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Everything posted by Shardlet

  1. Welcome, el_warko. Thank you for your expression of appreciation. I hope to see some of your thoughts and ideas soon.
  2. We have solid WoB that Szeth is not bonded to a spren.
  3. I think it is at least somewhat clear that the Shards chose to go where they did. This is most especially evidenced in Honor and Cultivation. I think a lot of it comes down to personal relationships among the holders of the shards. Unfortunately we only have information Tanavast was romantically involved with the holder of Cultivation and,from Hoid, that Rayse sucked and Ati was originally a pretty good guy. Not much to go on I'm afraid. We know that Ruin and Preservation cooperated and I think we can assume that Dominion and Devotion also cooperated since Brandon indicated that all Selish magics were of Dominion and Devotion.
  4. A big problem with this idea is that we have WoB that the splintering of Honor (which is very likely very closely related to the death of Tanavast) was only tangentially affected by the nine's abandonment of the Oathpact. Source
  5. The first quote shows that the Oathpact is still partially in force. The second quote only says the nine Heralds' abandonment of the Oathpact is very loosely related to the splintering of Honor. It doesn't give any indication of the status of the Oathpact.
  6. Oh yeah, I forgot about smartphones. I have a stupidphone so I frequently don't think of some of the happy capabilities of smartphones. Didn't we already get a RAFO on the surgebinder gemheart question? I think the answer to the metalmind question would be a no. Consider, he tried to summon his blade but was unable to. I strongly suspect then, based on that, that he would be unable to access a metalmind. Since nobody said, "Holy Crap! You freaked us all out when you summoned your blade while you were wigging out during that storm!", I likewise suspect that he would not be able to access it where his body is.
  7. Chaos and I use a dictaphone. Proximity is nice. Brandon is frequently on mic (especially at an event like this, I would expect). During face-to-face Q&A (like in a signing line), proximity should not be an issue. If you go out and get one, make sure you can download the files directly to your computer. Mine does not which makes for a bit of hassle since I have to basically record it onto my computer from my recorder and then mess with it on my computer to make it more friendly. I do not know of any good alternatives to a dictaphone. Video camera with a directional mic?
  8. Metals were not invisible to Ruin and Preservation. They were exceedingly bright. So much so, that they could not see anything in proximity of large amounts of metals.
  9. Increased time compression with a shortened bubble time is functionally equivalent to having your bubble up for longer under normal time compression. Since duralumin provides an instantaneous burst (i.e., the enhanced store is burned in an instant), it would not be beneficial to the bendalloy burn in its typical use. Essentially, they would have only an instant to act before the bubble dropped. Not much time to do anything. However, I suspect it would produce a strange effect that may have another practical application. What that effect might be, I have no idea.
  10. Welcome, Lhurgoyf. Glad to have you here with us.
  11. Welcome to 17S, zandi.
  12. I should have gone back to the original for Halloween to creep you out again. Maybe should have made the pupil red or something.
  13. Welcome to 17S, jlocke.
  14. I think you read him right, Chrono. Good quote, very germaine.
  15. Simple, Bob wills it! Seriously though, it remains to be seen whether 16 is significnt on Scadrial because of Adonalsium shattering into 16 chunks or whether that is simply the way the chips fell when Ruin and Preservation invested. In went the power, out popped 16 friendly metals. It is likewise unclear why 10 is significant on Roshar. The difference suggests to me that it is more likely a result of the interaction of the power with the particular planet than anything to do with Adonalsium and the details of its shattering.
  16. Naw, Odium's intent was already compatible with Rayse's personality when he picked it up. Rayse likes himself the way he is and doesn't want to risk the change that would come with new shards added in.
  17. I think the common distinction between soulcasting and surgbinding is that most everyobody has no idea about surgebinding, but most everybody likely has heard about soulcasting. Likely, many of the people who know about surgebinding would not think soulcasting to be part of surgebinding because of the presence of the fabrials. Think about it, you read about mystical abilities with no present analog and no apparent tie to anything phyisical and then you have this mystical ability which, by all appearances is tied directly to a device. They would likely have seen things that were soulcast, perhaps even own something that was soulcast. In such a case, making the connection between the two abilities would not be immediately likely. Even accounts which tied soulcasting to surgebinding would likely be at least initially discounted because, after all, 'you know you need a soulcasting fabrial to soulcast and that means that the account is likely flawed and didn't account for the device's presence'.
  18. Whether we want to try to include energy/matter conversions in our definition of end-neutral et al. comes down to whether we want to accept that whoever wrote the AA was atomically aware (specifically E=Mc2).
  19. This question was one that Fog was kind enough to ask for me in an attempt to round out my series of hemalurgy questions. It starts here with me asking Fog to ask the question and ends here with Fog's report. Black flagged at the last lap.
  20. No idea whatsoever. I was just tossing out a potential alternative/variation on the OP. Ah, but only if you have that particular investiture.
  21. I agree, Kaladin at least appears to have been more conspicuous in his surgebinding capability than Gaz.
  22. Crem is suspicious, but it could be simply carbonates precipitating out of solution similar to the carbonate deposits you get on your shower with hard water. The question then of course would be 'how did the rain from the storms acquire so much carbonate content since normal rain is the ultimate result of evaporation? (which of course carbonates would not tag along with).
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