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Everything posted by Shardlet

  1. I thought we might be able to resolve the metal question tonight. I asked Fog (who is/was at the signing tonight) to ask Brandon if a functional hemalurgic spike could be made from metals from planets other than Scadrial. Alas, it was RAFO'd. Apparently Brandon does not wish to completely give us hemalurgy yet. Edit: Feel free to click on the link and give Fog some love for agreeing on the fly to ask the question for us.
  2. Ah well, Thanks a million fog. Edit: I didn't see the PM function in your profile. If you would like to have a code, just PM me and I would be happy to share with you. If you can't PM me, email me at [email protected].
  3. Double post, I know. But, I think these posts should be separate. Actually, I think this not an ideal example for your point, Gloom. Everything you mentioned there are personal traits of Jasnah's and doesn't really mention uses of her surgebinding abilities. Jasnah has transportation and transformation. Both these abilities would be useful in both support and combat situations. But, likely primarily in support since the soulcasting would be rather stormlight intensive. But, having someone with transportation implanted within a unit would likely be very effective for rapid insertion and retreat.
  4. I'm glad you chose not directly quote the interlude. But, I think it might be best to refrain from even mentioning or referring to Steelhunt info (in open forums) until the hunt is done or nearly done. It seems like comments like these are leading to a lot of angst because it is essentially telling people who don't have access that they are missing out on something (especially when referencing theories or ideas). I know that I am not a moderator, but I have made a couple of posts about how things have been going on the Steelhunt and now I feel like I ought to back up what I said by encouraging others to help out the situation and consider others when posting. Normally, I would prefer to PM a comment like this, but I am hoping to catch everyone's attention with this post. I hope it does not feel like I am singling you out, 11th. I am directing this post to the general population.
  5. And that is the key problem. I think absent the leaks and the hints, people would be building anticipation rather than angst. That is how it was for me before I got a code. But things have gotten pretty bad in some cases with information that has been leaked. But, resistance is not futile. I personally am not a bastion of self-restraint, but I have been able to keep myself from commenting on existing theories and presenting new ideas based on the steelhunt info (even though at times I really, really, really wanted to). And I spend way to much time on this site. Thankfully, in the last few days, I have not seen any posts which are...not helpful to the problem, shall we say. I think people are starting to get the idea that such posts are causing a lot of friction.
  6. Thanks, Morsk! I am truly WOT illiterate. I'll fix it.
  7. Hi Fog, could you do us a favor and ask Brandon (if you get a good chance of course): Could you use metal from planets other than Scadrial in making functional hemalurgic spikes? I guarantee that there will be a few upvotes for it (as well as a Steelhunt code if you don't already have one). Thanks.
  8. I agree, Jasnah's reaction to Shallan's Cryptic drawing strongly suggest to me that Jasnah has not personally seen one. I interpret Jasnah's reaction as her initially thinking that Shallan's power set was the same as her own and being momentarily confused by the cryptic because it did not fit her initial expectation.
  9. Actually, Brandon said that the Adonalsium splinter spren that are on Roshar formed from power that Adonalsium "left" there which attained self-awareness. I think that wording pretty definitely excludes the possibility of them resulting from the shattering.
  10. Well, I haven't seen any indication that people have been stingy with their codes. I have offered my code to many people and so far, each one already had a code. I haven't seen any indications of clique-ishness. I hope that people have not been withholding their codes from others. That would indeed be a shame. I was gifted with someone else's code about two weeks in. That code, I did not give out because it was not mine to give, as it were. So, I aimed to get a code at the Seattle signing 1) so I could get the postcard to have (because it's cool); and 2) so that I would have a code which I could feel comfortable distributing to online friends and people who made posts that I thought were good. And for the record, I have no problem with people PMing me and asking for a code. My point is, that putting a general request out to the community at large in an open post is tantamount to simply posting the code itself. If you want a code and would like to ask for it, fine, ask. But, ask an individual rather than the community. I personally don't interpret a general request to be within the spirit of the hunt. Please remember, this is supposed to be a game of sorts which plays itself out over time rather than an info dump. Journey before destination, if you will. If everyone was supposed to get a code right away, it would have been designed differently. If everyone who is interested gets a code right away, with the way it has been set up, then we won't see people striving to get and enter unique codes which will unlock further portions of the reward and the Steelhunt will fizzle out before it is done. Give the game time pto play out. It is certainly not worth getting upset or offended over. It is a game and, at the very least, after the game is done, the prize will be freely distributed to everyone. Nothing is being withheld from people. No one will be excluded from the information. Please, try to enjoy the game for what it was designed to be.
  11. I think I would have to go for a blade. The convenience of having it with you all the time plus the absolute usefulness in yardwork. You could use it to kill weeds to their very soul, they would not return. Trimming trees, cutting just about anything. So useful!
