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Everything posted by Shardlet

  1. Well there are these links that I know of: http://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/691-verified-locations-for-unreleased-bookschapters-and-sample-chapters-of-published-books/'>Verified locations for unreleased bookschapters and sample chapters of published books http://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/3941-spocon-report/?p=62592'>SpoCon readings http://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/3710-words-of-radiance-readings/'>Words of Radiance readings
  2. Perhaps, but the sparker is going to have human speed and the atium gives the seer the mental speed to dodge and react to the atium shadows. Again, surprise is what did Zane in. Also, just because the sparker can adjust along the way, if you make a thrust with a fist, knife, sword or whatever and try to change the direction of that thrust midstream, what do you get? Likely a slower, weaker, clunkier thrust. Your physiology would have to be incredibly tuned to do this effectively. The sparker has mental speed. All the physical limitations still apply. It's not like in Mario Bros. where you can change the direction of your jump after you've left the ground.
  3. Your Petty Theories Shall NOT Prevail!! Haha, sorry Kurk, I missed that one. I only did a quick search. I should clarify. I am not super into realmatics at this point and I have only given a cursory glance at a couple of the above threads. I just figured I could facilitate a meal.
  4. It appears that you have a particular interest in Realmatic Theory. I'm sure you have seen at least a couple of these, but here are some threads which should have many of the prevailing thoughts about realmatics. I suspect that you will also find some of the most pertinent quotes from Brandon here as well: http://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/3045-realmatic-theory-and-magic-101/'>Realmatic Theory and Magic 101 A Code Monkey's Thoughts on Realmatic Theory http://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/3030-laws-of-the-cosmere/'>Laws of the Cosmere? http://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/2596-why-are-there-only-three-realms/'>Why are there only three realms? http://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/2695-realmatic-theory-satsuoni-edition/'>Realmatic Theory, Satsuoni Edition Theory: Rock, Paper, Scissors...Physical, Cognitive, Spiritual.
  5. Shadesmar is the cognitive realm. It is where the cognitive resides, as it were. Ha, I even posted in the thread. Although it is a good thing I welcomed you here. Nobody did there, they just answered your question.
  6. I doubt it would extend out to very many shadows (certainly not like atium v. atium). It would still only be the sparker's originally anticipated action do and the sparker's reaction to the seer's action. It would not magnify out because the sparker can only react to the seer's actions. On top of which the atium also speeds the seer's mental speed (at least in terms of reactions to the shadows).
  7. Nah. I think the Seer has the advantage since they only deal with two shadows and sooner or later they would guess the right one. Zane lost because he was confused at the second shadow and that slowed him. Slow down against Vin and you're dead.
  8. BS has said that a number of Heralds (5, 6?) make appearances in TWoK. Many also think that the bearded man is a Herald. Some say Ishi. It is also widely considered that Shalash makes a prominent appearance in an interlude. I won't say which or who, in case you want to figure it out on your own. Great observation though, n8. Glad to have you with us in the forums. I look forward to hearing more from you. Welcome.
  9. Except for two key things. 1) BS indicated that Nightblood is vastly more powerful than a shardblade. 2) Lashings apparently don't work very well on invested items. Both points tilt things towards Vasher.
  10. Note: I use the following convention when speaking of the Shards: shard = a 16th portion of Adonalsium exclusive of a conciousness which holds the shard; Shard = shard +holder. The rub is, realmatics has not been fleshed out very much canonically(Emperor's soul and Mistborn have the most info). Especially so in the Particular case of the Shards themselves. There are several theories and a few tidbits that have been teased out. But there is a lot of conjecture and speculation underlying a lot of it. I personally expect that the shard itself has a cognitive aspect which is most fully expressed in the governing intent of the shard. The holder of the Shard definitely adds to the cognitive aspect of the Shard as a whole. The physical body of the holder of the shard is retained somehow and somewhere. The physical aspect of the shard itself is to my knowledge unknown as yet. Many of us speak of it as if Adonalsium was a crystal of sorts and the shards are pieces of that crystal, but I am unsure that this is accurate. As to the spiritual, there is of course the soul of the holder of the shard. But beyond that, I really don't know. Edit: By the way, welcome to the forums jbookworm100. If you are interested, there is an "Introduce Yourself" forum where you can post an introductory thread so we can get to know you a little.
  11. IDK, Szeth got skills, no doubt. But Vasher is pretty handy with a sword as well. On top of which, I think Nightblood would certainly view Szeth as having enough 'evil' in him to make a strong go of it. I think a deciding factor would be setting. Inside, Szeth could use his lashings to far greater effect. Outside would be much more challenging for Szeth and I think Vasher would kick his trash. Especially with the breath trick.
  12. Windy (or whoever has the capability), could you add the Jasnah reading to the OP in this thread?
  13. Thrashing and struggling, Here it is so far: One time, when a Mistborn was going to a Dragonwasp Legion meeting, he saw a grey Shardbearer in a dark alley, brutally slitting open a gigantic watermelon with a rusty Sliver of Honor. So, of course, the Mistborn burned the watermelon, lighting the Shardbearer's cape on fire, blue flames concealing it from his view. The Shardbearer turns into a duck, ripping open the cosmere, and seeing a locked door emitting dark shine and Stormlight. The Shardbearer ran to get his Blade tripping over duck beaks that littered the ground, breaking his neck. The Mistborn howled at a monkey's attacks on his Mistcloak. Thrashing and struggling,
  14. But of course, for the benefit of those who are unfamiliar with this story, it is not yet released. The only thing we have so far (that I am aware of) is a reading here.
  15. BS described it as being a great series for an 11 year-old who is too smart for his own good. My daughter is nine and I expect to try he on it in about 6 mos. or so. She has the capability of reading it just find. But she is unlikely to recognize a fair amount of the humor and would be less likely to really enjoy it much.
  16. You may well be correct Vortaan. We are just tossing around things here. As for Sazed it could be a number of things. Two of which could be he is new and perhaps does not know how to manifest physically, it may not have even occurred to him to try. Also, it may simply be that he chooses not to. Personally, I am just not ready to ascribe a lot of limitations on the Shards yet since we have only a very little bit of info.
  17. Although Hoid took a bead of lerasium, the epigraph leter in TWoK seems to indicate that he has not burned it to become an allomancer.
  18. I still point to Elend's future dump when he duralumined atium. That sounds like a lot more than the sum total of the time of the atium he had.
  19. Welcome Lazer. I was just telling someone the other day that we really needed a butcher's perspective on an issue . Glad to have you with us. I look forward to hearing from you.
  20. What a nightmarishly grueling schedule. I will likely go to the Oct. 14th signing in Seattle
  21. Also, consider, there is more than Kaladin's life at stake here. He has taken responsibilty for the lives of those who follow him. Syl watching for a traitor protects them as much as it does Kaladin, perhaps more so. If they kill some faceless bridgemen it is a lesson, but if they kill Kaladin, they have made a martyr. It seems that Sadeas and Hashal see this which is why they try to get Kaladin killed in battle or in chasm duty. That way their hands are 'clean' and they do not immortalize the memory of Kaladin.
  22. I am inclined to agree with Gloom on this one. He may have made a commitment of sorts as you suggested, but that was outside of any real circumstances and so was largely an academic acceptance, if you will. The quote from Gloom was a decision point. When it counts, will he make the commitment? He was walking away. He had not yet internalized the first ideal yet. He warred with it and in the end chose to offer his life and the lives of those he cared about to the first ideal. I think this is the point that he truly reached the first ideal, though it was not verbally spoken. That is the nagging aspect of it, but the scene you are talking about Hoser doesn't offer much in regard to that problem either.
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