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Everything posted by Shardlet

  1. You just offended the entirety of Texas (except perhaps Texarkana ) and most of the South with that statement, Two. For the record, Texas is not the South.
  2. I suspect that Roshar had something akin to the highstorms prior to the arrival of humans. Why change over everything in the world to adapt to the new highstorms but leave humans unchanged and largely undefended against them? Doesn't quite make sense to me. Seems more likely you had a world which had violent storms and an ecosystem adapted to these storms prior to the arrival of humans.
  3. Since they are assisting Honor (by presumabely upholding the Oathpact) rather than Honor assisting them, I don't know why they would think they owed him something. They've suffered and sacrificed for a long stinking time. Really, who owes whom? As near as I can can tell so far, the Heralds have born the brunt of upholding the Oathpact (unless Honor sacrificed himself to give someone an advantage).
  4. I was more referring to energy as a source for mass production for healing as in energy can be converted to mass in order to provide the bits for regrown fingers and such. I would assume that all other external effects would be unchanged. The part of the cosmere that is necessarily outside the realm of physics is going to be the power of creation and its direct application. Most all of the magic systems step outside of physics at least a bit. As for creation of electricity on a seesaw per se, obviously you are going to have heat generated by friction and transmission of electricity. But insofar as you are getting something for nothing, as it were, you are drawing on your investiture and therefor using the power of creation to some extend even if all the weight stored and tapped comes from you. I think this gives some slush to work with.
  5. As far as we know they were humans selected by Honor (since almighty=Honor and they are called Heralds of the Almighty) and accepted the calling and were subsequently invested by Honor.
  6. I'm not sure that the speed of the push itself would increase. I can really only see an increase in the implementation of a push. It is physical speed that is stored.
  7. Some of the decision process comes from where he knows there are oncentrations of fans of his work. Send him an email on his website with your location (and perhaps a request for a signing visit close by). This would probably help get him closer to you.
  8. Also, presumably, it would be difficult for Szeth to sneak up behind them since the fight is only between team Rao-Way and team Mara-Zeth. Also, Szeth would have to be outside of Marasi's bubble for it to even be functional in the manner described. Since Marasi would be slow relative to Wayne, Wayne would have his attention focused on Szeth. However, if the far side of both Wayne's and Marasi's bubbles were coextensive, then Szeth could hop into Wayne's bubble an whoop it up on Raoden and Wayne, especially since they are in the same timeframe and the advantage of having Wayne would be mitigated.
  9. Welcome Two! What engineering are you majoring in? MSE and MetE for me. Glad to have you with us?
  10. Thanks Elend_Rahl! I try to find amusing quotes from Brandon's books and put them in my signature. I had a great one from Lopen before. I have had this one for a while now. It's getting on towards time for a switch. It is a cool scene for that insight into Breeze. I like the bits that flesh out his character more, like the warehouse scene in WoA. I take it from your name that you are a Sanderson and Goodkind fan?
  11. Congratulations! And, Welcome!
  12. I agree with Grandmaster, but for slightly different reasons. Even if Zane chooses not to move he could choose to move. Atium shows shadows of interactions. So Zane would see shadows of Vin’s potential responses to his potential moves. Also, this would give Zane’s presence away since Vin would see the potential that Zane has for interference. Moral of the story is, if you are hiding from a mistborn, only burn atium when their back is turned and they are a fair distance from you.
  13. Conservation of energy could still hold. Energy could be drawn from the feruchemist, the surroundings, the power of creation or any combination. The rub with the reversal to a previous state idea is scarring. But, if I recall that was a major point of debate in the thread which Kurk linked to.
  14. As far as I have seen so far, Bandon tends to be evasive in direct response to a question reather than with volunteered info.
  15. Welcome Saverok. Glad to have you with us.
  16. It is compelling that it is a spearman in reasonably fancy armor. Armor of that style would be terribly cumbersome to a spearman who fights the way Kaladin does. Shardplate however would be an exception to that. As to the visor, shardplate has a visor. Dalinar refers to it a few times. Also, as to the fancyness of it, most of the adornment of shardplate is added by the person who has the plate. I suspect that it is not crazy fancy without the bearer's added embelishments. I also can't see Kaladin blinging it up if he got some plate. It very well could be Kaladin in plate. As to the spear, that would be a cumbersome spear to wield in battle. If it is as heavy as it looks then it would seem to be more useful as a pike. However, if it were a shardspear...
