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Everything posted by Shardlet

  1. I am uncertain of two things with this idea. If Urituru was in a location in SHadesmar which correlated with a location in the physical realm West of Alethela, why would it have ended up east of Alethela upon leaving Shadesmar? Also, if it left Shadesmar, why would it have come out at a location of substantially higher elevation than the ground in the physical? I doubt that if you left Shadesmar at a location which correlated to a mountain in the physical realm you would end up inside the mountain. Otherwise, use of Shadesmar for travel and worldhopping would be astoundingly hazardous.
  2. They would have to be a nicrosil twinborn, but yeah.
  3. to my understanding, both duralumin and nicrosil cause an allomancers metal(s) which is be being burned to be supuer burned and consumed. Since a feruchemist does not burn a metal, it seems that allomantic nicrosil and duralumin wouldn't affect that.
  4. Agreed. Shallan saw/drew several cryptics. There were more than one hanging about her. This is a key reason why I am skeptical that her bond with the cryptic that took her to Shadesmar is a Nahel bond. I suspect that the bond with the cryptic is transient, like paying the ferryman.
  5. Two things Gloom: 1) We still don't know that Shallan has formed a Nahel bond. There is reasonable grounds to suggest that as a possibility. But, imo, not solid enough to be reasonably assured that that is the case. 2) Szeth has surgebinding capabilities without a Nahel bond. This seems to clearly indicate that a Nahel bond is not always necessary for surgebinding of which, one facet is soulcasting. So, even if a dummy soulcaster fabrial is used (such as Jasnah's), the person soulcasting (probably) does not necessarily have a Nahel bond.
  6. The rub is, we have a map of the silver kingdoms (including Alethela) and a modern map showing present day Alethkar. In both cases, the plains are to the East.
  7. Congrats KChan! I tried to work, but it was not very fruitful. I work from home, so the only danger to my commute was falling down the stairs .
  8. Here you go Maximus. http://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/3189-brandon-signing-120612/?hl=%2Bpressure+%2Bgravitation'>source
  9. http://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/712-report-signing-with-brandon-and-peter-orullian/?hl=%2Bszeth+%2Bspren'>source
  10. Glad to have you with us Joshua. Welcome to the 17th Shard.
  11. Another hole would be that, as a Herald, Dalinar would not substantially age. So he would have had to been adopted by a man who was likely of a similar age (in appearance) and been very close to a young man young enough to be his son. This seems unlikely to result in being considered a brother. Also, in Alethi society, if you are a lighteyed male, you go out and fight and win otherwise you are not accounted for much. Look at the ridicule Renarin must endure and he has a physiological reason why he cannot go out and fight. Imagine the opinion of society if he simply chose not to fight.
  12. Even so, it appears you are placing a very strong tie between honorspren (which I noticed that you capitalize every time) and Honor. I personally haven't seen anything evidence yet to suggest that Kaladin or any other KR is bonded to more than one spren. As to Shallan, I have doubts about her bonding. I suspect that her bond with the cryptic is a transient bond and not a Nahel bond. The cryptic grants her passage to Shadesmar but is conspicuously absent once she is in Shadesmar and doesn't appear to participate in her soulcasting. The nature of that spren bond is rather undescribed.
  13. While Kelsier is pulling on many pieces of metal in that scene, none of them can really be considered 'anchors' since they are smaller and Kelsier is pulling them to him rather than him to them. The closest I can think of to what Doc is referring to would be Vin opening the storage caverns. She did it with high flares of Pewter to compensate for the strain on her body from being pulled in two directions. Even a super-powered lurcher would not be able to accomplish that. But, I think some degree of control could be exercised with your pulls so that you were balanced between two anchors to root you to a spot. But, a flared balance would probably be physically painful at the very least.
