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Everything posted by Shardlet

  1. That is a good quote. I have seen that one before. Since I posited that they could be planning for atium's return and they may have actually discovered the location of the pits, I think that fits in well with what I tossed out. What remains to be seen is whether atium will indeed return as planned. There is a quote somewhere that says that Harmony can choose whether or not to release atium into Scadrial. Ah! Here it is: Quote So, if Sazed has a reason to release atium into the world at a time which corresponds to the Sets plans, then lucky them. I think it unlikely that Sazed would release it without a purpose for doing so. And I especially doubt that he would release it to facilitate the Sets plans since they want control not harmony.
  2. That is a compelling quote. I think there is room for some interpretation because of similar. But that is the best evidence I have yet seen of a permanent bond being established. Thank you Gloom.
  3. Also, what is the difference between being substantially invincible in a physical body and being substantially invincible not in a physical body. As seen in Mistborn, their direct awareness can only be focused in one place at a time, but they can shift that focus at a whim. If a Shard wants to, and has the capability to, kill you, they could do it without a physical manifestation. Consider, a physical manifestation of a Shard need not be human in form or appearance. And, even if it is human in appearance, it need not be human in substance. It really only needs to be a puppet of sorts. This would enable them to interact with humans in a way that is relatable and comfortable like Miyabi is talking about, but not limit them substantialy in any way.
  4. Also, Vin was uber-inexperienced with this kind of thing and it was not her feruchemical charge. Both of these may have factored into how things went down with her not being able to sense it properly. Remember, compounding was completely unknown to Sazed and Vin. But, that being said, the "Basically the same thing as above, except with aluminum. Aluminum, they would just go away" quote seems fairly definitive that the metal with the charge goes poof. I wonder if a duralumin twinborn could to a super-powered compound by charging and burning a duralumin-mind and boosting by burning a second piece of duralumin which is uncharged.
  5. Pretty useless sure, but not necessarily without effect. Realistically, how much practical use are any of the things on that list.
  6. Seems like an Aluminum twinborn burning a bit of Aluminum which has stored identity in it would result in a compounding of the stored identity rather than destruction of wiping of metalminds. What that would entail is hard to say without further understanding of stored identity. Multiple personalities? Extreme self-awareness? Intense burst of introspection? Instantanneous self-discovery? Who knows (other than Brandon)?
  7. IIRC, the Well itself wasn't the prison, but rather, the prison was at the well (as seen by the cloud of smoke that Vin and Elend saw there). The well was an accumutation of the power of Preservation. When Vin released the power, the rush of power broke the prison. I don't have a problem with a Shard manifesting physically. What could they do in physical form (ultimately) that they could could not do in some other form? Kill you? If they wanted/needed to, couldn't they kill you, regardless of what form they are manifesting as. Ruin couldn't do it because he was incomplete as a result of not having his 'body'. I doubt a physical manifestation would be necessarily accompanied by a substantial weakness that could be exploited by humans(oids?). Other Shards, perhaps. Even in Ruin's weakened state, he was not able to be harmed by humans. All they could do was frustrate his plans. It took Vin-Shard (Vinservation? PreserVin? ) to kill him.
  8. Half ninja in this case. I fleshed it out more.
  9. I would point out that calories are energy and hormones are chemicals.
  10. Kaladin has stronger surgebinding capability. But Szeth kicks his trash for experience (right now).
  11. Most shardbearers would not consider the blade to be an unwanted effect of an investiture. However, Syl hates Dalinar's blade for whatever reason (I have my own ideas). Could this be used to 'purify' a blade?
  12. I think whether Sezth or Kaladin is the better fighter is debatable. To be sure both are very skilled. Consider that Szeth shows a remarkable mental agility and adaptability which allows him to instantly shift his directional perceptions to correspond to his lashings. I expect that this ability would enable him to adapt quickly to unexpected changesas well as the ebb and flow of battle. Take away Szeth's shardblade and give him a spear and set him against Kaladin at the end of TWoK and I would still give the advantage to Szeth.
  13. IDK, my money is on Urithuru being at the purelake in either the physical or Shadesmar. So, until we get more information, I am going to suggest that Urithuru was previously in the physical realm Purelake and now is in Shadesmar at the corresponding purlake location.
  14. Well, I was basing that off of your statement following others' comments talking about a soulbearer (who is not an allomancer) being nicrobursted or a soulbearer ulso using duralumin.
  15. Hard to say. It has never been canonically fleshed out on how pushing and pulling works with large metal objects. Vin's spire chase with the inquisitors suggests to me that you can choose a point to push from or pull towards.
