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Everything posted by Shardlet

  1. For anyone who is interested to know, I discovered an error in the document. I have it listed that Danlan is introduced in Chapter 52. But, she is actually introduced in Chapter 28. I have edited the document above so any future downloads will be accurate.
  2. That is a really good point. Do this Keyoke and see if you can spot the Easter egg.
  3. I think that since Honor was dealing with Odium, that he would be very concerned about Odium having previously killed two other Shards. I don't see anything to suggest that Odium cares about worlds or their inhabitants except as perhaps a means to an end. If they get caught in the crossfire, I doubt he is going to lose any sleep. But, I doubt he is inclined to go an smite the peons any more than if you were up against 15 opponents/rivals you would be inclined to pause and destroy an ant hill.
  4. I like the look of it. Very up to date and attractive. I especially like the header which (I assume) highlights the up-and-coming or most recent release. It would be nice if there was more direct links to the annotations and such (rather than a link to the page with all the links) or that the annotations and such content was likewise updated to the new format.
  5. Allow me to be the first to welcome you to the forums Keyoke. Glad to have you with us. Either read Elantris first because it is a good warm-up to TWoK or Read TWoK first, then Elantris, and then TWoK again in anticipation of WoR. (I am a big rereader).
  6. Yes Joe, this is a most generous offer. You are a scholar and a gentleman. I don't care what Windy says about you when you aren't listening. Seriously though, Thank you.
  7. I think Crysanja meant that perhaps it is not the three dimesional field effect that stops the chalklings, but rather a two dimensional rithmatic effect similar to the effect of a line of warding (only stronger) that interacts with the chalklings.
  8. But why Sel and Scadrial's suns (in particular)?
  9. A shameless attempt to sway selection in your favor Gamma. Naughty, naughty Shadow Dancer!
  10. Disclaimer: This is my opinion and my entire world of online interaction is this forum. I am not well-versed on conventionally accepted online manners. I take a more middle of the road approach on this. I think there are contexts in which bolding is most appropriate and others in which using italics is most appropriate. In this particular case, I think italics would have been most appropriate. I think bolding was a step higher in intensity, in this particular case, than I personally would have gone (assuming, of course, Tal did not intend that level of intensity).
  11. Ah, but then we have Eric's lovely question from SpoCon: That means it is entirely plausible for the devotion and willingness of the monk as a sacrifice to be a key element in FjorDor.
  12. You may be right, but I don't see why it would have been the suns of Scadrial and Sel falling/failing. Without any indication that those sons did so, there seems to be a lack of a tie.
  13. Alas, I have not. And, since I live in Western Washington rather than Northern Utah, it is unlikely that I will until he revamps and publishes it (I belive it is currently expected to be a 5-7 volume series). A few of the admins have (I think) but I don't know who for sure. Other than that, your guess is as good as mine.
  14. Gate-crashers are welcome. Glad to have you with us.
  15. Hi Vasher. Glad to have you with us. I gather from your name that you also have read and approve of Warbreaker. I look forward to hearing your ideas.
  16. Welcome to 17th Shard? Glad to have you with us. You are very lucky to have been able to get a hold of it. However, FYI, any open discussion of any unpublished works (including Dragonsteel) is verboten on the forums. However, the admins have indicated that private discussion via personal messager is kosher. What other Sanderson have you read?
  17. Yes, I concur with Kurk. What makes heamlurgy end-negative is not the death of the donor, but the loss in magnitude of the power during transformation. Dakhor (and other magics) would be end-negative if every time you used it it became at least a little bit weaker or you lost some potency with the magic or something along those lines.
  18. I prefer mine to be uncooked if I, by some chance, win. Edit: ironically, I had two typos in my response.
  19. I am going to suggest that maybe there is a distinction between actions of a Shard and the use of the power of a shard. Preservation could probably act in small ways against the intent of the Shard (as in the case of stabbing Elend), but could not use the power of the shard (notice capitalization of Shard v. shard; shard = chunk of Adonalsium, Shard = entity holding a shard , i.e., entity plus shard) in a manner contrary to the intent of the shard. This would explain why Rashek could not use the power of Preservation to kill Kwaan. He attempted to smite him with the power directly. Now, of course, there are important aspects of the timeline which we don't know. How long after the Shattering did Ruin and Preservation make their pact? How long after the creation of life on Scadrial did the ascension of TLR and subsequent the events of TFE take place? And most importantly perhaps, how long does it take for the intent of a shard to overtake the intent of the holder? Is the process the same for every shard or are some shards stronger or weaker in this? Are some holders more determined and able to stave off the shard's intent and maintain their own? Is it gradual or does it come in and smack you? Does it occur exponentially? Does it start slow, accelerate rapidly and then finish slowly (or perhaps even asymptotically)? It's somewhat daunting when you really flesh out what we don't know. I mean, we only have some 20% of the cosmere books and most of the info we have has been teased and built up by Q&A.
  20. I am so fickle about authors, that I reread constantly. For example, I have read Elantris ~3 times, Mistborn TFE at least 4, WoA 3, HoA 2, Dune 1-3 at least 4, probably 5. LoTR ~3, TWoK 3, Emperor's Soul twice...you get the idea. By the time Stormlight is done, I will have read TWoK probably 12 times (at least). I have done probably 7 or 8 Dune books one after another and don't get me started on Potter. I don't have a challenge with getting weary of the world. Some books however, have less bang for the buck on rereads though. I recently reread MIstborn and TFE was no problem. However, I actually had to push myself through WoA and the first third to half of HoA before things got important. I suppose how you reread depends on what your goal in rereading is. If you are rereading purely for enjoyment, when you start getting weary of a book but don't want to just give up on it, put it down and pick up something quick and light like a Discworld book and then come back to the reread. If you are rereading to tease out details, it is tougher. I like to do a series all in one go to maintain the continuity and timeline in my head. It makes it easier for me to make connections between details in seperate volumes. But, what about when you get to a point where you are reading the words on the page but not actually comprehending what you are reading anymore? Take a break? IDK. What may be right for some may not be right for all. For me, I'm alright with washing over a page or two until I am at a place where there is more likely to be some meat for me. Otherwise, I'd rather put it down and come back to it after watching a show, playing with the kids or playing a video game, or something like that rather than pick up something else to read in the interim.
  21. Where is he? It has been three weeks since SpoCon and barely a peep out of him. I thought his schedule was opening up?
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