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Everything posted by Shardlet

  1. Also you can manually enter a spoiler tag by typing (without the asterisk): [*spoiler]Bob smells like a week old dead toad! The above tag will look like this:
  2. It says that wetlandernw indicated that the letter was from Hoid to a dragon, the dragon is immortal but can be killed, and the dragon is male. The last comment appears to indicate that wetlandernw was at a signing at the time and indicated that he intended to get in line again to ask another question.
  3. I suspect for Devotion to be reformed, all the splinters (seons), would have to join with the pool. Now, obviously I'm speaking out of personal perception since we know absolutely nothing about the process of reforming a splintered shard (except that it appears to be possible).
  4. So basically someone like InquisiMarsh from HoA but having full feruchemy/full power mistborn baseline? I'm not sure the additional spikes would actually boost anything. As to the feruchemy, how do you get more than full efficiency. As to the allomancy side, it is my understanding that lerasium mistborn is max power. I suppose one could gain InquisiVision, but that is a specialized effect (though it could be attained without eye-spikes, it just appears to be quicker with). I suppose the feruchemy side would benefit the most since you could use spikes as metalminds. Although, if all the spikes were atium, that might not be that much of a benefit.
  5. Thanks again Miyabi and thank you Weiry.
  6. Excelent back story Mysty. Welcome to the forums. Glad to have you with us.
  7. Many of these things are scattered in different threads (mostly in the Stormlight Archive main sub-forum, less in the WoR sub-sub-forum). Though I think the above post is the first posit of a cryptic/voibinding connection. Most are focused on the KR. Look for stuff on Syl, truthspren, cryptics, Shallan's Soulcasting, and spren coupled with surgebinding or KR. In fact, I'd start with the last one and the first one. In case you are unaware, there is a search function in the site. The easiest way to carry this out is to navigate to the Stormlight sub-forum and conduct the search from there. The default search finds postings that have all the search terms in the same post. Click on the thread title in the search results and it will start at the posting of interest with the search terms highlighted. Edit: I may start a thread on the cryptic/voidbinding idea within the next couple of days. So, I would request that perhaps you give me an opportunity to pursue that before starting a thread on it. Glad you like the idea.
  8. Weiry is pretty quick with the transcriptions.
  9. Jenny, Valjean, and the original starship Enterprise. Interesting. Maybe it means: For a good time, put Jean Valjean on the Enterprise .
  10. What if the cryptics are related to voidbinding. That would be a cool twist. Kal/Syl, seems symbiotic where Cryptic/Shallan smacks of parasitic.
  11. Awesome, many thanks (and likely many upvotes) for your efforts and diligence.
  12. Judging by Brandon's comment that similar powers manifest on different worlds, it seems that perhaps all powers are older than Scadrial. But in the case of Scadrian feruchemy, Ruin and Preservation created humanity there. So, Scadrian feruchemy would be sourced from Ruin and Preservation.
  13. Could not Braize be one of Roshar's three moons?
  14. There is no interaction or specified appearance of a cryptic in either of the Shadesmar visits. I'm pretty sure that neither the cryptic's symbols or the radiant symbols are glyphs. Whether they correspond to each other is unknown. Weiry is quite correct that Syl, who supplies Kaladin's surges, is not a cryptic and therefore it is unlikely that there is a class of cryptics which corresponds to each order. As to the color of the radiant symbols, I think it is more closely tied to the gem color (Ruby/fire Garnet/blood) than to the essence associated with the gem (unless there is a lot of purple metal on Roshar ).
  15. I like hardback for books I intend to read over and over again. Although I do have ebooks of Rithmatist, Emperor's Soul, Firstborn, and the Infinity Blade books. As far as theorizing goes, hardback is best for thumbing back and forth and ebook is best for searching a specific term.
  16. Culturally the South and Texas are two very different places. Texans do not have a "Southern accent" they speak "Texan". They definately do not view themselves as part of the South and as far as I know the South generally agrees. Because Texas was an independent country before it joined the USA, it has a strong individual cultural identity . Being part of the Confederacy qualifies Texas as a Southern state only to those who are outside the South and Texas. And frankly, I don't think that anyone outside of Texas or the South gets to decide.
  17. You could be correct. But, Brandon is not generally evasive with volunteered info. If he is going to be evasive, he typically is evasive in his direct response to the question. Though, this is why I said "suggests strongly" rather than 'WoB says no'. Edit: I am not the only one on the ball. I am just doing my morning catch-up and I happened to be first in the door. There will likely be others who will chime in throughout the day .
  18. Well, in the scene where she travels to Shadesmar the second time, the cryptic indicates it is always around her when she asks in her mind if it is there. Also, in the goblet scene she reaches out and feels something (though she is not clear on the nature of that sensation). It doesn't seem though that reaching out to touch it is required for soulcasting. We have not seen (nor has Shallan observed) any indication of Jasnah reaching out to touch anything other than the object being soulcast. Personally, I am not convinced that the cryptics facilitate Shallan's soulcasting beyond transporting her to Shadesmar. But, most people seem to be assured that they are integral to her soulcasting.
  19. The most significant quote relating to this theory that I know of is this: Quote This suggests strongly that the parshman/parshendi are not part of the chasmfiends lifecycle.
  20. Very little is known about the nature of the symbolheads. In a Q&A someone referred to them as 'truthspren' and Brandon said that was an acceptable name for them for the time being. He later referred to them as 'cryptics'. As to their nature or there effect there is virtually nothing known. At least the one that Shallan communicated with required a personal truth to establish a bond of some sort. Upon supply of a powerful truth she was transported to Shadesmar where she communicated with the cognitive aspect of the goblet which she soulcast to blood. The prevailing theory is that the cryptics enable Shallan's soulcasting in some fashion. I have not yet heard it posited that the cryptics grant different powers based upon the symbol they have. It is conceivable that the symbol correlates with at least one of the radiant orders but no information is known for sure about this that I am aware of.
  21. Hi Mike. You are among friends. We can help. Glad to meet you and I look forward to reading more of your thoughts.
  22. Welcome Sabrina. Glad to have you with us. I look forward to hearing your ideas.
  23. Seems plausible given what we know about the variability of allomantic strength from person-to-person. Tap investiture to give your overall allomantic strength a boost. Even given the scant understanding we have of feruchemical investiture, seems plausible. Edit: My only qualm is that it seems like it would be extraordinarily powerfull after a fashion. Consider, how often are you actually using your allomantic ability? Seems like it would be insanely easy to store your allomantic strength when not using it only to draw it out in the few times when you are using it. Perhaps you can only store while actively using the investiture? Weaker steel pushes to store up for more potent pushes later. Seems like a better balance.
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