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Everything posted by Shardlet

  1. The only rub with that theory is that we don't see such a person in WoK. Brandon indicated the clues were there, not in coming material. Edit: Yes, I know that we do actually 'see' him in WoK. But we don't see any indications of his activities.
  2. Chitin is functionally analogous to keratin but chemically very different. Chitin is a long-chain polymer which is essentially a polysaccharide simlar to cellulose. Keratin is formed of bundles of proteins. I haven't found anything to indicate whether or not chitin on a crustacean is functionally dead in the same way that hair and fingernails are.
  3. I agree with Darnam for the most part. If you do not have allomancy investiture, then you could not reasonably store allomancy investiture, etc. As an alternative, I could see storing an investiture you do have (which is then stored as generic investiture rather than as allomantic investiture, for example), worldhoppong to another world, and drawing on that stored investiture which is then filtered, as it were, by the realmatics of the planet you are now on and being able to thus use that stored investiture to operate local magics.
  4. Fact is though, we don't know if you couldn't use the color from your attached hair as fuel because no one has tried it in the story. We suspect it because of our understanding of realmatics. But even then, I don't think our understanding is strong enough to outright nix the idea. Same rationales apply for cut hair. Fact is, we don't know. Seems like an interesting idea to me. This would also make the Royal Locks something more than a novelty. Right now, IIRC, there doesn't seem to be a particularly practical reason for the locks.
  5. Probably not. Abbreviating book titles and TLR are almost automatic for me now. Edit: @Mailliw and Argent- If I am not mistaken, "Stormfather" refers to Jezrien not Honor. Also we already know that the concept "the Almighty" is somewhat confused and blended. Therefore, "Heralds of the Almighty" should not necessarily be interpreted as being exclusively linked to Honor. We also know that Cultivation and Honor have worked together at least to some degree since at least many of the bonding spren are a blend of Honor and Cultivation. I don't see any reason why the highstorms could not likewise be at least a blend of Honor and Cultivation. As to the nutrients in the highstorms, where did the nutrients come from? It is a good point that should not be so easily brushed away. Crem comes in the highstorms (is the nutrients?). No easy answers to the reasons for these things.
  6. Here is the quote you were looking for Mailliw:
  7. Here is the quote of interest: Source: I think the quote is suggestive of more than just removing pewter and cleansing unwanted investitures. It must be remembered that Brandon is responding to a question about aluminum savants. So, we are talking about an effect that is normally inaccessible to your average mistborn or gnat (thus effectively indicating that Brandon was not referring to removing pewter). I don't have any particular problem with the ability being there in potentia even the duralumin effect you are positing. The rub is, I would expect that such a duralumin effect (if it is actually there) would only occur in duralumin savants. I think it is more likely though that a duralumin savant (if such a thing is even possible) would have some other effect. Remember that an allomantic metal's corresponding alloy doesn't necessarily have an opposite effect. Pewter and tin are not opposites, but rather are complements.
  8. This seems unlikely since Brandon indicated that each of the 16 is pretty much equal in power. If it was a scramble, it would be expected that some would gather more than others and you'd have a distribution of power levels.
  9. I meant the choice of word used rather than the meaning behind the word and you know it Kurk . I think Plato would agree that, if his forms applied properly to spren, it would be what is meant that is more important than what is said.
  10. Upvote for the analysis. I think though you've made a couple of leaps. Particularly with lifespren. The quote you provided does not describe any proximity of lifespren to the plants but rather says "around him". The other leap I think may be better termed an oversight. The quote you provided about fearspren indicates that they emerged from the wood of the bridge. This also does not fit your pattern. As to gloryspren and glory, it must be remembered that these names have been assigned to the spren by people and people don't always describe things well. Particularly things they don't really understand. Also, sometimes people simply use imprecise terms. I think exulltation might be a more accurate desciption of the emotion felt when gloryspren appear.
  11. It is however a good point to make that there may be inherent benefits that we may have seen to infusing yourself with stormlight. I know that my mind was locked somewhat onto surgebinding. Props askthepaperclip.
