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Everything posted by Shardlet

  1. Peter was confirming the spelling of her name.
  2. But, they are the most portable. Which, in the overall arc, is a nice benefit. Also hemalurgy is the most versatile since it can steal traits and abilities from non-Scadrian systems.
  3. Credit Kurk for the inspiration for this: Soulcasting dust into air while in a car traveling uphill to avoid having to pop one's ears to equalize the pressure.
  4. My current perception of spren is that they are splinters. The spren which are spren which act (i.e., Syl, cryptics, cusicesh, greatshell spren, etc.), that is to say make a clear effect or change in the physical, are voluntary splinters created by Honor, Cultivation, or some combination of the two. The spren which simply respond or attracted to some phenomenon (i.e., flamespren, windspren, lifespren, poopspren ) are involuntary splinters of honor. I look forward to more from Axies, Syl, and the cryptics (another Rosharan band?) for more spren info.
  5. While I agree that it would not work in the manner Mailliw73 described, I think there is a way this could work. Assume a modified version of the three-anchor configuration previously described (two in front, one behind). Flare it up real good (though this would not likely work without pewter) so you have a super-strong yet balanced pull going. Then, instead of releasing all three pulls, only release the anchor behind you and you have a super-flared lurch. Aim carefully and enjoy the ride, because landing is going to suck.
  6. I would expect that altering physical DNA would unable to grant allomancy, etc. since these are a result of one's sDNA (spiritual-DNA). But, we know so little about it that I could very well be wrong. As Satsuoni pointed out, we know very little (virtually nothing actually) about how the southern continent uses the metallic arts. So anything we come up with is speculation since we have such a thin evidence base. As to the lifeless, I doubt it would work. But, it is hard to get past hemalurgy's name. The 'hema' in hemalurgy refers to blood, whether that is the requirement for the donor, the recipient, or both, I don't know. But my suspicion is both. I suppose it depends on whether the alcohol ichor could provide the same function as blood. Although, in Warbreaker, it seems to only for making a longer lasting lifeless (embalming fluid?). I may be remembering wrong.
  7. I think we can safely answer these two questions for you, Tanabig. I think it is safe to assume that any sentient entity would exist naturally in all three realms (i.e., have a physical, cognitive, and spiritual aspect). That being the case, yes, a person taking up a shard would necessarily have to exist in all three realms. As to Shadesmar, the map in TWoK is representative of the portion of Shadesmar which correlates with Roshar. The "exanses" in the corners of the map identify the portions of Shadesmar which border Roshar's portion. Each expanse correlates with a different cosmere world. Think of the corner bits as indicating which map to turn to in a map book to see what is up there.
  8. Interesting idea my happy friend. Makes good sense. I admit though, I am fond of the idea of tap to feruchemist and now you've got a rockin, metalmind to boot. But, one can't always get what one wants.
  9. Here is your requested quote Kadrok: http://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/1729-a-late-breaking-report/ Quote
  10. Welcome to the forums Wyrmhero! Glad to have you with us. As to your first question. Scadrian investiture is passed genetically. So in the case of IVF, you have a sperm and an egg which combine and and develop according to genetic instructions. This formed embryo is then implanted in the womb of a human female where it continues to grow and develop, etc. To make a long story short, it would naturally have the proper investiture since the investiture is passed genetically. Personally I can't subscribe to the fre will is an illusion idea. It doesn't make any sense to me. As to the hemalurgy question, hemalurgy could only spike a machine if it had hemalurgic bindpoints. These bindpoints are a natural part of human physiology. They would have to be intentionally created in a machine I would think, though I don't know how they could be created. As to spiking the breaths from an awakened object, I doubt it. Spiking the breaths from a human, I bet there is a way. But when spiking a traight from someone a spike is driven through their heart. I am unsure how that would apply to an awakened object.
  11. I would like to announce that passing kidney stones really sucks . Edit: Vicodin makes it interesting though. I either hurt too much to sit still to effectively work or I am too drowsy from the medication to think clearly to work.
