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Everything posted by Shardlet

  1. This theory is based on a http://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/3901-feruchemical-puzzles/?p=61844'>post I made in the Feruchemical Puzzles thread. So, atium is part of the body of Ruin and lerasium is part of the body of Preservation. Allomancy is of Preservation, hemalurgy is of Ruin and feruchemy is a combination of the two. If lerasium is burned (either pure or as an alloy), the burner becomes an allomancer of some kind. Mistborn if pure, misting if alloyed. A hemalurgic spike made of atium can steal any single power from someone with that power (in a messy and usually fatal manner). It has frequently been theorized as to additional effects of burning atium or burning an alloy of atium and lerasium (i.e., such as becoming a feruchemist). However, burning metals is an allomancy thing. So I don't think that burning would be a part of gaining any investiture except for allomancy. Alternatively, I posit that each god metal is universal for the metallic art of the associated shard. In other words, lerasium is universal for allomancy in that if burned in it's pure form, one becomes a full powered mistborn. Atium is hemalurgically universal in that it can be used to steal any power (not limited to allomancy and feruchemy). But what about Feruchemy? I also posit that an alloy of atium and lerasium (likely 50/50 or something close to that) acts as a universal metalmind (i.e., any attribute may be stored within it). So, to point out an area for speculation, one may become an allomancer by burning lerasium (no use of other arts to do so) and anyone can hemalurgically spike someone as per http://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/3941-spocon-report/?p=62356'>WoB. Again, what about feruchemy? How can someone gain access to feruchemy without the genetic heritage (feruchemist bloodline) and without using any other arts (i.e., no spiking)? Or rather, since allomancy and hemalurgy are both in some way universally accessible, in what manner may feruchemy be universally accessible also?
  2. Although book 5 is planned to be Dalinar's flashback book, Brandon has said that there is no guarantee that character's won't die before their flashback books. Kaladin commands a number of solidiers (~1000) that is typically commanded over by a lighteyes of the fourth dahn. The difference is subtle, but may be significant for the fine line that Dalinar is walking with Kaladin's new position. I expect that he will be 1st nahn now. As a darkeyes, that is the highest rank he can technically hold (even if married to a lighteyes). I expect that this will be addressed fairly early in WoR.
  3. Well, we just figured that was a given since you must be at least slightly cross-eyed to see fancy pants spren like Syl.
  4. Yup. I asked the questions. I just haven't got around to updating the thread. Kaladin is indeed now immune to the Thrill. This theory has been debunked in part. it is still unclear at which point Kaladin became immune. Brandon left open the possibility that In the flashback, he may have felt the Thrill. I also think it is possible at the Amaram battle. Next time I get an opportunity (perhaps at a Steelheart event in Oct.), I will ask a follow-up question to flesh it out a bit more. But, for completeness, I will also note that the Thrill has been confirmed to be more than an adrenaline rush or fog-of-war kind of thing. It is indeed supernatural.
  5. I expect that those in Dalinar's ideological camp (Kaladin, Jasnah, Navani, etc.) will be early adopters, as it were. Others who are ideologically opposed to Dalinar (as it seems the Ghostbloods are) would also be likely to readily accept his position as a Herald. I expect that they will work to stop and discredit him. But, most Alethi (at least the lighteyes) will be opposed to him because he represents major change for them. The darkeyes will probably be more accepting than the lighteyes at large.
  6. Well in the Ati and Leras case, we can see that the death of the holder does not directly cause splintering. It is conceivable that a shard left without a holder could naturally shatter. But, I expect it more likely will release energy according to it's pure intent without a guiding conciousness causing all kinds of problems.
  7. response to Hoser's spoiler:
  8. Also, imprisonment in order to supress someone or their actions and/or message could hardly be termed ignored.
  9. I am not sure that such a stamp would take effect, even for a moment. Something like that seems to be wholly cognitively implausible to the person receiving the stamp. Whether you are alive or dead is going to be a pretty big aspect of your cognitive self (not to mention your spritual and physical selves).
  10. I seriously doubt he'll be ignored. Though dark-eyed, he will still have a shardblade that is unknown to the Alethi (I'm pretty sure they keep close score as much as possible on who has shardblades and even a description of the blades. There are only a few hundred that are known). He also has a shardblade which means he should have lighteyes. The incongruity will surely demand attention. There can be no mistaking that he has a shardblade since he will be able to send it into mist and summon it. The nature of his shardblade (not disappearing when he passed out) will also surely demand attention. None of this means that people will like him or support him. But they absolutely will notice and pay attention to him.