  16. I agree that spacial relationships are different in Shadesmar. But, I would expect them to be compressed and that relative locations are the same. Imagine a sheet of spandex and draw 100 dots on it while it is stretched. When you relax the spandex, the dots all move closer together but are in the same relative position. I think that such a condition would need to be the case, otherwise travel through Shadesmar would not be particularly accurate (i.e., it would have been very impressive for Hoid to hop into the Well chamber to get the lerasium without some serious predictability). Personally I suspect this refers to Dalinar (or Elhokar) and perhaps coupled with Kaladin. The glyphs representing the Kholin family are the tower and the crown (you can see the glyphpair at the start of every Dalinar POV chapter) and the spear possibly being a reference to Kaladin.
  17. I suspect it also has to do with the fact that the power of two shards is now unguided/unharnessed by a conciousness. Brandon said it was a good thing for Scadrial that Kelsier temporarily took up the power in HoA. This suggests to me that unguided shard power is hazardous.
  18. I agree that it appears that Taravangian set up the cave-in to observe Jasnah soulcasting up close. There are apparent differences between Jasnah's soulcasting of the boulder and the soulcasting from te interlude. However, although I agree that Taravangian's means are atrocious, he appears to earnestly believe that what he is doing will save the world. Whether his methods could ultimately achieve that goal (absent interference), I don't know. Also, where did he get his information from that set him on this course? I doubt he will be a 'hero' (though he could play a Hrathenesque role) and I suspect he is being deceived.
  19. Because they are identified as the ideals of the KR not the ideals of surgebinding or ideals of the Almighty or the ideals of power, etc. That is my basis for tying them closely with the KR exclusively. I mean, you could say that is an in-world understanding and therefore unreliable, but most of our evidence for all the theories here is based on in-world understanding. I don't have a problem with there being some form of innate investiture or power ability. I was not responding to that. Likewise, I don't have a problem with power and ability being tied to meeting certain qualifications based of action and/or intent. I just have qualms about tying all surgebinding to adherence to the ideals of the KR. Could non-KR surgebinders make choices that would bring them into the KR and receve the power-ups through attainment of the ideals? Sure. I would also expect that anyone who developed in such a way outside of the KR would be drawn to the KR. Why wouldn't they? If the KR became corrupt then most of the KR would abandon the organization and...wait .
  20. Ah, well, the war was presently being fought when I went to sleep last night. The eagles had just arrived. Mea culpa.
  21. Ewww, that sounds unpleasant and abrupt.
  22. If it is in the shattered plains and it did come from Shadesmar, I can get behind a massive release of energy. Falling doesn't wash for me. I doubt that relative altitudes make a difference since 'land' and 'sea' are switched between physical and Shadesmar. In other words, the portions of Shadesmar which correlate to land in the physical would be of fairly uniform altitude (i.e., sea level) while the physical realm is anything but uniform elevetion. Like I said, it would make worldhopping nearly impossible to be done safely. In almost every case you would be dropped or end up inside something else. And I am very dubious about moving Urituru from one location in Shadesmar to another. Though it is the cognitive realm, we are still dealing with a physical construction.
  23. Personally, I don't mind it as long as it makes sense and strongly contributes to the rightness of the story. I sometimes find it annoying when everybody lives. For example (maybe not the best example since it was written for a younger audience), I am currently rereading the hobbit. The only four beings of any name that die in the book are the trolls and the Great Goblin. It stretches credulity when you have 14 main characters and none of them come away with any lasting harm. The end of Mistborn was sad to be sure. But, I agree with Brandon, it was right.
  24. The ideals are the key only to KR power. We haven't seen any indication that the ideals apply to anything outside of the KR. The KR is not merely an organization of surgebinders who are guided by these ideals. They are a system established (likely by Honor and Cultivation) to guide surgebinders to align themselves with certain characteristics and when they reach certain levels of alignment, they are granted a power-up. I have seen a number of posts, both here and in the reread comments on Tor, putting forward the idea that the ideals and the KR were formed and created by Nohadon. However, by all indications we have so far, Nohadon was a mortal king that really had his ducks in a row. I don't see anything which even suggests that he had the power to establish the power-up ideals aspect of the KR. I also don't see any indication that shardplate and blades could be produced by anything other than direct Shardic involvement. The indication that the KR was the group that had these (largely) exclusively, further suggests direct Shardic involvement with the creation and powering of the KR. Edit: FYI, Gloom, only the first sentence is a response to your comment.
  25. Shards can manifest physically. Otherwise, the mistspirit could not have stabbed Elend. This was a physical interaction.
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