Zucchini right! (I only eat zucchini if it is in zucchini bread where you can hardly taste it). Allow me (in my true form) to thank you again everyone for making this experiment a success.
  10. Oh, Thorontir. You stole my thunder. Thank you everyone for downvoting theFallGuy. We discovered, as Thorontir pointed out, Zucchini. I have now edited my list above. Now we must wait for Chaos, Windrunner, and Kurkistan to achieve 1024 and 1337.
  11. Fourth pip is indeed awarded at 500 posts and the fifth comes at 1000 posts.
  12. Man, this guy is a total punk. Next thing you know, he'll be hurling Python insults.
  13. There is no need to track it so close. Everything is confirmed. The only unknown is -100. Edit: I am going to lay down a prediction now. -100 rep will be Odium or something referring to Odium. (Although, I suppose the Broken One already presumably does ).
  14. Hey everyone! I just noticed that there is a new guy on the forums named theFallGuy and he (or she) wants to be downvoted by everyone. In fact, he (or she) has expressed a desire to reach -100 reputation. What a coincidence.
  15. Except that we do not know the precise nature of the force affecting the lashing. It may very well be a dynamic force. In fact if you think abaout it in terms of statics, no matter what force is applied to a body which remains statically positioned relative to a single point, an equal an opposing force is present to maintain the static position. Thus, no matter what degree of a dynamic force is applied to a static object, an equal and opposing dynamic force is induced to keep the object in position. It seems that the more you struggle though, the quicker the stormlight powering the lashing would be consumed. @ Darnam - A human surely could not react appropriately but could not magic do it? @ Gloom - That is assuming that bindspren are the agents of the bond rather than being attracted to the bond.
  16. But would not the lashing force apply force in whatever direction was required to keep the rock pinned to the spot where the lashing was set?
  17. Forgive the double-post, but I wanted to make sure Chaos got sucked back in. Chaos, since it is extraordinarily unlikely that anyone will ever achieve -100, could you throw us a bone and tell us what it is?
  18. Crap nuggets on a stick! How did I make that mistake. Major facepalm. Thanks Kurk.
  19. Here is the total and most complete list: -100 and beyond = Zucchini -25 to -99 = Lamespren -20 to -24 = Rotting Chull Carcass -15 to -19 = Beheaded Inquisitor -10 to -14 = Hoed -5 to -9 = Lifeless -2 to -4 = Negaspren -1 to 4 = 17th Shard Trainee 5 to 9 = Awakener 10 to 15 = Misting 16 to 23 = Mistborn 24 to 31 = Elantrian 32 to 39 = Shardbearer 40 to 49 = Full Shardbearer 50 to 63 = Knight Radiant 64 to 74 = Worldhopper 75 to 99 = Sliver 100 to 127 = Splinter 128 to 255 = Shard 256 to 511 = Hero of Ages 512 to 1023 = The Broken One 1024 to 1336 = Who knows? 1337 = Who knows? (Hoid?) 1338 and beyond = Adonalsium Edit to correct my absence of thought.
  20. The water jet thing was an analogy Sats. I was in no way implying that macro kinetic energy is applied in any way (understanding of course that air pressure is a phenomenon of kinetic energy resulting from molecules actually smacking around). Again, the key things to consider is that pressure is the bonding force. Friction is largely going to be negligible here. If you were pushing and holding a polished rock against a polished vertical surface with some kind of lubricant applied to the surface, you would still be able to hold the rock in place. It would be tougher since you have to be more careful as to the direction of the applied force. But in the case of a lashing, this would not be an issue, the force is constant until the stormlight runs out. As to the other issue: I think Ookla is right and Ookla is wrong .
  21. One thing that should be considered is whose perception matters. What I mean by that is, when Jasnah scorched/changed the thugs, were their clothes and equipment affected because of Jasnah's perceptions or the thugs' perceptions? Are clothes, etc. included in the effect because the surgebinder or whomever naturally assumes that they would be? And such being the case, if a magic required direct contact to operate, would skin-to-skin contact be necessary or could one merely contact someones clothes be sufficient?
  22. Welcome, Gibletish. Glad to have you with us. You have made some good observations. I think you will find that Hoid is the greatest recruiter for the 17th Shard (.com). He has brought a lot of us here. I'm not sure if I quite follow your thoughts on the shardblades and plate thought. The Radiant's carried blades and wore plate (presumable the bulk of all plate and blades currently running around on Roshar. I'm not sure what Radiant powers you are referring to. The Knights Radiant (KR) were surgebinder and several (if not most) of them used shardplate and blades. The plate and blades don't seem to conform any known surgebinding abilities (though some theorize that Szeth's blade is the source of his surgebinding since he is not bonded to a spren). As to your second theory, I fully agree with you that Honor is referring to the cosmere at large. I personally believe that the two stars which winked out specifically represent the Shards from Sel (Elantris), namely Devotion and Dominion, which were killed and splintered by Odium.
  23. Ah, I am very foggy on these things. You are likely correct. that being the case vacuum is rather happy and friendly except for the need for the atmospheric pressure to apply the actual force.
  24. I thought up another tricky aspect to the vacuum idea. A full lashing works even when rock A and rock B are substantially far away from one another. If it was simply a vacuum between the two of them, then the vacuum would be eliminated by the ambient air before rocks A and B ever got close to one another. It seems that any use of actual pressure requires at least a significant amount of handwavium.
  25. The physics of it aren't really going to make a whole lot of sense in any case. The vacuum idea (though functionally the same as increased pressure in terms of the bonding action) seems the most reasonable explanation. That being the case, you would have a pressure differential causing resulting in ambient air pressure enacting the applied force. A vaccum has no effect unless coupled with a pressure differential (i.e., one is not sucked into space but is instead bown into space). The biggest problem I have with the vacuum idea is that you can't get more empty than empty. So, compounding lashings beyond actual vacuum would be ineffective. I also have doubts as to capability of ambient atospheric pressure being able to apply sufficient force. The key take away is that rock A is bonded to rock B by the force of the lashing. The force applied by the lashing is independent of rock A's position relative to rock B.
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