  11. To my knowledge we have no information on the actual steps and mechanics of how Honor, Devotion, Dominion were splintered. We know Odium splintered Devotion and Dominion and we know Odium is active on Roshar and Honor was splintered. We also know that Aona, Skai, and Tanavast (the holders of Devotion, Dominion, and Honor) are dead. We also see that Hoid (Wit) is making a more distinct pressence and taking more overt action on Roshar and the epilogue letter from TWoK indicates that Hoid is working against Odium. This suggests to me that Odium's actions on Roshar are intended to splinter Honor and Cultivation and suggests that Odium played a significant role in Honor's splintering. We also know that the longer someone holds a shard, the more the governing intent of the shard overtakes the personality and intent of the holder. Howver, since Rayse's personality is at least largely inline with the intent of the shard Odium we don't know how much of what Odium does is according to Rayse's personal intent or Odium's intent (e.g., There is no Dana, only Zuul!).
  12. Not surprised. I figure the splintering happened much longer than 10 years before Elantris. I was just leaving the option open since I had not yet heard anything contrary.
  13. I suspect that Taln will hold some tidbits on plate and blade creation. But, I also expect that these will not be able to be created simply at will without some influence making sure that a powerful/wealthy warlord doesn't simply make a bunch of plate and blades once they are in the know.
  14. That quote does seem like Kaladin, but I can't see how it would be. I don't recall a particularly reasonably plausible source for the death cries that would allow for the quote to be actually from Kaladin's perspective. Your idea is very good Alice. An intriguing and a smashing first post. Welcome to the forums. Glad to have you here.
  15. It could mean that, but there are other quotes describing the danger of traveling to and from Sel via Shadesmar. This suggests to me that it is more than the difficulty in the region of the chasm that is providing the danger.
  16. Yes, I agree Tarontos. Once Joel realized that the chalklings were the missing rithmatists he realized that there mere many trapped in a small space and he was concerned about them being crushed within that space as they reformed.
  17. Thank you Kurkistan. That is precisely the one I was referring to. And I fullly agree with your comment as well.
  18. You did indeed read that shards can be reformed. And I would expect that Odium would be interested in preventing the reformation of shards that he has splintered. But, the I expect that someone would have to be very cosmerically aware to even begin to make such an endeavor. It is also possible that the possibility of reforming a splintered shard is unkown to anyone, possibly even to odium.
  19. I do not recall seeing any indication of that, Binnut. Do you have some specific passages that suggest that to you?
  20. I don't have my book with me so I can't pinpoint the quote specifically. But, at one point, Szeth refers to himself as a windrunner. Also, I am not suggesting that Jasnah is using a fabrial in any way. I was only pointing out that we have no indication of Jasnah being bonded with a spren yet except for her soulcasting. Yet, we know that surge abilities can be present/acquired/whatever without the presence of a spren bond (i.e., like the case of Szeth). I'm not saying she doesn't or won't have a spren bond. Just, that it is to early to declare that she does beyond speculation.
  21. Careful with that quote. It sounds like Grima speaking of Saruman to Theoden's court. (Ever has Saruman been our friend and ally).
  22. As to 1), I think it is a given that Lyss's former slave is Szeth. The description has too many precise features as other descriptions of Szeth as a slave that we already have. 2) Not only does Jasnah appear to be willing to use assassins as assassins, she also has contemplated potentially using them to assassinate a family member. I caution the presumption of Jasnah as a budding radiant. We know very little about her and the nature of her soulcasting. Even if she thinks of her ability as a radiant ability, recall that Szeth thinks of himself as a Windrunner, but we know his powers are not sourced from a spren bond
  23. It doesn't seem particularly plausible since Adonalsium is now 12 shards connected to 12 different conciousnesses and an undefined number of splinters (recall Sazed holds 2 shards and Honor, Dominion, and Devotion are dead and splintered). I suppose it could state that collectively the Shards reign in the cosmere, but that doesn't seem to be a particularly pertinent bit of info to give to Dalinar in terms of the desolations.
  24. Personally, I am terrified of a live-action film of Mistborn. It would be so easy to absolutely demolish. I like Mistborn far more than I did Eragon. When I saw the Eragon movie, I nearly threw up with disgust at how poor a job they did with the film. I find many of the changes made in LoTR, and especially Potter to be saddening also. I'm not talking about changes that needed to be made to successfully adapt the book to the screen, I am talking about the stuff that was changed which contributed in no way to the film and kinda made things more difficult for subsequent films (i.e., the death-eaters flying everywhere and blowing up the Burrow). I am scared of Ender's game as well. I am already prepping myself to accept that there will be significant changes to the story. The only saving grace for that movie is that Uncle Orson signed off on everything and was strongly involved in the production.
  25. In many ways, Darnam, I agree with you. But the quote from BS in the OP suggests that she observed something that spooked her. Whether or not she was concious of the observation is obviously open to discussion. But, this thread is largely speculative in nature. And, since Vin's story is closed, it is unlikely that we will ever know without additional info direct from brandon. Edit: The kolat, Windrunner, has struck again .
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