  12. I agree with you 100% Gloom. Without the ideals, you are not a radiant. To become a radiant or advance (in power, not rank), you must act in a manner which is so in-line with each ideal that it is revealed to your mind and spoken in response. Some of you may be tired of hearing this, but I don't think that either Jasnah or Shallan has formed a Nahel bond with a spren. Yes, the cryptic spoke of a bond with Shallan, but I don't see any indication (yet) that this bond is a Nahel bond. The fact that it is called a 'Nahel' bond suggests to me that there is more than one kind of bonding that can occur with spren.
  13. I'm inclined to agree with hoser on this. To the reader of the chapters back-to-back, as you suggested Gloom, it may jive. However, there has been a substantial amount of time that has passed in-world between the scenes. If I recall correctly, Dalinar even apologizes for the long delay.
  14. Some of the changes in LoTR were fine, obviously sacrifices and changes must be made in adapting nearly any book to screen. However, as for Potter, JK either did not have much influence or she didn't exert influence. Either way I'm severely disappointed. I understand that Michael Gambon felt like he needed to make Dumbledore his own, but hos versions is very out of step with the character in the books. As for the flying death eaters, the visual was lame. So, fail in my book. My opinion is my own. If you feel differently, then fine. As I said, I don't mind changes that are necessary to adapt a story to screen. What I have problems with is the "Let's change this because it would be cool". Sometimes it works, bur most times it fails and leaves a bad taste in the fans' mouths. I don't like departures which don't add to the story.
  15. Not that anyone can fill it (as only a feruchemist could fill it right). What I meant by universal is that it can be used by a feruchemist to store any feruchemical trait (even more than one at a time, conceivably). The idea I like for gaining feruchemy is an inherent one-time-use feruchemical charge in a chunk of atium-lerasium alloy (which must be a particular alloy for the charge to be accessible) which can be tapped by anyone thus granting full feruchemy. If we all agree, then we should email Brandon and let him know what he decided so he can use it in the next books.
  16. I like the tapping idea rather than the storing. This would allow for a one-time use and would provide proper balance. I am still inclined to lean towards an alloy of lerasium and atium since feruchemy is of both Ruin and Preservation. @GreyPilgrim- My wife also says Say-zed, so you are in good company.
  17. Like tazed or raised. Which, incidientally, not that it really matters since he has said that he sometimes pronounces names different than the in-book pronunciation, also happens to be the way BS pronounces it. One wonders how the god-metals received their names. The names Ruin and Preservation were known to the pre-acscension Terris. How did they get names based upon the names of the individuals holding the shards?
  18. Well, it could be that anyone could burn sazium (my preference) in a similar manner to anyone being able to burn lerasium. We are just spitballing afterall. As far as parallels go, the same parallels exist between all three metallic arts. It may be simpler to just go with the buyrning mechanism. But, I think it would be inelegant. The description of the mists in AoL would be expected to be different than in Mistborn. There is an entirely different frame of reference for perception of color between the two. Also, there is no description by someone who has seen mists both pre- and post-Harmony.
  19. Harmony likely could choose to do this, but it would be up to him. Same as he controls whether or not atium is released.
  20. I still think it would be clunky for feruchemy to be obtained by burning. It may actually be this, but I would respond with "Oh...ok" <said slightly despondently>, if it was. As for the filling method, I generally could go for that except that would be way easy in some ways (other than the obvious difficulty in obtaining the metals). I try to fill it and now I am a feruchemist. Then I pass it to my buddy who is now a full feruchemist, who passes it to...etc. Before you know it, you have a room full of feruchemists with no expenditure of anything. Whereas with lerasium burning, it's a one-off. It's burned and then is gone into the ether. With hemalurgy, anyone can do it, but its limitations are obvious.
  21. Here are some delightful quotes to answer your question, Aventia. Quote Quote One thing that hangs a lot of people up about this is the thought that 'How could someone access the power of Preservation when Preservation is not present there?' In answer to this, I say, remember that the power of all the Shards is the same power of creation. Thus, the power source should be available on every shardworld at least. Potentially it could be anywhere in the cosmere since the cosmere was created by the same power of creation which powers the Shards. Your investiture and sDNA are the key that unlocks a specific door. But, all the doors ultimately lead to the same place. Edit: added the last paragraph. 500 posts woohoo! I got me a fourth pip under my picture.
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