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Everything posted by Shardlet

  1. Totally agree with Weiry on the interpretation of the WoB. I was there when he said it and he clearly said it in such a way as to foil Chaos's question. We was smiling and laughing at Chaos in his voice as he uttered the words. It seemed very clear to me that Adonalsium was at some point in time on Roshar and that is how all of the shards were technically present. Also, subsequent WoB says that Adonalsium "left" power on Roshar rather than some of Adonalsium's power "remained". This suggests that Adonalsium was whole upon departure from Roshar.
  2. I'm sure Peter has similar feelings but for different reasons. Brandon says, "Hey, Peter! This character can do this funky business! How do you reckon that might work scientifically?" To which Peter answers, "...". Then Kurk says, "Muckity mucky wump. Ha! So, then wimble womble. Therefore, ollicka folla drimmy doe!" To which Peter answers, "Uh...yeah, that's the ticket." Edit: I will eventually finish studying the idea so I can make an intelligent comment on it. I promise.
  3. Welcome Midn8fox. Glad to have you with us. The Cosmere is awesome, truly. Have you read Brandon's other books?
  4. Ah Kurk, I really think that Brandon would facepalm if he ever read your timebubble theories. "I just thought it would be cool to have time be faster for this guy when he burns bendalloy!" I think he would quail at the physics implications that you have pondered, fretted, and obsessed about. . Gotta love ya for your dedication to the field though.
  5. Is that like a sadistic artist or something?
  6. It doesn't have much to do with Odium. But, here is a theory about Cultivation and the Nightwatcher based on Steelhunt info.
  7. @marianmi- That's kind of creepy that you are grinning at that. @Stroniax- Elhokar is the king and Renarin is the second son of Dalinar.
  8. I don't know. I can't recall any cases where a splinter has caused any particular influence over a person bonded to it or in possession of it. Divine Breath does not seem to cause any particular likelyhood for those who bear it to follow any intent seemingly connected to Edowment. The capability, sure. But, I don't see any influence exherted. Same goes for those bonded to Seons.
  9. I admit some confusion with some of the responses. It seems that some of you have read this as Cultivation having some strong tie to the intent of Honor. I'm not sure where that comes from. For the purpose of this theory, the only connection I read between Honor and Cultivation is their personal relationship and their apparent joint efforts in the Oathpact. I don't see any reason why the governing intent of Honor would hold any particular sway or influence over her. As to following the intent of her shard, Cultivation has been Cultivation long enough for the intent to have swallowed her up quite a bit. However, I could see the death of Tanavast having two alternative effects on her that influnce Cultivations intent over over her. 1) She is broken by Tanavast's death and thus gives herself over to the intent of the shard completely; or 2) Tanavast's death is personal to her on such a level that her anguish causes her own will and personality to reassert itself over that of the governing intent of the shard. For this theory to work completely, it would have to have been alternative 2) which occurred.
  10. @ marianmi- I'm pretty sure that all the chapters are chronological. I'm not sure if the interludes fall into that same chronology, but each chapter (excepting flashbacks) takes place one after another. Most of Szeth's chapters are interludes except for the prologue and the Taravangian one (which is a numbered chapter). Since the last Shallan, Dalinar, and Kaladin chapters are after that (if I recall properly), I would hazard that it is safe to say that Szeth got the Dalinar assassination order before Jasnah left Karbranth and before Dalinar becomes Highprince of War.
  11. Excellent tidbt. Thanks, Feather. Let the argument begin.
  12. I think it might be more accurate to say 'in a way which did not conflict with the intent of the shard'. I doubt that every action a SHard takes must be directly and inextricably in line with the governing intent of that Shard. Rather, they cannot conflict with that intent (at the very least in the long term).
  13. Most of the extra info comes from Q&As at events with Brandon. Argent pointed you to theoryland. There is also some on Reddit (Brandon's handle is 'mistborn'). There is quite a bit of info in the Events, Signings, and Stalking forum here on 17S as well.
  14. You've got some very big unspoken underlying assumptions there Gloom. You're suggesting that the enemy wasn't known when Honorblades were created, that the Heralds essentially created (or at least chose the design of their blades), and that Jezrien didn't use a two-handed sword. The last one is the biggest assumption. Kings can indeed be hulking brutes and step barbarians can be kings. On top of which two handed swords were used by more that hulking brutes and step barbarians.
  15. Yeah, it certainly is nothing even remotely confirmed. It just works well as evidence for my idea that the three types of shardblades we have seen are Honorblades, radiantblades, and Szeth-blades where the Szeth-blades were provided by Odium. If anyone is interested in this idea, see this Theory.
  16. Are people who are plagued by dementia and other mental maladies not sentient?
  17. Guys, remember, this is not the appropriate place for steelhunt stuff (even in spoiler tags) until the admins give us the nod on it. Since a code is essentially available to anyone on the site who would like to have one, I get it that it seems that the beast has been unchained. But, remember that the admins put the ban in place and that they have not yet lifted that ban (that I am aware of).
  18. You are right, the prelude does offer the works of art description. But there is no mention of size. I should have been more clear in my post.
  19. I believe that the idea that Szeth's blade was intended fo killing humans was originally my idea. I set this forth based on the one statement in the book that said essentially 'shardblades seemed to have been designed for killing dark gods' and the quote from Szeth in the prologue which said that Szeth's 'blade was smaller than other shardblades'. As to your example, while a 50-cal does get used on people, it wasn't originally desined for that purpose. In contrast, if you were going bear, moose, or elephant hunting, you would be unlikely to use a .223. It was designed for a different purpose. Could you take down one of these animals with a .223? With the right shot(s) sure. But, it is not the gun I'd walk out the door with if one of those were my target. As to Honorblades being small, the only description we have for a known Honorblade is that of Taln's from the epilogue where the blade is described as massive.
  20. I'm pretty sure that you have the wrong Highprinces in mind. Both Alethkar and Jah Keved have a system of Highprinces. Recall that Szeth has completed his list (at least the first list?) by the end of TWoK. I'm pretty sure that we'd have noticed if any Alethi Highprinces had been assassinated. Dalinar would have heard about it immediately and it would have been extremely important for everything he is trying to do. It would not have simply gone unmentioned. As to Primes not being on the list, Szeth seemed to be hitting highpoints when he was listed a few of the targets. It did not sound like we were given an exhaustive reading of everyone on the list.
  21. @Argent - That is why I am now leaning more towards the boon/curse pattern predating Honor's demise (where the curse was constructive). That way the transition to capriciousness is an easy transition due to her bitterness.
  22. Could be argued, certainly. But we really have no support one way or the other to discern whether non-bonding spren have any sentience or self-awareness.
  23. Hoser apparently was 1) trying to find out if Tanavast is alive (which he is not); 2) Whether the holder of a shard could survive the splintering of the shard while he is holding it (which he apparently could); and 3) Whether a person who formerly held a shard is still functionally immortal (i.e., would not die from natural causes). This answer was more muddy, but the feel I got from Brandon's response (I was standing right there listening) was that he could have survived for a time, but would not have lasted long enough to die of old age. The important takeaway though, is that Tanavast is dead.
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