  12. Ah, Kadrok. My Master DNA disciple. Spreading the word where e'er you go.
  13. Key point is though, that if Sazed died, he would drop Harmony not Ruin and Preservation.
  14. The context is what is compelling for the WoB. In the book, the coupling with long is what causes much of our uncertainty (although the couple of the two together could simply indicate proportion. A rapier is far shorter than a claymore but would be still be described as long and thin). However, in the WoB, there is no coupling with long. Outside of such a coupling, if someone asked you if a sword was smaller than other swords of a general size, the ready interpretation of the question would be length unless the general sword it is being compared to is way broad (in the sense of blade width). I agree that nothing is conclusive. But, the WoB adds new flavor to the discussion. It was not intended to sway people one way or the other.
  15. Brandon has previously said that splinters may be joined to remake a shard and indicated that Harmony is itself a single shard now. This all suggests that Adonalsium could be reformed. Why do you think that it cannot? Have you a tidbit for us? If so, please share.
  16. Hmmm. I smell a new project coming on. I will take it upon myself to create a thread in the Events forum which is strictly a compilation of Q&A's. I will go back through the Events threads and extract all previous Q&A's first so it will likely take a couple of weeks at least before the thread itself is created. Hmmm, think, think, think. What would be the best way to handle citations? Would we just make the assumption that the Q&A's from the new thread are valid? Ooh, I got it. I will do each event as its own post within the thread, that way the location and date for each Q&A will be noted along with the info. This is kind of an idea I had when I first embarked on this journey, but I dismissed out of hand because of all the stuff on TWG, Theoryland, and Reddit. Thank you for the reminder Kythis.
  17. That portion did make me grin when I heard it. But, caution, there are no singular gender neutral pronouns in American English. I wouldn't read too much into it...yet.
  18. Yeah, I think of it more as like a hack using normal human physiiology. Essentially the bindpoints are universal to all humans (something from original Yolen physiology?) and pressumably, the way investiture affects and is channeled through humans is also somewhat universal. So, Ruin developed this system. It's workability may have predated Ruin, but was not introduced until Ruin perhaps figured it out.
  19. Do it Argent! That would be fabulous and certainly add to the fun of the Steelhunt.
  20. I just tied with Peter! More stoked than I really should be .
  21. His is a dead horse which I am going to beat . Going back to the size of Szeth's blade, there was a question which I took for granted at the Seattle signing which has garnered new significance because of our discussion here. Quote source
  22. Ok. I know many of you have been waiting patiently for this. I finally sat down and transcribed the Q&A from the signing line (nearly 2300 words worth). There is even one (fairly substantial) bit for all you WOT-ers. I have included Wetlander's and Hoser's names for their questions and comments in order to give props where props are due. So, without further ado, enjoy the meal: He came so close to asking a great follow-up question: Was Hoid ever a Shard? But, alas, no, it did not happen.
  23. The trouble I see with having a devoted thread for steelhunt code stuff is that such a thread is only half a breath away from simply posting a code directly. That sort of thread is really essentially just saying 'step right up and get your code'. How is that fun? Steelhunt is far from done. ~200 of ~2000 codes have been entered. I am sure that there will be plenty of opportunities (such as the planned scavenger hunt) as the Steelhunt progresses for everyone to get a code and be able to participate. Since there is no open theorizing on Steelhunt info, it is not like anyone is missing out on info. They may simply have to wait a bit to get it. Brandon said that everything in Steelhunt will be made generally available after Steelhunt is done. Are people upset because they can't play or are they upset because they don't have access right now? If you don't yet have a code, be patient. I know it can be frustrating when so many people are producing ideas which tease about info from Steelhunt. This is why there is a ban on posting Steelhunt info. It is encumbant upon everyone who has a code to be responsible and thoughtful towards everyone who does not yet have a code. Think how frustrated you would be if you didn't have a code and you were reading some of the posts that have been coming out. Even when info is not being directly disclosed, many posts are basically winking at everyone else and giving knowing looks. I believe that this is one of the chief sources of frustration for those who do not yet have a code or those who only recently got a code. Please, please, please, use restraint when posting and refrain from not only posting Steehunt info but also resist the temptation to post theories or alterations of thoeries even partially based on this info. There are, and will be more, upcoming opportunities for people (including non-US fans) to get codes. I expect that Team Sanderson will have upcoming ways to get a code and I am sure that 17S will have more (in addition to the upcoming scavenger hunt) upcoming opportunities to get a code and to have a good time doing it. Nobody need be excluded. Try to take the event for what it was intended to be. Fun. True, most of the codes so far have been available through signings. But the tour is done now. Team Sanderson, I'm sure, has plans in place on how to distribute the remaining codes. Again, please be patient. If you have a code, offer it (by PM) to your friends here or to someone who has made a great post or come up with a great idea. Do what you can to make it fun for everyone.
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