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Everything posted by Shardlet

  1. In the case of Kaladin, though, the words do not appear to come from Syl.
  2. I have always wondered how accurate Kelsier's assessment of that was. Where did that bit of info come frome? How reliable was that source?
  3. Nope, the WoB is that the recipient of the letter is a dragon. They dragon appears (by the wording of the letter) to be a member of the 17th Shard. But, there is no indication that he/she theleader much less the founder. We do not have any info from eitherBrandon or the books that I am aware of which speaks the the leader or the founder of the17th Shard.
  4. I could get behind that at least tentatively. A niggling detail to me, though, is that it is not a mere recitation of the ideal, but attainment of that ideal that brings the power-up. In each case so far, it appears that there is development of the ideal within the character which is tested at a crisis point. The words come into the mind of the surgebinder spontaneously as the surgebinder makes the descision to follow the ideal (so far, at the sacrifice of the surgebinder's self-interest). Thus the ideal becomes internalized by the surgebinder and they receive the power-up associated with that ideal. I'm not sure if the Geranid effect, so to speak, could account for this.
  5. I think it is at least marginally helpful. Consider, the shardblade dropped but did not disappear. Thus, no apparent delay between death and unbonding.
  6. It is like trying to figure out the picture of a puzzle where the only piece you have has been sucked on and chewed up by the baby.
  7. Also, she indicated that she had a finite amount of regrowth to use.
  8. Careful with that assessment based upon a Shard's intent. The mechanics of the power would be more expected to follow the intent rather than the effect. Remember, people didn't do a whole lot of preserving with allomancy.
  9. Or, alternatively, that the resealers did not understand how to heal the brain injury or even recognize that there was a brain injury of that nature until it was too late.
  10. And thus, it is almost maddening to not have the remainder of that scene. Here's to hoping that it is part 7 of the Steelhunt. We are theorizing based on a recollection filtered by someone's perceptions.
  11. A point and a nitpick, Preservation was not detached from the power of his shard. He spent his mind in forming Ruin's prison. This left his power intact, but left himself a shadow (if you'll pardon the analogy) of himself. Also, Ruin manifested himself as an illusory presence not corporeally. The rub with this statement is, the only fully complete (not meaning uninvested) Shard that we've met is Harmony. We have not seen that such a limitation exists. We have only not seen him do so. As to Ruin, Ruin was without his body (a substantial portion of his power). Preservation has been shown to appear to a non-allomancer. Besides all of that, it is clear that different Shards have varying abilities. Some Shards are better at seeing the future than others. Ruin could speak into people's minds but not hear their thoughts. Preservation could hear thoughts but not speak into people's minds. We should not leap to assume a lack of ability in one Shard indicates a lack of that aility in all Shards.
  12. I think it is very unlikely that Lift has any form of allomancy. Nobody has brought up yet that Scadrial itself is an important part of the birth of allomancy. The metallic arts are the result of the combination of the power and directives of Ruin and Preservation as well as Scadrial itself. Since it is unlikely that Lift has even spent any time on Scadrial, it is very unlikely that she would have Scadrien investiture which would give her the potential for allomancy. Even if Cultivation gave Lift an ability the was the sam or similar in the result of its use, the mechanism (i.e., burning metals) would be almost certainly different because of being on Roshar rather than Scadrial.
  13. Also, if Elhokar had drained that much stormlight, he'd have been glowing like spotlight and felt like he was going to explode. Not something easily chocked up to an adrenaline rush or even the Thrill.
  14. Here is WoB that I believe is pertinent to the present discussion: Source
  15. Hard quote to find. A little help? I'm 95% sure I read a WoB that said you can't reduce traits to zero while storing.
  16. by a massive Here is the total text for the new page: One time, when a Mistborn was going to a Dragonwasp Legion meeting, he saw a grey Shardbearer in a dark alley, brutally slitting open a gigantic watermelon with a rusty Sliver of Honor. So, of course, the Mistborn burned the watermelon, lighting the Shardbearer's cape on fire, blue flames concealing it from his view. The Shardbearer turns into a duck, ripping open the cosmere, and seeing a locked door emitting dark shine and Stormlight. The Shardbearer ran to get his Blade, tripping over duck beaks that littered the ground, breaking his neck. The Mistborn howled at a monkey's attacks on his Mistcloak. Thrashing and struggling, he broke free, hitting the door with a llama and a koloss head, breaking it into splintery bits. The door floated down the river and ended in a black shardpool. Meanwhile, the Shardbearer thrashed on the floor and died. A shadowy figure hopped out of the Cognitive Realm and into the river. The Shadowy figure glowed with dark light and quietly said, "Where is Hoid?" The Mistborn answered, "Where isn't he?" At the same time, the Cognitive Realm was torn asunder by a massive Note: I took Mailliw's extra 'the' from post #53 and inserted in to be the missing 'the' from Natans's post #60. Edit: Formatted into a more readable form and added a much needed comma. (Our grammar needs some work).
  17. Separating one metal from another is tricky business. Some metals when molten will separate out into distinct phases. But, typically with an allow, the metals are soluble in one another in the molten state. It would be somewhat akin to trying to mechanically separate salt or alcohol from water. Centrifuging a molten metal is also tricky for logistical reasons. You gotta keep the metal hot and have centrifuge that can handle the heat. Sometimes you can separate things with acids in a process called parting. This would work well for gold alloys, since it takes some pretty nasty stuff to dissolve gold. In most cases though, you would need to dissolve both metals and separate the metal ions in solution using gradient precipitation or ion exchange of some kind.
  18. The wall would not come down unless it was too weak to hold TLR's weight. Also, you cannot reduce your weight to zero by filling iron. Also, we should assume that either they both know about the other's magic or they both do not know about the other's magic.
  19. Nah, all you do is pound it out into a relatively thin sheet placed on the donor's chest and then it should be fairly easy to spike through. Should even work with Chromium which has by far the highest hardness of any of the elemental alomantic metals. I'm not sure about the alloys. Hardness numbers are tougher to track down for them. And then add to that heat treatments (especially for steel), OY VEY!
  20. Welcome, Bota. Glad to meet you. Hope to hear some of your ideas.
  21. I think Darnam was referring to your use of the word "government" and made the easy interpretation that you were refering to the body and form of the government itself rather than to the territory of a sovereign nation being a dominion.
  22. None of the info we have on the nightwatcher indicates that the Nightwatcher occupies a corporeal form. Also, just because we have not seen it yet, doesn't mean it cannot be. Add to that, one could readily argue that any and all of the Rosharans could be directly influenced by Cultivation's power thus being capable of being directly manifet to in a simlar way to how we saw Preservation as the mist spirit and ruin as whatever he chose to look like. Vin was able to sort of appear to Elend even though she was very new to the game and rather preoccupied at the time.
  23. I think that this is the most amazing mispelling I have ever seen. Whoopworld instead of worldhop. (Not a criticism of your spelling, Natans. Just an expression of amusement).
  24. Brandon said in an earlier interview that he planned for a Taln book and a book centered on another Herald (I don't think this is still the plan). Given that, I suspect we will get POV's for at least one other Herald.
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