  14. I think you are locked into the idea that all spren which form Nahel bonds are honorspren. I doubt that this is the case. I also think the Nohadon vision strongly suggests otherwise. I think most people fall into this because of the correlation between Honor (speaking of the Shard) and and honorspren. Frequently, a number of us have capitalized honorspren. However, in the book, honorspren is not capitalized when either Nohadon or Syl use the term. This suggests to me a tie to an attribute rather than a particularly significant tie to Honor (for clarification, I theorize that all spren are splinters of Honor and/or Cultivation and sentient/bonding spren are voluntary splinters while non-sentient/non-bonding spren are the result of Honor being shattered).
  15. Parting out metals from alloys is almost always very difficult. And usually destructive in the sense that at least one species is no longer in metallic form (e.g., dissolved by acid). Most alloys get trickier than that when separating because most metals are reactive to commonly used acids. Gold is one of the easier to separate out because gold id non-reactive to most acids. I suspect TLR's bracer were not alloyed with atium, but rather served as mountings for the atium.
  16. Well, in Kaladin's storm dream he does see a pattern in the shattered plains and a light at the center of the plains. However, Dalinar says that it seems like their should be a pattern but the extent of the Alethi maps does not display any apparent pattern. As to the cymatic images Kabsal produces, he shows four to Shallan and Jasnah asks if the plate shows a pattern for Urithuru and Kabsal declares Urithuru to be a myth. (Tangent: since the Vorinism holds the KR and the Heralds to be genuine history, why are they so fussy about Urithuru being a myth?) Anyway, no image of Urithuru (yet). The rub of course with Urithuru being in the Shattered Plains is that we have an indication from the book that Urithuru is located west of Alethela (Alethkar) while the plains are to the East. Also, Jasnah is forcefully adamant that Urithuru is not in the plains when Shallan pushes this idea. Not conclusive, I know. But, compelling.
  17. He lives!! I think that a links tab with a few links is a spiffing idea. If it could be one of those tabs that when you hover over it, it gives a drop down with links and the tab itself, when clicked upon, takes you to a separate page with said links, then it would be even grander.
  18. You are right. I haven't looked at the thread for a while now. I forgot about the quote Windrunner brought to the discussion. Okay, not natural. But, it still seems to be a rather substantial separation in time between the splintering of Devotion and Dominion and the earthquake.
  19. Seons had been handed down from generation to generation for some time before the events of Elantris. They were a well established aspect of life and society well before the Reod. Couple that with the fact that the seons contain splinters of Devotion and that Brandon places the time of the origin of the seons at the same time of the death of Aona and Skai we see that the splintering of Devotion and Dominion was long before the earthquake. For my part, until there is some indication that the chasm was caused by someone's will or actions, I attribute it to nature.
  20. WooHoo! New Whovian! Welcome to the club.
  21. Recall also though, that pewter allows her to toe to toe and match blows with a 12 foot Koloss.
  22. I think it was you. It was a few months ago. Gack! I mispelled your name too. Edit: I have since looked back and cannot confirm that it was you Kurkistan. Therefore, the above allegation should be relegated to mere suspicion. @Weiry- I only made the distinction to differentiate when and who gave the investiture. While it is substantially Harmony's investiture now, Sazed didn't give it. That was the point of all that word wrangling .
  23. Ooh, an old school links tab. Nice.
  24. Yes, that insvestiture was given by Ruin and Preservation at the creation of humans on Scadrial. This investiture also includes the metallic arts. The metallic arts are still in play and are still passed genetically from generation to generation. There is no apparent new magic system present on Scadrial so it does not appear that Sazed has given an additional or alternative investiture. Ergo, the investiture on Scadrial appears to be from Ruin and Preservation from when they were separate and there doesn't appear to be an investiture from Harmony since Ruin and Preservation were joined. However, since that investiture was given by Harmony's constituent parts. Part of Harmony's overall substance is invested. For example, if your dad and your mom each made separate financial investments and subsequently giftied all their financial holdings to you including these investments, then part of your financial holdings are now invested even though you yourself did not make the initial investment. At least you didn't think I was a girl like Kurkistan did .
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