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Everything posted by Shardlet

  1. So, how about them larkins? Is the stormlight sucking ability they have reversable? Is there some other way to effect the same kind of stormlight sucking? What will Rysn do with her larkin? What implications do the larkins'presence on the KR table have now that we know they suck stormlight?
  2. Judging by his comments about gardening back home as well as his vine-like manifestation, I would tentatively call him a cultivationspren proper. In the same way that Syl is an honorspren. @mailliw- I haven't seen anything to indicate that truthspren is an actual alternate name for the cryptics. I'm pretty sure that that was just a conventional name.
  3. There is quite a bit on youtube.
  4. I agree that Sadeas is certainly an undesirable source. That quote from Kadash appears to be speaking of priests not Radiants. "Pretend Powers" in this context refers to the priests' proclaimed power to prophecy future events, not to surgebinding.
  5. Careful with the WoR spoilers folks. In the Stormlight forum, statements like these should be in tags.
  6. I don't know that Vorinism rejects surgebinding. As far as I know, they consider the Radiants a failure that is embarrassing to Vorinism. They teach that the Radiants betrayed mankind. And I can see hesitancy towards surgebinding for this reason. But, I don't recall any rejection of surgebinding.
  7. I don't think investiture is the right term for the mists and the stormlight. At least specifically. Investiture could be a general catch-all perhaps in a genus-species way. But, Brandon told wetlander that he has not yet discussed the terminology to qualify the mists and highstorms.
  8. I suspect that there are actual soulcasting fabrials that are universal. Otherwise Jasnah would have to be extraordinarily careful about the soulcasting she does. I would also suspect that Jasnah would be very careful to make sure that there are actual universal fabrials. She doesn't seem the type to be careless about such a thing.
  9. Also there's the quote from Brandon that said essentially that really bad stuff would've happened on Scadrial if Kelsier hadn't taken up the power briefly when Leras died.
  10. Welcome to the forums Kaladin Kal; glad to have you with us. I look forward to hearing your ideas.
  11. I think there is some logical rationale behind the assumption that Adonalsium had a guiding conciousness other than simply part/whole (which, though, not a proof, is strong evidence nonetheless). The key thing for me is the knowledge that the power of creation regardless of the Shard using it and that that power when left untended does powerful bad things.
  12. Welcome BilndIllusions. Glad to have you with us. On this point, though, I disagree. If assassination is principaly the province of females, then Lyss protecting the knowledge of her gender would not be as much of an asset. Further, Adolin's dating habits would be much more tightly monitored and controlled to protect him from assassination since he is the heir to arguably the most powerful highprincedom. These factors lead me to believe that most assassins are male.
  13. Since it is at least suggested that the soulstone fell from the sky, I have no problem with the idea that the soulstone was prepared by Devotion/Dominion. Its properties are so well suited for forging that is seems a bit uncanny. But, I would expect that this would be in the form of investiture from, rather than body of.
  14. Not only that, Alendi was just as convinced as Vin that the power should be released. It is not like Ruin had to constantly convince Vin of this. He only needed to steer her research and let her draw her own conclusions. He changed things enough that it was apparent to Vin that the power needs to be released rather than used. As to Alendi removing his spikes, the point was of course moot since he never made it that far. The Terris having a different religion suggests that they would not have had the prayer spikes and so, again, a non-issue for Rashek since he would not likely have had spikes at the time.
  15. Welcome, Steelhunter. Glad you came to join us in the light. May you stay long with us and share your ideas.
  16. So Vin has her earring and wears it because of its potential use as a tool and as the only thing her mother gave her. She is completely unaware of its hemalurgic properties. So, did Alendi wear his piercings because of fashion, cultural norms, Ruin's influence, or to get enhanced abilities? It is pretty clear why Ruin wanted both Vin and Alendi to have spikes. But why did Alendi choose to have his piercings?
  17. However, whether these piercings were worn by the wearer in order to use hemalurgy or if the intent came from Ruin (as in the case of Vin's earring) is not yet known.
  18. Chaos indicated that in a few days there will be a forum for discussion of Steelhunt info.
  19. This may be slightly off-topic, but has the red radiant if Starfalls been expressly confirmed to be a stoneward? If we are just going by red armor, I note that both Ruby and Garnet are red in the KR table.
  20. Well, we have not yet seen the travel surge in action. There may be other uses (making and operating oathgates likely) that go along with that. But in the vein of your comment, the same could be said for transformation and likely many other surges. There is also the combination ability that is unique to each order. We have not yet seen that either.
  21. This was the most ready post I could find for Rubix. Upvote to you for your efforts on the Shardhunt.
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