  17. Here is the fly in the ointment for this theory: So, since we have seen Parshendi, and brandon has said that we haven;t seen what the chasmfiends start out as, I think it is unlikely that the Parshendi are an early stage in the chasmfiend's life cycle.
  18. With the info I am aware of I can get behind either of two possibilities pretty easy: 1) The spike takes all the abilities and the one that is given is determined by the bindpont through which the chatgerd spike is driven. 2) Intent plays into it and the spike takes the ability you intend it to take when it is driven through the 'donor'. I intend to flesh out the question I asked at SpoCon the next chance I have to get us a bit more rounded understanding of Hemalurgy's broad usability.
  19. As I understand it, though Hemalurgy is broad in the possibility of it being used, it is narrow in the capability of it being used. I think it is the most challenging of the metallic arts to successfully use. If you'll recall, HoA says that Ruin usually failed to get someone spiked because it was so challenging. You must have someone with an investiture of some kind to steel, the spike must be driven through their heart, and the the spike then must be placed in any of a specific set of bindpoints to be functional. I can only think of a few few people with any kind of knowledge to do this, Sazed and Marsh being the chief two. Marsh will have a knowledge of several effective bindpoints but only matbe a 10th of them all. I suspect that other Shards will be aware of the bindpoints, but perhaps be unaware of hemalurgy or the proper metal for the proper investiture for the proper effect. Some of the Kandra may know a couple of bindpoints and there may be some additional information out there depending on whether Marsh wrote the book that Wax was reading or if someone else did.
  20. I am inclined to think that Rashek was not the first. Otherwise, I would be rather unimpressed with Preservation. Rashek, barely stopped Alendi from inadvertantly releasing Ruin. It would be a pretty poor showing for Preservation to lose the first time around. It seems to me that others took the powert before, but did not use hemalurgy the way TLR did. This would mean a usage of the power and a natural lifespan following. The historic impact could well be lost. Whereas TLR left a huge footprint because he did not trust that anyone else would use the power rather than release it.
  21. The rule of thumb for Brandon's books is: If a story is set on Earth (or an alternate Earth), then that story is not part of the cosmere (the universe where many of Brandon's novels are set) grand arc. If a book is not in the cosmere, then there is no grounds for finding a connection beteen story elements with other novels. The closest we know of to an exception to that is the Rithmatist because the magic system in that book (rithmatics) was originally planned as a cosmere system. But, he did make tweaks to it, so even that is not bound by cosmere rules. In any case, welcome and we'd be glad to hear more from you.
  22. I would say that in TFE he was not a villain. He may have played into Ruin's hand (was probably manipulated by Ruin). But, by all appearances he really did care. And, judging by Marsh's comment at the end of AoL, still does. Now that being said, Brandon has said that Kelsier was a psychopath. He killed without compunction. His POV's gave no impression that he was bothered in any way by wantonly killing nobleman. If I recall, Brandon also said that in another story and setting, Kelsier would likely be a villain. So, in TFE, a good guy, but not a Good Guy.
  23. I would be floored if they did not search out every corner of the cavern that they could discover. The beads were in discs of clay while the atium was found in geodes. The geodes are of course discrete in nature being a single rock, while clay, in contrast, is found as large deposits rather than in a discrete cohesive mass. This further suggests to me placement.
  24. It could be read either way. But given what has been determined about how atium compounding works, TLR would have been having to consume an increasing amount of atium in order to achieve a progressively diminishing effect. This suggests that the statement is not exvlusive of TLR. But, I suppose that taking the power at the well could very well allow for TLR to hit a reset button on that. More convincingly, everything in the story seems to indicate that TLR was in power for about 1000 years. In light of that, I would expect that the quote indicates that there were others who took the power previous to Rashek.
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