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Everything posted by Shardlet

  1. Hi Jinxed! Welcome to the forums. Glad to count you among our numbers.
  2. FYI, Urithuru. Information from the Steelhunt should not be discussed or even alluded to outside of the Steelhunt forum. Also, any information from WoR cited in the Stormlight Archive forum should be put in spoiler tags out of respect for those who look on spoilers from future books as being undesirable. We need to make sure we don't ambush these folks. To do spoiler tags, do this (without the asterisk): [*spoiler]Spoilery text Which will look like this:
  3. I am more inclined to think that she can generate stormlight from food directly or her body's natural energy stores (namely, fat). If she is well fed she has an on demand stormlight fuel tank. But, if she needs to, as is the case in the interlude, she can metabolize the food directly to produce stormlight. Wyndle's concern likely comes from concerns about her obtaining more stormlight for when she needs it. If this is accurate, this (Wyndle's concern) may suggest that she is unable to infuse from spheres.
  4. Of course, it must be pointed out that neither of those quotes preclude Hoid from having held (note past tense) a shard. He may be a sliver. It almost seems that brandon's wording in both quotes to be specific only to the present tense.
  5. I am not inclined to think that the mundane spren are the Ado-spren because there are just so many of them (an apparently huge portion of the apparent spren population). So many mundane spren being sourced from Adonalsium suggests that it left a pretty big chunk of power on Roshar. I am more inclined to think that the mundane spren (or at least the vast majority of them) were the/a result of the splintering of Honor. I don't think that this provides a contradiction to anything Brandon has previously said.
  6. Makes sense. Storing in a metalmind is essentially investing it. I suspect that the scale of power is substantially smaller though.
  7. I think the clear indication of the two quotes (one presented by Weiry and the other presented by Windrunner) is that sentient spren are splinters. Some are splinters of Honor, some of Cultivation, some of a mixture of the two, and some of Adonalsium. It does not seem unreasonable that some spren which are unique and non-attribute aligned (such as Cusicesh) are Ado-spren. I would hazard to guess that all KR spren are H and C and mixture. The the Cryptics could be something else, but I doubt it in view of the quote Weiry presented. The Cryptics are seemingly just too important in TWoK to have been conveniently excluded from that statement whereas Cusicesh is a side feature in an interlude and therefore could be a reasonable exception to the statement.
  8. I seriously, seriously doubt that the second ideal of the Lightweavers is "I murdered my father". I completely reject that the ideals are individually determined.
  9. First off, Welcome, Lerson. Glad to have you with us. Secondly, this is a very good theory. It is the best discussion of Odium that I have yet seen. The only significant hole I see is that we know that Odium is invested to some significant degree. So, some tweaking may be in order, but many of the ideas you have presented resonate with me. All in all, an excellent introduction.
  10. Welcome, bookspren! Glad to see you come out of the shadows. I look forward to hearing some of your ideas.
  11. Hi quietfly, glad to have you with us.
  12. Welcome Kraken. Pleased to have you with us.
  13. Nope. Brandon merely tossed out that one of the unrevealed orders was called Bondsmith's.
  14. Unless Bondsmith's have pressure and 'surface tension'.
  15. Welcome Chrono, glad to have you out in the open.
  16. He is not wanting to hide the 'Recent Topics' ticker itself. He is concerned that the Steehunt forum topics show up there also and that people who don't have a code yet or don't want one) may be spoiled somewhat by the open presentation of steelhunt topics.
  17. First thing I would do is determine which Heralds have been mentioned and have not expressly appeared. The ones we have seen on screen absolutely are Jezrien, Kalak, and Taln. As has been previously said, Shalash is almost a certainty that we have seen her. Nalan is strongly suspected by many to be someone we have seen. The ones we should look for first are Vedeledev, Palah, Ishi, Battar and Chach. That is five that have definietly been seen, because they are not mentioned, in addition to Shalash and possibly Nalan (well, I suppose Jezrien mentioned Ishi, so maybe not him).
  18. Hi Barry. Welcome to the forums. IF you have some Korean under your belt when you get a chance to meet Brandon, he will likely be tickled if you ask him a question in Korean.
  19. She didn't end up in water though. She was in a sea of glass beads which were manifestations of the cognitive aspects of everything. But yes, functionally, the topo is reversed as shown by the Shadesmar map at the endpage.
  20. If I recall, there was a scene where either Dalinar or Adolin rest their blade on the non-edged side against their shoulder.
  21. I think it is a great idea. As you said though, not much to go on but the name. But it is a fabulous bit of speculation.
  22. He said the words, but there was no internalization. I think that it was that chapter when Kaladin began to internalize the first ideal. But the part I cited previously seems a bit more powerful since it is a key decision point. Read this bit and compare:
  23. It also seems to me that Kaladin achieved the first ideal without speaking the words out loud (when he made the decision to go back for Dalinar's army). I think a choice must be made in a crisis point in accordance with the ideal coming into their mind. I think that the choice is more important that actually speaking the words. Jasnah consumes stormlight from gemstones (in the fabrial) when soulcasting as did Shallan when she soulcast.
  24. I am hesitant to say that Dalinar used 'surface tension' on the chasmfiend for two reasons. The first reason (which is purely speculative) is that the chasmfiend is clearly alive and I wonder if this surge could be used on living flesh. The second reason is that the chasmfiend has a spren bond itself and lives with sufficient investiture to allow for it to exist at that size. It seems to me that that investiture would likely interfere with other investiture being used on it. I also don't recall anything in the scene that indicated a stiffening or relaxing of the chasmfiend's claw-arm.
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