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Everything posted by Shardlet

  1. Well, the 'sea' is filled with spheres and each sphere appears to represent an individual cognitive aspect. But beyond that, I don't recall anything else particularly spherical going on.
  2. I think broken could readily mean mentally broken. They did afterall undergo centuries of torture. That is going to have an effect on their sanity. Recall also, Brandon said they at least partly blame Honor for what was done to them. Sounds like there might be lasting mental damage.
  3. I don't recall Jasnah referring to them as truth spren. I'm pretty sure that that name is descriptive based on the interpretation of the person asking the question in view of the cryptic asking for a truth from Shallan. However, the proper canonical name for them is Cryptics.
  4. Please tell me that someone recorded it. I would love to have the additional portion of the Dalinar reading. This was in Chicago?
  5. Shardlet


    Welcome DLZ. The rep system is just a fun thing for the forum members. Negative rep won't get you banned. I think the record is -26. I prefer to think of members with high rep as simply being more experienced or helpful. A couple of members with high rep got there by being super-handy with providing quotes and sources. I have only been here since May so I still learn a lot and have been wrong on numerous occasions. So, don't necessarily take someone's word for something or think their idea is more valid than your own just because they have a high rep level. I enjoy a lot of the posts from new members because they bring fresh perspectives and are not mired in existing paradigms. Looking forward to hearing your ideas, DLZ.
  6. Hi Goatborn. I think it is a smashing name. A hearty welcome to you.
  7. I think the size would be the trickiest aspect of it. For all intents and purposes, on a planet, mass and weight are the same. (Yes, I know Roshar has reduced gravity and momentum is independent of weight but not mass). Also, I haven't seen the mass or the weight of a blade being discussed in the book. The fact that a blade can be effectively weilded without plate (evidence, Lyss, although it is not inconceivable that she has a blade similar to Szeth's) suggests that the mass and weight of a blade is not a particular issue.
  8. Essentially. That is how you worldhop. Travel from the Shadesmar corrollary for the world you are on to an expanse which appears to be the Shadesmar corrollary for a different world. Since the worlds are spheres (at least roughly) though, it is unclear (so far) how this would work in practice. Is Shadesmar flat, like a map or is it also geographically spherical? I personally am inclined to think it to be flat (that is not to say without topography, just not spherical).
  9. Why do you think the quarries are fake and he sold them off. IIRC, it was said that they used the soulcasters to create valuable mineral deposits. I really don't think there is any kind of evidence for selling off quarries which only have a veneer of valuable minerals. This would be the height of foolishnes. Such a ruse could not go without discovery and when it did, Davar would be eviscerated. Got to love autocomplete .
  10. I have heard this a couple of times in the last week, but have never heard it before that. Do you have a source for this?
  11. If I am not mistaken, this symbol is the symbol of the radiants (collectively). A representation of the radiant orders which harkens to the double-eye. Edit: it is also present on the doors of the Palanaeum.
  12. Hard to see much of your own shadows though. you would only be able to see the one's within your field of vision. Also, I don't think you get the mental processing that comes with atium. So, while you may be able to see these shadows, it would be hard to react based on them since it would be challenging for your mind to process the info. The greatest benefit is going to be to confuse or at least hinder your opponent.
  13. Right, I know what you are saying. My point is, is a lerasium mistborn the apex of mistborn strength? It could very well be included in your confirmation. But Brandon sometimes is evasive with his answers and answers the question asked while leaving out important details. The purpose of stating lerasium mistborn is to indicate a power level rather than any other special-ness. Just saying mistborn could allow Brandon to answer for the case of a typical mistborn (who received their ability through their genetic heritage) while not addressing the case of a mistborn who received their ability by burning a chunk of lerasium. Note: Just so you know an admin may come along and lump your posts together. Apparently double posting is frowned upon. So if you post and think of something else you want to add later, the preferred method is by editing the first post rather than making a new post. If it is a day or so later, then double posting is kosher. Edit: Also when you get a quote from Brandon like that, we call that Word of Brandon or WoB. I recommend posting any questions and answers you have asked and received in a thread in the Events, Signings, and Stalkings subforum. That way everyone can see the new WoB and find it easily later. Such quotes are considered canon.
  14. Hi ddleg. Welcome to 17s. Glad to have you with us.
  15. To add to what cem offered, many believe that Dalinar is on the verge of breaking through to old powers and fully 'activating' his plate. Also, Syl is happy that Dalinar has given up his blade. She has offered no indication about how she feels about the plate. Also, we have not yet seen Dalinar give his plate to Renarin yet. So, we will see next year if if does that in actuality. He has reconsidered set decisions before (i.e., abdication, Navani).
  16. This is a kind of chicken or the egg thing. Fact is we don't know how closely linked the shattering of a shard and the death of its holder is. It may be that the shard was shattered and the holder died as a result, the holder died and the shard shattered because nobody around was willing to take up the shard, the shard was shattered and the holder was subsequently killed by other actions taken, or the holder was killed and the shard was subsequently shattered by other actions taken. It could be that more than one of these possibilities have occurred in different cases (i.e., Dominion by one, Honor by another). Must...Have...More...INFO! .
  17. The rub with this confirmation is that it allows an out. A normal mistborn is at reduced power relative to a lerasium mistborn. This confirmation did not close the hole on what happens if a lerasium mistborn uses lerasium again.
  18. I wasn't suggesting that they were interchangeable. I was just adding food for thought.
  19. By using this tag (without the *): [*spoiler]Monkey's don't actually eat bananas Which looks like this:
  20. WoB is that the Mist, the liquid in the well, and lerasium are all manifestations of the power/body of Preservation. Vapor, liquid, solid. That is speaking to the spiritual aspect rather than physically I believe. I doubt the well contained melted lerasium and that the mists were essentially well-liquid which had been boiled into vapor. Brandon has also said that the physical substance of lerasium is mundane, but it is wrapped in the spiritual. The well-liquid and the mists are likely similar manifestations (i.e., mundane wrapped in spiritual).
  21. Wouldn't be electrum. Electrum shows multiple atium shadows from the burner which is useful to countering an atium burner without having atium yourself. To me it seems more like increased mental speed or atium.
  22. I disagree. For 16 years, Vin was a snapped mistborn with pathetic allomantic skills. It wasn't until she received training from Kelsier that she became allomantically formiddable. True she was fairly decent with small emotional nudges. But fact is, without her training, Breeze could've taken her out. As to Shan, your argument seems to be that she is pathetic because she was raised noble. It seems to me that almost all mistborn would fall into the same category that Shan does since allomancers are predominantly noble. Zane, Kelsier, and Vin are exceptions to typical Mistborn. As to Shan's skills, she acquitted herself well, imo, in her fight with Vin but ultimately lost. She was a wretched person truly. But, she seemed to be a substantially capable mistborn. Vin won the fight because of her quick thinking and cleverness in addition to her skills as an allomancer.
  23. They do indeed correspond to the symbols of the Radiant orders. The one on the cover of TWoK is of course the symbol for the Windrunners. I am less certain that they are also language glyphs unless Miyabi has a source to indicate otherwise. As to their relation to shardblades, it should be noted that the blade on the cover of TWoK appears to be double-edged whereas Szeth's blade is described as double-edged as a contrast to typical shardblades. Besides, if anything, I would expect that they would be representations of the Honorblades of each Herald associated with each order. In the case of TWoK, that would be Jezrien.
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