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Everything posted by Shardlet

  1. Couldn't she? We haven't seen transportation in action yet.
  2. European decimal conventions always confuse us Americans. We read 45,833 as forty five thousand eight hundred thirty three rather. For us it is 45.833.
  3. How's that? Once you let 'em loose you can never get them back and then they crap all over the place? Seriously though. Welcome, William. I look forward to hearing some of your ideas. You should try to get your brother on here as well since he also seems to be an avid theory-monger.
  4. I think that her ability would be something that she'd want to keep under her hat. If she was getting from point A to point B to point C, etc. significantly faster than normal travel, then I would expect it would be noticed in fairly short order.
  5. Oh my, you are showing your age a bit by saying Magic is like Yu-Gi-Oh rather than the converse. Or perhaps I am showing my age by making this comment. I started playing Magic in the summer of '94. I abandoned it in the summer of '96 for Legend of the Five Rings. I still have all my L5R cards. Anybody else out there ever play L5R?
  6. Hoid is much older than 40 as shown here. Also, everybody who does magic does so with the power of Adonalsium which is the power of creation which is the power that all the Shards hold.
  7. Keep an eye out for a thread about it. I don't want to announce it here at the risk of hijacking the thread. But know that I hope it will successfully be something that I really wish existed when I just got started here. (I even posted a suggestion about it in the suggesions forum).
  8. If a project I am working on pans out, hopefully quote searching will be much simpler.
  9. I just wanted to draw everyone's attention to the fact that Brandon will be playing magic and signing books (and answering questions) tonight at Dragon's Keep in Orem. Is anyone going to attend? If so, please arm yourself with some sort of recording device. There is going to be a Magic draft that costs $15. To register call the store at 801-225-2039. The time and address is: Time: 6:30 p.m. until very late Address: 48 W 300 N Orem, UT 84057
  10. We do not know yet. There is nothing in the book to indicate what happened to it.
  11. Well, it is hard to say since we don't know how the ancient fabrials worked. Even so, I only get the impression that the gems crack when a LARGE amount of stormlight is used in a single burst (like Jasnah soulcasting the large boulder). I don't see any evidence yet for universal cracking when the light runs out. As to a storage fabrial, I would say, sure why not. But, since we have not yet seen or heard of the existence of such a thing, I have a hard time thinking that it is more likely than a fabrial that can only use regrowth in accordance with how much stormlight the gem holds.
  12. Maybe that is done in many cases. We haven't seen how this is accomplished except in very few and select circumstances. The most apparent one is of course with Gaz (who of course would not have had any say in how his lodgings were constructed) and perhaps something in the flashbacks where you have a town comprised nearly exclusively of darkeyes where a darkeye of second nahn is the highest ranking darkeye in town. How do the wealthy accomplish it when they would need to infuse large quantities of spheres which are used for lighting among other various uses? If the requirement was only that they could not be inside the house or something that is part of the house, it would seem to be far more secure to have them locked in strongboxes fixed in place outside which were inaccessible to anyone other than those who should be accessing them. Baskets of any kind would be far less secure.
  13. I don't think that this is precisely true in terms of the physical. As evidenced by the bodies of Ati and Leras dropping into the physical after their deaths. If their physical bodies had literal fissures torn through them, they would have been much messier after their deaths. I suspect that the fissures are more metaphorical.
  14. I suspect the difference is that the spheres (and gems) need to be out and exposed to the storm itself. The baskets used are likely described as baskets because they are of some kind of mesh design to keep the gems and spheres safe inside the basket yet exposed to the storm to receive stormlight. For the ecology to be made such after the splintering of Honor, it would have had to have been something on the scale of what Rashek did to the northern continent on Scadrial. The entire ecology would have had to been immediately adapted to withstand the storms. There are two reasons why I don't think that this is what happened. 1) Cultivation would have had to have been the one to do it and I doubt that she would have had much motivation to do so after he partner of however many thousands of years just died. 2) Humans (and other fleshy humanoid races), horses, chickens, etc. were not adapted to resist the storms. The combination of these two factors suggests to me that the ecology was already adapted to severe regularly occurring storms before Honor was splintered.
  15. I think he meant splinter rather than sliver. For my idea on who Wyndle's "mother" is, see this thread.
  16. I'm going to toss out a baseless idea early on. I propose that Moash wants to kill the Azish man, from the prologue, with the odd patch of pale skin on his cheek ( ) for killing his mommy (or daddy).
  17. I was referring mostly to posts 57 and 58 where they were talking about (or at least appeared to be) copper interfering (or not) with co-burning other metals.
  18. Scadrial's cognitive and spritual aspects are both part of the planet and, combined with the Scadrial's physical aspect, make Scadrial what it is. In the Cosmere, an entity (not necessarily sentient, by the way) is comprised of three parts.
  19. Does it need to be? All the magics use the powers of the Shards and by extension the power of creation. The role the planet plays in the magics is that it affects how the invested power of a Shard is manifested.
  20. You need to edit this post bookspren. Not only did your spoiler tag get entered in incorrectly, Steelhunt info should not be discussed outside the steelhunt forum, even in spoiler tags.
  21. At the risk of being called a fussy naysaying wet blanket, Syl has likely bonded with a KR previously and at this point in the story has regained quite a bit of her memory and pretty much all of her personailty. It is probable that she is speaking from experience rather than nature. Though it is clear from your example that she is aware that Kaladin is on the threshhold of attaining the ideal.
  22. Kelsier kept his copper on pretty much all the time and even suggested it to Vin if I recall correctly. This seems to suggest that it would have no effect on either internal or external from he mistborn's perspective.
  23. That is precisely the impression I got from brandon's words, inflection, and tone of voice.
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