  12. The only reference to another book in this thread is to Asmodean who was famously mysteriously killed in WoT. Brandon made the connection between Gaz and Asmodean by analogizing Gaz's mysterious disappearance to Asmodean's mysterious death. However, I did not get any direct analogy from the quote saying something like a similar thing happened to Gaz as did Asmodean. But rather, Gaz's disappearance is similar to 'who killed Asmodean' in that there were clues in the book but no express disclosure. Brandon said that all the info is there to figure out Gaz, but it seems that (evidenced by the lack of serious Gaz theories) the community has found those clues to be elusive. Edit: I see clearly now that you were directly referring to WoT, Ethrien. I initially thought you were referring to Brandon's other books. I now see the capitalization for "that Other Series". Sorry for butting in.
  13. I doubt they will be the same at the end of the day. I think that because they all come from the same power source (the power of creation) that we will see some very similar (perhaps even identical in some cases) abilities manifest in more than one system. But the mechanics of how these powers will work in each case will be different (at the very least until Humpty Dumpty is put back together again) since each system is determined by the Shard and its governing intent in conjunction with the world where the investment occurred.
  14. First off, long time no see shardbearer, welcome back. However, I am inclined to disagree. But, only based on the table in the AA where each essence is associated with a number (which appears to be based on the names of the Heralds), a gem, divine attributes, etc. and the KR table in the front of the book. We know that each order is associated with a specific Herald. The symbol for each order further reflects a gemstone apparently associated with that order. Each order is in a position analogous to an image of a Herald which corresponds back to the AA table. These two tables jive very nicely together. This one-to-one correlation suggests to me that each order has only two divine attributes associated with it, these being the ones which correspond to the Herald associated with the order and the gem color depicted in the order's symbol. (That is, of course, not to say that individual members of each order cannot personally reflect the divine attributes of another order).
  15. I agree that, at least in this case, it happened inadvertantly. My chief point was that Kaladin is not actively trying to maintain a minimum level of Stormlight in his body. Regardless of that, though, a single instance should not be relied upon to affirm that it happens constantly. Especially since during this particular instance something significant is happening, i.e., getting a tattoo, which is at least an uncomfortable process to begin with, along with the people he is most emotionally invested with. Seems logical to me that inadvertant infusion would be more likely in times of elevated emotional levels (like on a bridgerun or when injured).
  16. I live near Canada . A hearty welcome to you as well, aheerema.
  17. That quote indicates that, though he frequently and intentionally holds stormlight during day-to-day activities, he does not try to keep a charge at all times.
  18. If you are concerned about spoilers though, be very careful as you look into the Cosmere. Especially stay clear of the Cosmere Theories forum. There are no spoiler restrictions in that forum. The assumption being, if you are investigating the Cosmere, you are likely to be very well-read in Brandon's books.
  19. I figured it was more like he took a significant breath in prep for the tattoo needle.
  20. Well, somebody has got to do it so I guess it might as well be me. I must burst your bubble Aetae. At the Seattle signing a month ago, Brandon said two more W&W and then, if he did any more intermediate Mistborn books, they would be set at a different location with different main characters. It appears that you will have to content yourself with three W&W books total.
  21. Vin did not have to go through the well to be attuned to it though. No more than Sazed had to. When Vin took up the power at the well, she did not take up the shard Preservation. Leras was still alive (though extremely weak) when Vin took up the power at the well. As to her taking up the shard via mist-burning, that occurred after Leras died. It is important to note that she mist-burned twice previous to that and the first time was pre-well.
  22. Seems reasonable. When you are thinking slowly, it would likely be analogous to time moving quicker relative to tour perception. Slower reactions to everything that is happening around you. The converse would also be as true.
  23. Glad to have you with us EC11. Welcome. I look forward to hearing some of your ideas . Unless they conflict with mine .
  24. It is important to remember that Wax has had his steel significantly longer than Kelsier had his allomancy. This gives Wax much more experience and practice. On top of which Wax only needs to work two abilities, while Kelsier needed to be practice six or more (he simply burned copper, didn't seem to have much interest in bronze, didn't do much with gold, and who could afford to practice much with atium). Wax likely had a more deft touch with steel (evidence his steel 'shield').
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