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Everything posted by Shardlet

  1. And now I shall reveal the bare naked truth of my ignorance: Once having applied Calibre, how would I then load the book onto my kindle?
  2. I'm not interested in SOLUTIONS! I am only interested in complaining. Seriously though, @bloodfalcon2- The big thing is that I want to take advantage of Matchbook and get TWoK cheap. I have heard about universal formats (though I have not looked into them yet), but I can't imagine that they would be priced on par with discounted kindle books. Since I already own the hardcover, cost is king. It was amazing though, the support guy at Amazon actually suggested 3) as a solution. I was amazed that he didn't suggest that I buy a second kindle. @Kurk- Thanks for the link. I have heard about programs like Calibre. But, I heard that things didn't always come out the back end all nice and fluffy. Again though, I have not really looked into it. I am becoming rather tech un-savvy in my old age. I use a kindle because it was a gift to my daughter and I could get TES, Infinity Blade, Legion, etc. far cheaper than the hardcovers (as much as I love Brandon's stuff, $18 for a novella is a hard pill for me to swallow). I also have noe substantial need for a tablet or a smartphone, so consequently I have neither. I tell people I have a stupid phone (it doesn't even have a camera).
  3. And thus, with their powers of investing, the Bondsmiths provided for the financial needs of the Knights Radiant.
  4. So Brandon gave us a lovely announcement today that TFE, TWoK, and Warbreaker are now part of kindle matchbook. WooHoo, right? Not so fast. My books were purchased on a first account (mine) and our kindle is registered to another account (my daughter's). Which means, if I want to take advantage of this beautiful offer, I have three less than savory options: 1) I get the ebook and read it off of kindle cloud on my computer (not so much). 2) I get a second kindle and register it to the account which I have purchased my books on (also, not so much). 3) I get the ebooks and when I want to read them, un-register my kindle from its current account (my daughter's) and re-register it to mine. And if my daughter or anyone else wants to read books from my daughter's account simply reverse the process. I get that they don't want a single purchase being accessible on multiple accounts. Perfectly reasonable. What is stupid (perhaps even inane) is that there is no way to transfer an ebook out of one account and into another. With such an option the book in question is still only accessible to a single account and you get the added bonus of ebook ownership more closely resembling paper book ownership. Kindles have been around for a long time how is it that nobody at Amazon has figured out this idea which I came up with in a matter of minutes? If they are worried about ebooks being passed from person to person or resold (like is possible with a paper book, since, you know, you own it) why not at least make it possible to shift a kindle book from an account with no registered kindle device to one that does have a registered device. But no, my long purchasing history is virtually worthless for the purposes of matchbook. Thus ends my rant.
  5. That is an epic introduction. Welcome to our corner of the internets. Glad to have you with us.
  6. Probably not the best question for your purposes. I you asked that same question with metal in place of stormlight and Scadrial instead of Roshar, Brandon would likely answer simply, yes. Ruin and Preservation could see metal, it was just very, very, very bright to them and blinded them to its surroundings. You'll have to rework that question to get a useful answer.
  7. Count yourself fortunate for that.
  8. I haven't seen any strong indications to tie the last desolation battle to the shattered plains. As to them appearing once Honor died, it would depend on many things. How were they protected? Were they taken up, so to speak, or were they hidden in place somewhere? How much of a role did Cultivation play in protecting them? Could she be maintaining their protection by herself? Etc., etc., etc.
  9. That is a very interesting idea dionysus. I like it. It certainly goes a long way to resolving our discussions about when Lift and Kaladin reached the first ideal. I would like to see more evidence of tensions between the orders before I grab hold and cling to it. But, it makes good logical sense.
  10. I don't even think that there has been a direct confirmation that Shadows of Self will be the final title for book 2. Edit: Unless of course it is in that announcement article on Tor provided above. In which case, I have foolishly posted the above comment without reading the article. Edit 2: Whew! Just read the article. Shadows of Self is only the current title. Moshe's blurb implies that it is not the final title. I did not make a complete fool of myself.
  11. Weiry, the rub with that is we really don't have a great description of soulcasters. So far, the only gems we have yet seen described in conjunction with soulcasters are the replaceable 'battery' gems. Also, soulcasters are themselves commonly referred to as fabrials. I suspect that genuine soulcaster fabrials are truly relics of the past like shardplate and shardblades. If they could be currently manufactured, they would not be nearly so few and would not likely be nearly wholely in control of the ardentia. I think we need to keep ourselves open to soulcasters being very potentially different from modern fabrials.
  12. This is not a picture made by Shallan. The one Shallan did would be far less stylized. As to the voidbinding symbols. It is so far unknown what the table at the back endpage represents. All we know is that it is a depiction of a stained-glass window.
  13. I get the impression that it was because red hair was at least very unusual on Scadrial.
  14. The printed word for me (with a preference for hardcover books over ebooks or paperback). I can't listen to something and work at the same time. My job is reading and writing. I also work from home so no commute.
  15. Welcome, Zinfandale. Glad to have you with us. I know that we'll be glad to have a solid wiki writer. I look forward to hearing your ideas.
  16. We should not forget that Honor was still alive and kicking when the 9 Heralds bailed. I don't think it unlikely that he and Cultivation did something to preserve and protect the Honorblades from being used inappropriately. These were weapons of great power which were created and given to specific people for a specific purpose. It seems unlikely that they would have allowed something like that to be left in the wind.
  17. Welcome Theorymaker. I look forward to seeing you live up to your name.
  18. You would have to expect, though, that Dalinar makes all of his calculations based off of the same info and he is astounded by the arrival of the second Parshendi army. He realized that many of his assumptions about the numbers are likely wrong. He (and likely all of the other highprinces) had no idea that the Parshendi had the numbers to support a second army.
  19. I suspect that they are cut in a particular fashion, unless they already hold stormlight very well. I would presume, due to their supernatural nature, that they are rather pure and would be high quality gemstones (clarity). In contrast, a natural gemstone has inclusions in it that may be impurities or at least affect the clarity of the stone. These stones are cut in a way to section out poor quality portions of the stone.
  20. assuming, of course, that round is good and faceted is bad.
  21. I would not be surprised if regrowth fell somewhere between AonDor healing and Scadrian Feruchemical gold. Those are two good examples of the apparent endpoints on the spectrum of who is responsible for the actual cognitive healing blueprint. I would expect that regrowth is closer to the Feruchemical gold side of that spectrum though. Lift and the amber KR do not appear to need any particular physiological knowledge or understanding. In contrast, you don't need to be a physician to heal using AonDor, but it sure would help a lot.
  22. I doubt that there would be any particular reaction caused by a gemstone being cut with a shardblade. The gem itself doesn't have any power. it appears to act instead as a filter for the stormlight to direct the effect of that power. I would liken it to the metals in allomancy. The metals themselves don't have any power, they are instead filters to direct the power of Preservation to cause a particular effect.
  23. The difference between what you and Kurk are saying (as near as I can tell), Argent, is that you are saying that the cognitive definition of 'health' comes from the healer while Kurk is saying that the cognotive definition of 'health' comes from the person being healed.
  24. It might be the most appropriate choice. But, it is not that strong of an allusion (not particularly spoilerific), so I would not think it to be critical, as it were. I would say it is up to you. I mostly wanted to just bring those conventions to your attention.
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