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Everything posted by Shardlet

  1. It is unclear. The cryptics are...cryptic. I suspect we'll get a much better picture of them come March.
  2. IDK, Szeth could lash TLR to the wall with a massive lashing, thus pinning him down so he couldn't move. Then move in for the kill.
  3. While I also am disinclined to think that the Heralds are bound by/committed to the ideals of the order they are most closely identified with, I do think that, though the ideals came later and they are in some way associated with Nohadon, that they had to have been established as power-ups by someone with access to more power (without some substantial evidence) than either the Heralds or Nohadon. As lovely and happy as the ideals themselves are, by their coming to the minds of KR and potential KR spontaneously and verbatim and being linked to the power-up in surgebinding capability, they at least seemingly must be sourced in either Honor or Cultivation (I'm leaning towards Cultivation). I just don't see how anyone else other than a Shard or someone holding the power of a shard could have established the system otherwise.
  4. Yeah, the thread got necro'd with a comment that was not on the thread topic or even a continuation of the last bit of discussion.
  5. Good point 11th. Although as an alternative, I seem to recall reading something recently about a feruchemical ability (may have been a compounding thing) which would enable very limited future sight (as in, a couple of seconds).
  6. What you could do with a defense like that is use the extra time to draw a bunch of thumping good chalklings to defend you when the attacker gets through. The rub with that of course is that you don't have any bindpoints. Also, such a defense would be very time consuming to draw. Remember what's his bucket in the book did a similar defense and bought it in the end. If you had enough time to draw all that out, it seems like there would have been better ways to use that time.
  7. WoB, although that could be a reference to her skillset rather than her destiny. Elsecallers is indeed an order which has the transportation (or travel) surge and the transformation surge.
  8. While it is conceivable that the pits are still active but are simply inaccessible, it seems more likely in view of the following WoB that the pits are at the very least not active. Quote http://www.17thshard...mpshire-signing If they were simply buried, then people would be able to mine their way down to them. I think it is more likely that Sazed plugged the leak.
  9. Try to avoid thinking of Ruin's pool as a pool of liquid power of Ruin. At least in connection with the pits. WoB is that atium forms at the pits because there is a leak from the spiritual realm there. http://www.17thshard...mpshire-signing
  10. The radiant table in the front cover. The four corner orders each have lines connecting them to four other orders while the rest only are connected to three other orders.
  11. Welcome, Bussik. Although I am not into fanfic, I know we have a number of members who are and even a number who really only participate in the writing areas of the site. I'm sure you'll be able to fined a beta here.
  12. First off, welcome terryjr! Glad to have you with us. I don't recall ever hearing this idea. Seems reasonably possible. I only wonder how Brandon is going to complete the story in only one more book. Seems like a third side would make that even more difficul, though. But, maybe not.
  13. Yeah, but the Adonalsium spren resulted from power left by Adonalsium pre-shattering. So they would be 100% Adonalsium. What remains unseen, of course, is are these Ado-spren KR bonding spren and more specifically, are they the cryptics as marianmi posits.
  14. I don't think that that is the way it works. Atium beads are/were formed inside geodes so there would be no real way for the metal to seep in or what have you. I think that since the gas, liquid, and solid forms are all present and stable at STP then it we should not really consider them to be of the same matter. They are all manifestations of the same power perhaps. But not the same matter.
  15. But his honor insists that they do. At least I think the quote is honor.
  16. Nope, he was killed in a springrail accident.
  17. Joel and Melody in the Rithmatist. Ice cream shop disaster date.
  18. I would say that most of the examples you gave indicated Realmatic understanding rather than cosmere awareness. I don't see much looking outside of their world in any of the books. We do see and know about 2 worldhoppers from Scadrial and 1 from Sel. This suggests to me that at the time of WoK that at least portions of Sel and Scadrial are cosmerically aware. The terminology "cosmere", "investiture", "invest", etc. could easily be sourced from the overseeing Shard(s) of each world without any knowledge of other cosmere worlds and peoples being shared. So, I see several instances of realmatic awareness, but very limited evidence of cosmere awareness.
  19. I'm not sure how much cognitive nationalities play into it. My chief example being Galladon, who by all indications so far, is very strongly Dula. While I expect that he spent a considerable amount of time in Arelon because his father was an Elantrian, his cultural identity seems very firmly Dula.
  20. Yeah, that would be a good way to do it. I did it in a much more clunky fashion. I hovered over Brandon for two hours at Seattle. The admins should give one person going to each of these signings a chitty of authority for the night to identify them as representatives of the official fansite so we can always get a recorder on the table.
  21. I think the fact that spren were not identified by Dalinar does not necessarily mean that they are not there. But, I think it is something to be aware of and keep an eye on. Same goes for Shinovar (except I think I recall Rysn commenting on the lack of spren).
  22. I know that in Alaska, the schoolkids have specific instructions drilled into them regarding moose. I mean drilled like as with "Stop, Drop, and Roll" or "Look both ways befor crossing the street".
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